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The role of culture in the interaction process also determines the effectiveness of communication that takes place between generations. This research aims to describe communication barriers that impact the effectiveness of interactions between Gen Z and Alpha in the era of cultural digitalization. The literature used is Chaney and Martin's theory of communication barriers which was processed through a process of observation and interviews. The research results showed that there were nine types of barriers found, namely physical, cultural, perceptual, motivational, experiantial, emotional, linguistic, non-verbal, and competition. The nine types of communication barriers are supported by explanations from sources or participants in the data. These findings show that there is a gap between Gen Z and Alpha, in this case in the context of cross-cultural communication. This has an impact on the emergence of quite complex communication barriers. Of the nine types of barriers, the barriers most frequently encountered are linguistic, motivational, and competition. Based on these findings, motivational communication barriers have the potential to give rise to conflict between Gen Z and Alpha due to a feeling of not being appreciated when interacting. The role of digital in this era also has an impact on hampering effectiveness of communication. Nevertheless, communication barriers from a cultural aspect need to be seen as the complexity of cultural diversity that exists in Indonesia, both language differences and other differences. This should not be claimed as a reason for conflict, but rather as a medium for tolerance and mutual respect so that communication barriers can be minimized. So, the communication process that occurs in the future can be more effective and harmonious.


Communication barriers Cultural Gen alpha Gen Z Language

Article Details

Author Biographies

Bambang Wibisono, Universitas Jember

Prof. Dr. Bambang Wibisono, M.Pd. is a lecturer for the Intercultural Communication course in the Master of Linguistics program at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of Jember. He earned his doctorate in 2005 from the State University of Malang and has been a lecturer since March 1, 1985. Throughout his career, he has extensively researched language and language behavior.

Titis Rizka Yusnita, Universitas Jember

Titis Rizka Yusnita, S.S. was born on March 15th 1998, in Jember. She earned her bachelor's degree in 2020. In 2023, she continued studying Masters in Linguistics at the Faculty of Humanities, Jember University, Indonesia. She works as a teacher at a vocational school in Jember Regency. She also takes a job as a master of ceremony of events at formal foundation activities and other agencies. You can contact her via email address, or WhatsApp number +6282335626123.

Akhmad Haryono, Universitas Jember

Prof. Dr. Akhmad Haryono, M.Pd. was born in Jember 03 October 1967. In 2013 he got his PhD of Humanities focused on Sociolinguistics Study and Communication Ethnography approach in Faculty of Cultural Science at Gajah Mada University. From 1998 up to now he has been a lecturer at Faculty of Cultural Science, University of Jember.  His research interest includes social humanities, especially on the study of language and ethnic culture (Madurese and Osing).

How to Cite
Wibisono, B., Yusnita, T. R., & Haryono, A. (2025). Communication barriers between gen Z and alpha in the cultural digitalization era. JOALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literature), 10(1), 1–20.


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