Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- Manuscripts or articles sent in Microsoft Word soft copy files, typed using A4 paper size, Times New Roman font size 12 except abstracts and tables with font size 10, left and right margins 2.5 cm, top and bottom margins 2.5 cm. Written in space 2 (for the review process) and the total number of pages is no more than 15 pages.
Original Manuscript / Original article must be harmonized in the title (in Indonesian and English, introduction, material and method, results and discussion, conclusions, thank you and bibliography)
- TITLE is written in Indonesian (13 bold font) and English (if the article is in Indonesian, if the text is in English then there is no need for an Indonesian language, font 12), the number of words does not exceed 15 (fifteen) words. The author's name, institution and address, including the author's e-mail are written under the title.
ABSTRACT, written in English, is short and dense and below is written Key words or keywords 4-6 words. The number of words in Abstract is no more than 200 words with 1 space.
ABSTRACT, written in Indonesian, short and solid and written below are keywords. The number of words in Abstract is no more than 200 words 1 space.
INTRODUCTION, contains background research based on relevant library materials, research objectives and hypotheses (hypotheses are not needed in literature review).
MATERIALS AND METHODS, contains the material and methods used in the study in detail and briefly as well as statistical analysis used.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, contains research results in the form of reviews, tables or graphs. The discussion contains a discussion of the results of the research referred to with relevant library materials and contained in the introduction. -
CONCLUSION, contains conclusions on the results and discussion briefly and densely and should not be more than one paragraph.
REFERENCES, arranged by loading names alphabetically, year, title, Publisher, City, page without serial number. Contains at least 7 (seven) scientific journals.
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