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In Indonesia, raw duck eggs are often consumed as an additive when consuming herbal medicine. However, duck eggs sold in traditional markets are often found in dirty conditions, and there is concern about bacterial contamination. Bacteria in duck eggs causes diarrhea and typhoid fever in consumers who consume raw duck eggs. This study aims to identify the presence of Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp. bacteria in raw duck eggs and perform antibacterial tests using eco enzymes and eco enzymes with Acorus calamus stems. In contrast, the test was carried out using the disc diffusion method. The study was conducted on duck eggs from five traditional markets in the city of Medan, and from each market, four duck eggs were taken from three sellers, so the number of eggs studied was 60. Eggshells mashed in a mortar or egg yolks were identified for the number of pathogenic bacteria Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp. In this study, bacteria were found on eggshells, and an antibacterial test using eco enzyme and eco enzyme with Acorus calamus stem was conducted. The parameters measured were zone of inhibition (ZI), minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC). The results showed that Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp. were found in seven of the 60 eggs (11.7%). The bacterial population of Escherichia coli were 23 x 103 CFU/ml, and Salmonella sp. was 38 x 103 CFU/ml, while the population were above the maximum population of the Indonesian National Standard. Eco enzyme with Acorus calamus stem has better antibacterial properties than eco enzyme. It has strong ZI, which means it has antibacterial effectiveness on Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp. MIC start from 3.3%. MBC at a concentration of 10%. In conclusion, eco enzymes with Acorus calamus can be antibacterial against Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp in duck egg shells.
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- Ayuningtyas, G., Martini, R., & Yulianti, W. (2022). The Role of Dipping Duck Hatching Eggs with Cherry Leaf Extract as Natural Sanitizers on Hatching Performance and Eggshell Bacterial Counts. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 348, p. 00023). EDP Sciences.
- Badan Standardisasi Nasional SNI 01-6366-2000. Batas Maksimum Cemaran Mikroba dan batas maksimum residu dalam bahan makanan asal hewan.
- Balakumbahan R, Rajamani K, Kumanan K. 2010. Acorus calamus: An Overview. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research. 4(25) : 2740-2745.
- Elshikh, M.S., E. Rani, D.A. Al Farraj, F.M.A. Al-Hemaid, M.R.Abdel Gawwad, T.R.J. Jeba Malar, L. Dyona, P. Vijayaraghavan. 2022. Plant secondary metabolites extracted from Acorus calamus rhizome from Western Ghats, India and repellent activity on Sitophilus oryzae. Physiological and molecular plant pathology. Volume 117 : pp 101743.
- Fadel Abima, Meiskha Bahar, Aulia Chairani. 2017. Uji Efektivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Daun Binahong (Anredera cordifolia (Ten.)Steenis) terhadap Isolat Bakteri Escherichia coli Jajanan Cilok Secara In Vitro dengan Metode Diffusi. J.Profesi Medika. 11 (10): 1-6.
- Fleming, D. & K.P. Rumbaugh. 2017. Approaches to dispersing medical bioflms. Micro-organism 5(2):1-16. DOI: 10.3390/microorganisms5020015.
- Geetha, S. and J. Kaparapu. 2017. Antimicrobial activity of fermented citrus fruit peel extract. Int Journal of Engineering Research and Application. 7: 25-28.
- Ginting, N. 2020. Financal analysis of GE (garbage enzyme) application at Universitas Sumatera Utara campus. Sustainable Campus Effort during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Managing Sustainable Universities During Covid-19 Pandemic. Undip Press. Semarang.
- Ginting, N., Hasnudi, Yunilas, and L. Prayitno. 2022. Dilution of eco enzyme and antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus. JITRO (Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis). 9(1):123-128.
- Hasnah, Husni and Ade Fardhisa. 2012. Pengaruh Ekstrak Rimpang Jeringau (Acorus Calamus l.) Terhadap Mortalitas Ulat Grayak Spodoptera Litura F. J.Floratek 7 115-124.
- Hennekinne, J., M.De Buyser and S. Dragacci. 2012. Staphylococcus aureus and its food poisoning toxins: Characterization and outbreak investigation. FEMS Microbiology Rev. 36(4): 815-836.
- Ingraham, J. L., & Ingraham, C. A. (2004). Introduction to microbiology: a case history approach. (No Title).
- Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. 2016. Situasi Diare di Indonesia. Jakarta: Buletin Jendela Data dan Informasi Kesehatan.
- Kumar, A., Vandana. 2013. Medicinal Properties of Acorus calamus. Journal of Drug Delivery &Therapeutics. 3 (3) : 143-144.
- Lindquist,J. 2004. Deferensial Media Eosin Metheyline Blue Agar 4(2):61-65
- Miao, J., R. Shi, C. Li, X. Li, Q. Chen. 2016. Essential Oils in Food Preservation, Flavor and Safety. Chapter 88- Sweet Flag (Acorus calamus) Oils. Academic Press. 2016, Pages 775-782.
