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This study aimed to gather information about the approaches and strategies used by Indonesian language teachers in teaching writing lessons in Indonesian language classes in response to the previous studies identifying junior high school students’ challenges in Indonesian language writing. A survey was done using an online questionnaire distributed to 166 teachers from various schools in the country. However, only 126 were taken, as the rest admitted that they did not teach Indonesian language writing in their classes. The questionnaire was adopted from Self-Assessment of Writing Strategies by Marquette University and was validated to serve valid and reliable data. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, and teachers’ proficiency in coping with various approaches to teaching the language and their keen strategies to help students in the writing classes were found. The findings suggested that despite teachers' proficiency in many approaches to teaching, students still encountered challenges in multiple aspects of writing. Therefore, there was a need for continuous improvement in curriculum design and to assist students through corrective feedback to help them cope with their writing problems. In summary, the study emphasized the importance of ongoing research, professional development, and improved writing instruction.


genre based approach Junior High School writing Indonesian language

Article Details

Author Biographies

Niki Raga Tantri, Hebei International Studies University, China

Niki Raga Tantri is a lecturer at the International Finance Department, Hebei International Studies University, China. She teaches English and Indonesian language. She is responsible to help students in the reading and writing skills. Her main research interests are teaching with technology, teaching bahasa Indonesia, and English to Chinese speakers. Her email is

Zuliati Rohmah, Brawijaya University

Zuliati Rohmah is a profesor at the English Language Education Study Program, Language Education Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang Indonesia. She is a holder of  In-service Certificate in English Language Teaching (ICELT), University of Cambridge in 2007; and a Fellow at the University of Minnesota. Her email is

Eka Dian Savitri, Department of Development Studies, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya Indonesia

Eka Dian Savitri is a lecturer at the Faculty of Creative Bussiness and Digital Design, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya. Her interests in research is to research the teaching of Bahasa Indonesia in Indonesia schools and universities, linguistics, linguistics lanscape, discourse analysis. She is a teacher-fellow to help teachers write and teach writing. Her email is

Muhammad Ubaidillah Al-Mustofa, Department of Development Studies, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya Indonesia

Mr. Muhammad Ubaidillah Al Mustofa is a young lecturer and researcher with international exposure and some research interests, including Islamic Economics and Finance; Islamic Development Studies; Sustainability Studies. His international exposure has enabled him to cope with the  high quality of the English language. His Email is

Ratna Rintaningrum, Department of Development Studies, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya Indonesia

Kartika Nuswantara is a lecturer at the Faculty of Creative Business and Digital Design, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya. Her interests in research are applied linguistics, literacy, and reading. She is an expert in develop English proficiency test. she can be contacted through

How to Cite
Nuswantara, K., Tantri, N. R., Rohmah, Z., Dian Savitri, E., Al-Mustofa, M. U., & Rintaningrum, R. (2024). An Investigation of Approaches and Strategies in Teaching Indonesian Writing: Voices of Indonesian Language Teachers. JOALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literature), 9(2), 355–375.


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