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Male Kamang ducks are one of the local ducks in West Sumatran germplasm originating from Tilatang Kamang and Kamang Magek Districts, Agam Regency, West Sumatera. The balance of metabolizable energy and crude protein (EM/P) in preparing the ration for Kamang ducks must be considered because it is closely related to the efficiency and growth of the ducks. Preparing the feed formulation for Kamang ducks with the right energy and protein balance will support their productivity. The research used male Kamang ducks in the grower phase, which is 3 to 7 weeks of age. Feed Treatment was metabolizable energy of 2800 kcal/kg with 17%, 18%, and 19% crude protein levels. The design used was completely randomized, with 3 treatments and 6 replications. The research showed no significant effect of treatments on feed consumption, body weight gain, or conversion ratio of male Kamang ducks in the grower phase; however, from the treatments, the highest income based on the IOFC value was ration B. In male Kamang ducks, good performance in balance of ME/P are 147.37 to 164.71 with the highest Income Over Feed and Cost (IOFC) value and lower fat abdominal at ME/P 155.55.
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Ariana, A.T., Gusti A. M. Kristina Dewi, M. Wirapartha , I. W. Wijana , I. K. Anom Wiyana and N. W. Sitiari. 2018. Production and Income Over Feed and Chick Cost (IOFCC) of Broiler Chicken, Which Feed The Fermented Dragon Fruit Skin Ration (Hylocereus Polyrhizus). Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Jagaditha 5 (2) : 92-96.
Baéza,E., L. Guillier , M. Petracci . 2022. Production factors affecting poultry carcass and meat quality attributes. Animal The international journal of animal biosciences. Animal 16: 100331.
Cui,X., K. Abouelezz, Z. Jiang, Z. Gou, Y. Wang, S. Jiang. 2022. Effects of metabolic energy intervention on lipid content and liver transcriptome in finisher yellow-feathered chickens. Italian Journal Animal Science, 21 (2022) : 1362-1370.
Daghir, N.J. 1998. Poultry in hot Climates. CAB International. New York.
Ekaprastyo, F., D Kardaya, E Dihansih. 2022. Performa Itik Tegal Jantan Fase Grower yang Diberi Tepung Daun Asam Gelugur (Garcinia Atroviridis) Dalam Ransum Non Konvensional Terfermentasi. Jurnal Peternakan Nusantara. 8 (1) : 39-46.
Fang, L.H., Y.H. Jin, S.H. Do, J.S. Hong, B.O. Kim, T.H. Han, Y.Y. Kim. 2019. Effects of dietary energy and crude protein levels on growth performance, blood profiles, and nutrient digestibility in weaning pigs. Asian-Australas J Anim Sci. 32(4) : 556-563.
Fouad, A. M. and H. K. El-Senousey. 2014. Nutritional Factors Affecting Abdominal Fat Deposition in Poultry: A Review. Asian-Australas J Anim Sci. 27 (7) : 1057–1068.
Ibrahim, H. 2019. Penggunaan Level Energi dan Protein yang Berbeda terhadap Efisiensi Pakan, Pendapatan dan Income Over Feed and Chick Cost Pada Ayam Kampun Super Fase Pertumbuhan. Jurnal Mitra Sains 7 (1) : 1-10.
Kusmayadi, A., C.H. Prayitno, N. Rahayu. 2019. Persentase Organ Dalam Itik Cihateup yang Diberi Ransum Mengandung Kombinasi Tepung Kulit Buah Manggis dan Tepung Kunyit. Jurnal Peternakan Nusantara 5 (1) : 1-12.
National Research Council. 1994. Nutrient Requirements of Poultry.9th Revised Edition. National Akademi Press. Washington.
Purba M, A. Sinurat, T. Susanti. 2017. Performa Tiga Genotipe Itik Pedaging (Peking, PMp dan E-PMp) dengan Pemberian Dua Jenis Ransum selama Enam Minggu. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Peternakan dan Veteriner : 388-396.
Rafian,T., F. Arlina, Zulkarnain, A. Yurnalis. 2023. Keragaman Pertumbuhan Itik Bayang Periode Pertumbuan. Journal of Animal Research of Applied Science 4 (2): 60-64.
Ramadhana,W.A., D. Sunarti, dan T.A. Sarjana. 2019. Produksi karkas dan persentase lemak abdominal itik tegal jantan dengan sistem pemeliharaan intensif dan semi intensif di KTT Bulusari Pemalang. Jurnal Ilmiah Peternakan 7(1): 173–179.
Rohaeni1, E.S , A. Subhan2 , V. W. Hanifah1 , B. Bakrie1 , I. Sumantri3. 2021. Effects of Feeding Alabio Ducks with Fresh Golden Snail on Egg Production and Quality. Journal of Hunan University(Natural Sciences). Journal of Hunan University(Natural Sciences): 305-311.
Rohmah, N., E. Tugiynti, Roesdiyanto. 2016. Pengaruh tepung daun sirsak (Announa muricata L) dalam Ransum Terhadap Bobot Usus, Pankreas dan Gizzard Itik Tegal Jantan. Agripet. 16 (2): 140-146.
Sandi, S. 2010. Peningkatan Kualitas Nutrisi Silase Berbahan Baku Singkong Varietas Ppahit Dengan Enzim Cairan Rumen dan Bakteri Leuconostoc mesenteroides sebagai Pakan Ternak Unggas. Disertasi. Pasca sarjana. Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor.
Saragih, B.M.N. 2020. Pengaru Pemberian Probiotik Bacillus amyloliqufaciens terhadap Bobot Hidup, Lemak Abdominal dan Persentase Karkas Itik Bayang Jantan. Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Andalas. Padang
Shihus. 2011. The gizzard: Function, Influence of diet structure and effects on nutrient availability. Word's Poultry Science Journal 67 (02): 207-224.
Steel, R.G.D and J.H.Torrie. 1993. Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika. Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta.
Suhaemi, Z. 2015. Karakterisasi, Potensi dan Identifikasi Kulitas Produk Itik Lokal. Laporan Penelitian. Universitas Taman Siswa. Padang.
Sumiati, R. Muthia, D. M. Suci, W. Hermana, A. Darmawan. 2019. Nutrisi Ternak Unggas. IPB Press. Bogor.
Susanto, D.A., M.F. Wadjdi, U. Ali. 2020. Pengaruh Tingkat Penggunaan Daun Trichanthera gigantean Terfermenrasi Sebagai Bahan Pakan Itik Pedaging Hibrida Umur 22-45 hari Terhadap Perdentase Karkas dan Lemak Abdominal. Jurnal Dinamika Rekasatwa. 3 (2): 38-41
Triani, H.D dan Mahyudin. 2014. Pengaruh Pemberian Kulit Singkong Fermentasi Terhadap Performan pada Itik Kamang. Jurnal Agrotropical 4(2): 5-9.
Unit Pelaksana Teknis Kesehatan Hewan (UPT KESWAN). 2021. Laporan Tahunan. Kamang Magek.
Wahyu, J. 1997. Ilmu Nutrisi Unggas. Cetakan keempat. Gajah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta.
Zeng, Q.F., P Cherry, A. Doster., R Murdoch., O. Adeola., T. J. Applegate. 2015. Effect of dietary energy and protein content on growth and carcass traits of Pekin ducks. Poultry Science 94(3):384-94.
Zurmiati, Wizna, M. H. Abbas dan M. E. Mahata. 2017. Pengaruh Imbangan Energi dan Protein Ransum Terhadap Pertumbuhan Itik Pitalah yang Diberi Probiotik Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. Jurnal Peternakan Indonesia 19 (2): 85-92.