Published: July 31, 2024

Lexical Strings in EFL Textbooks: SFL Analysis and Teaching Implications

262-278 Hieronimus Canggung Darong, Indra Susanto, Ely Heldy Diana Selamat, Yulian Juita Ekalia, Maria Olga Jelimun

Analysis of Advocates' Speaking Strategies in Criminal Case Defense: Its Implementation and Challenges

279-304 Deri Wan Minto, Dadang S. Anshori, Vismaia Sabariah Damaianti, Andoyo Sastromiharjo, Ananda Putriani

Undergraduate Students’ Perception of E-feedback Practice during Online EFL Thesis Proposal Writing Coursework

305-327 Afni Febriani Muzdalifah, Astri Hapsari

Mobile Assisted-Based Learning in Teaching Literature: Raising Students’ Environmental Awareness and Appreciation in EFL Classroom

328-354 Ceisy Nita Wuntu, Muhammad Ilham Ali, Devilito Prasetyo Tatipang, Olga A. Rorintulus, Maissy Manuas

An Investigation of Approaches and Strategies in Teaching Indonesian Writing: Voices of Indonesian Language Teachers

355-375 Kartika Nuswantara, Niki Raga Tantri, Zuliati Rohmah, Eka Dian Savitri; Muhammad Ubaidillah Al-Mustofa; Ratna Rintaningrum

ASEAN branding: Exploring the language styles of tourism slogans

376-392 Dania B. Munder

Teachers and Students’ Perception Toward English Authentic Reading Materials Used in Junior High School

393-416 Lailiy Kurnia Ilahi, Maghfiroh Agustinasari S, Moh. Taufik, Roziyan Adi Wicaksana

Shōjo Character in Miyazaki’s Kiki’s Delivery Service as Challenging the Archetype

A Semiotic Study

417-435 Wedhowerti Wedhowerti

Move Analysis of Review Article Abstracts: Variations and Commonalities in Two Health Science Subdisciplines

436-455 Ade Sissca Villia, Arono, Dino Sumaryono, Reny Suryanti

Investigating the Rhetoric of a President: a Rhetorical Discourse Analysis

456-474 Sharifa Sittie Zehanie Kabirun

Straddling the Personal and the Academic: How Self in Academic Writing is Constructed in Contact Zone

478-504 Setiono Sugiharto

Writing development: A case study of the development of a second language speaker’s academic literacy

505-532 Zhang Xia, Richard Badger

Exploring the transitivity system realization in Batak Toba song lyrics discourse: Systemic functional linguistic study

533-558 Hiace Vega Fernando Siahaan, Jenheri Tarigan, Desmalia Purba, Ismarini Hutarabat

Transformations in Translating Expressions of Women's Objectification from English to Indonesian in a Netflix Series

559-577 Widya Evayani, Sajarwa Sajarwa

Is the FCI Effective as the Police Strategy in Interrogation?

579-594 Nadhirah Muthi'ah, Eddy Setia, Rahmadsyah Rangkuti