- Noble, D.J., C.Lane, C.L. Little, R. Bavies, E.De Pinna, L. Larkin and D. Morgan. 2012. Revival of an old problem: an increase in Salmonella enterica serovar. Epidemiol Infact.140 (1) : 146-149.
- Owen, M., F. Jorgensen, C. Willis, J. McLauchlin, N. Elviss, H. Aird, A. Fox, M. Kaye, C. Lane and E. de Pinna. 2016. The occurrence of Salmonella spp. in duck eggs on sale at retail or from catering in England. Letters in Applied Microbiology 63: 335-339.
- Rahman, S., I. Haque, R.C. Dev Goswami, P. Barooah, K. Sood, and B. Choudhury. 2020. Characterization and FPLC Analysis of Garbage Enzyme: Biocatalytic and Antimicrobial Activity. Waste and biomass valorization 12(1): 1293-302.
- Ray, B. 2004. Fundamental Food Microbiology. New York: CRC Press.
- Rahmawati, F. and S. H. Bintari. 2014 Studi Aktivitas Antibakteri Sari Daun Binahong (Anredera cordifolia) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bacillus cereus dan Salmonella enteridis. Unnes Journal of Life Science. 3 (2): 103-111.
- Rita, W. S., I. W. Suirta, and P. Utami. 2017. Aktivitas Antibakteri Minyak Atsiri Rimpang Jeringau (Acorus calamus) terhadap Bakteri Escherichia coli dan Staphylococcus aureus. Cakra Kimia. 5 (2) : 130-136.
- Roberts, J.R. 2004. Factors Affecting Egg Internal Quality and Eff Shell Quality in Laying Hens. The Journal of Poultry Science. 41(3) : 161-177.
- Setianingsih, I., Y., Saputra, D. C. Arianti. 2016. Kontaminasi Enterobacteriaceae pada telur itik Alabio di Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara, Kalimantan Selatan. Journal of Health Epidemiology and Communicable Diseases. 2 (2): 52-58.
- Shivaning Karabasanavar, N., Benakabhat Madhavaprasad, C., Agalagandi Gopalakrishna, S., Hiremath, J., Shivanagowda Patil, G., & B Barbuddhe, S. (2020). Prevalence of Salmonella serotypes S. Enteritidis and S. Typhimurium in poultry and poultry products. Journal of Food Safety, 40(6), e12852.
- Spitzer, H. 2015. Celebrating Scholarchip and Creativity Day. An Analysis of Bacterial Contamination of Chicken Eggs and Antimicrobial Resistance. P. 3-37.
- Madigan, M.T., J.M.Martinko, K. S. Bender, D. H. Buckley, D.A. Stahl. 2014. Brock Biology of Microorganisms, 14th ed. Glenview: Pearson Education.
- Messens, W., K. Grijspeerdt, L. Herman. 2006. Egg shell penetration of hen’s egg by Salmonella enterica serovar Enteridis upon various storage conditions. British Poultry Science . 47(5) : 554-560.
- VasanthaKumari, N., A.S. D.Alshrari, E.G.Rad, H.G. Moghaddam, A. van Belkum, M.A.Alreshidi, N. Selamat, M.N. Shamsudin. 2009. Highly dynamic transient colonization by Staphylicoccuc aureus in healthy Malaysian student. J Med Microbiol. 58 (11) : 1531-1532.
Ayuningtyas, G., Martini, R., & Yulianti, W. (2022). The Role of Dipping Duck Hatching Eggs with Cherry Leaf Extract as Natural Sanitizers on Hatching Performance and Eggshell Bacterial Counts. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 348, p. 00023). EDP Sciences.
Badan Standardisasi Nasional SNI 01-6366-2000. Batas Maksimum Cemaran Mikroba dan batas maksimum residu dalam bahan makanan asal hewan.
Balakumbahan R, Rajamani K, Kumanan K. 2010. Acorus calamus: An Overview. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research. 4(25) : 2740-2745.
Elshikh, M.S., E. Rani, D.A. Al Farraj, F.M.A. Al-Hemaid, M.R.Abdel Gawwad, T.R.J. Jeba Malar, L. Dyona, P. Vijayaraghavan. 2022. Plant secondary metabolites extracted from Acorus calamus rhizome from Western Ghats, India and repellent activity on Sitophilus oryzae. Physiological and molecular plant pathology. Volume 117 : pp 101743.
Fadel Abima, Meiskha Bahar, Aulia Chairani. 2017. Uji Efektivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Daun Binahong (Anredera cordifolia (Ten.)Steenis) terhadap Isolat Bakteri Escherichia coli Jajanan Cilok Secara In Vitro dengan Metode Diffusi. J.Profesi Medika. 11 (10): 1-6.
Fleming, D. & K.P. Rumbaugh. 2017. Approaches to dispersing medical bioflms. Micro-organism 5(2):1-16. DOI: 10.3390/microorganisms5020015.
Geetha, S. and J. Kaparapu. 2017. Antimicrobial activity of fermented citrus fruit peel extract. Int Journal of Engineering Research and Application. 7: 25-28.
