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This research evaluated the growth pattern of  Taro white cattle by estimating the relationship between body dimensions by measuring 18  Taro white cattle periodically every two weeks for three months. Body dimensions measured were body weight (BW), body length  (BL), chest circumference (CC), body height (BH), hip height (HH), and hip width (HW). The measured data were analyzed descriptively, and to estimate the relationship between body dimensions, Multiple Linear Regression analysis was used, followed by Step Wise. The results showed that the average body dimensions of  Taro white cattle were: BW:183.61 ± 25.92 kg; BL: 113.36 ± 7.13 cm; CC: 143.93 ± 6.61 cm; BH: 109.79 ± 3.92 cm; HH: 108.68 ± 4.58 cm and HW: 32.96 ± 2.33 cm. Body weight (BW) as an indicator of the growth of  Taro white cattle has genuine multiple linear relationships with BL, CC, BH, HH, and HW with the equation BW = 1.23BL + 2.29 CC - 0.24 BH + 0.11 HH + 1.97 HW – 336.63 with a coefficient of determination (R2) = 0.78. Then step-wise, a new regression equation is obtained: BW = 1.42 BL + 2.50 CC – 338.03 with a coefficient of determination (R2) = 0.80. The conclusion is the estimation of body weight as an indication of Taro white cattle growth can be best carried out by utilizing body length and chest circumference as estimating variables.


bali cattle Taro Cattle body measurements body circumference pattern of growth sapi taro pola pertumbuhan dimensi tubuh Sapi Bali

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How to Cite
Oka, A. A., Dewantari, M., & Suranjaya, I. G. (2023). Identification of Growth Patterns through Estimation of the Relationship Between Body Dimensions on Taro White Cattle. Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia, 18(2), 71–75.


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