Ginting, N. 2020. Financal analysis of GE (garbage enzyme) application at Universitas Sumatera Utara campus. Sustainable Campus Effort during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Managing Sustainable Universities During Covid-19 Pandemic. Undip Press. Semarang.
Ginting, N., Hasnudi, Yunilas, and L. Prayitno. 2022. Dilution of eco enzyme and antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus. JITRO (Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis). 9(1):123-128.
Hasnah, Husni and Ade Fardhisa. 2012. Pengaruh Ekstrak Rimpang Jeringau (Acorus Calamus l.) Terhadap Mortalitas Ulat Grayak Spodoptera Litura F. J.Floratek 7 115-124.
Hennekinne, J., M.De Buyser and S. Dragacci. 2012. Staphylococcus aureus and its food poisoning toxins: Characterization and outbreak investigation. FEMS Microbiology Rev. 36(4): 815-836.
Ingraham, J. L., & Ingraham, C. A. (2004). Introduction to microbiology: a case history approach. (No Title).
Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. 2016. Situasi Diare di Indonesia. Jakarta: Buletin Jendela Data dan Informasi Kesehatan.
Kumar, A., Vandana. 2013. Medicinal Properties of Acorus calamus. Journal of Drug Delivery &Therapeutics. 3 (3) : 143-144.
Lindquist,J. 2004. Deferensial Media Eosin Metheyline Blue Agar 4(2):61-65
Miao, J., R. Shi, C. Li, X. Li, Q. Chen. 2016. Essential Oils in Food Preservation, Flavor and Safety. Chapter 88- Sweet Flag (Acorus calamus) Oils. Academic Press. 2016, Pages 775-782.
Noble, D.J., C.Lane, C.L. Little, R. Bavies, E.De Pinna, L. Larkin and D. Morgan. 2012. Revival of an old problem: an increase in Salmonella enterica serovar. Epidemiol Infact.140 (1) : 146-149.
Owen, M., F. Jorgensen, C. Willis, J. McLauchlin, N. Elviss, H. Aird, A. Fox, M. Kaye, C. Lane and E. de Pinna. 2016. The occurrence of Salmonella spp. in duck eggs on sale at retail or from catering in England. Letters in Applied Microbiology 63: 335-339.
Rahman, S., I. Haque, R.C. Dev Goswami, P. Barooah, K. Sood, and B. Choudhury. 2020. Characterization and FPLC Analysis of Garbage Enzyme: Biocatalytic and Antimicrobial Activity. Waste and biomass valorization 12(1): 1293-302.
Ray, B. 2004. Fundamental Food Microbiology. New York: CRC Press.
Rahmawati, F. and S. H. Bintari. 2014 Studi Aktivitas Antibakteri Sari Daun Binahong (Anredera cordifolia) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bacillus cereus dan Salmonella enteridis. Unnes Journal of Life Science. 3 (2): 103-111.
Rita, W. S., I. W. Suirta, and P. Utami. 2017. Aktivitas Antibakteri Minyak Atsiri Rimpang Jeringau (Acorus calamus) terhadap Bakteri Escherichia coli dan Staphylococcus aureus. Cakra Kimia. 5 (2) : 130-136.
Roberts, J.R. 2004. Factors Affecting Egg Internal Quality and Eff Shell Quality in Laying Hens. The Journal of Poultry Science. 41(3) : 161-177.
Setianingsih, I., Y., Saputra, D. C. Arianti. 2016. Kontaminasi Enterobacteriaceae pada telur itik Alabio di Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara, Kalimantan Selatan. Journal of Health Epidemiology and Communicable Diseases. 2 (2): 52-58.
Shivaning Karabasanavar, N., Benakabhat Madhavaprasad, C., Agalagandi Gopalakrishna, S., Hiremath, J., Shivanagowda Patil, G., & B Barbuddhe, S. (2020). Prevalence of Salmonella serotypes S. Enteritidis and S. Typhimurium in poultry and poultry products. Journal of Food Safety, 40(6), e12852.
Spitzer, H. 2015. Celebrating Scholarchip and Creativity Day. An Analysis of Bacterial Contamination of Chicken Eggs and Antimicrobial Resistance. P. 3-37.
Madigan, M.T., J.M.Martinko, K. S. Bender, D. H. Buckley, D.A. Stahl. 2014. Brock Biology of Microorganisms, 14th ed. Glenview: Pearson Education.
Messens, W., K. Grijspeerdt, L. Herman. 2006. Egg shell penetration of hen’s egg by Salmonella enterica serovar Enteridis upon various storage conditions. British Poultry Science . 47(5) : 554-560.
VasanthaKumari, N., A.S. D.Alshrari, E.G.Rad, H.G. Moghaddam, A. van Belkum, M.A.Alreshidi, N. Selamat, M.N. Shamsudin. 2009. Highly dynamic transient colonization by Staphylicoccuc aureus in healthy Malaysian student. J Med Microbiol. 58 (11) : 1531-1532.