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African Swine Fever (ASF) and Hog Cholera are highly contagious viral diseases in pigs, resulting in losses for pig farmers in Manokwari regency. Farmers cannot avoid panic and resignation. The study aimed to measure pig farmers' attitudes and knowledge about these infectious diseases. Farmers were selected from 12 villages and originated from 8 big ethnics from Papuan and non-Papuan. The findings show that most breeders are still in the early stages of their farming careers and have a long experience. Farmers tend to show concern about African Swine Fever and Hog Cholera. However, their attitudes towards pig diseases are considered less than optimal. Most farmers have fairly good knowledge about African Swine Fever and Hog Cholera. The primary source of information for farmers is obtained from other communities, indicating an exchange of information between pig farmers and the community.
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- Angi, Andrijanto Hauferson, and Defrys R. Tulle. 2022. “Identifikasi Faktor Resiko Yang Berperan Sebagai Sumber Penularan Penyakit African Swine Fever Di Kota Dan Kabupaten Kupang.” Partner 27 (2): 1939.
- Arias, Marisa, Ana de la Torre, Linda Dixon, Carmina Gallardo, Ferran Jori, Alberto Laddomada, Carlos Martins, et al. 2017. “Approaches and Perspectives for Development of African Swine Fever Virus Vaccines.” Vaccines 5 (4): 1–20.
- Azizah Primatika, Roza, Etih Sudarnika, Bambang Sumiarto, Chaerul Basri, Program Studi Kesehatan Masyarakat Veteriner, Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Jawa Barat, Departemen Kesehatan Masyarakat Veteriner, and Universitas Gadjah Mada. 2021. “Tantangan Dan Kendala Pengendalian African Swine Fever (ASF) Challenges and Barriers to African Swine Fever (ASF) Control.” Jurnal Sain Veteriner 39 (1): 62–72.
- Berihu, Mulugeta, and Berhan Tamir. 2015. “Characterization of Feed Resources and Body Condition Scores of Pigs under Small Scale Intensive Production in East Shewa , Ethiopia Department of Animal Science , College of Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture ,” 4 (3): 106–12.
- Boogaard, B. K., S. J. Oosting, B. B. Bock, and J. S.C. Wiskerke. 2011. “The Sociocultural Sustainability of Livestock Farming: An Inquiry into Social Perceptions of Dairy Farming.” Animal 5 (9): 1458–66.
- Chauhan, Anuj, B H M Patel, Rajveer Maurya, Sushil Kumar, Sanjeev Shukla, and Subodh Kumar. 2016. “Pig Production System As a Source of Livelihood in Indian Scenario: An Overview.” International Journal of Science Technology 5 (4): 2278–3687.
- Cishesa, Thierry Heri, Anicet Bahati Kavange, Justin Zigashane Kulimushi, Dieudonné Cigajir’Omwirhwe Rugendabanga, Crispin Ndagano Kamole K’Eka, Rosine Lufungulo Rosine, Charles Bahavu Hangi, Nshokano Baharanyi Josué, and Patient M. Zamukulu. 2022. “Traditional Livestock System and Pathologies Risk in the Small-Scale Pig Farming in Kamituga Sub County, Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.” OALib 09 (04): 1–13.
- Correia-Gomes, Carla, Madeleine K. Henry, Harriet K. Auty, and George J. Gunn. 2017. “Exploring the Role of Small-Scale Livestock Keepers for National Biosecurity—The Pig Case.” Preventive Veterinary Medicine 145: 7–15.
- Deb, S M. 2019. “Traditional Livestock Production and Growth Opportunities in India.”
- Dewantari, M, I K W Parimartha, and D A N I W Sukanata. 2017. “Profile Usaha Peternakan Babi Skala Kecil Di Desa Puhu Kecamatan Payangan Kabupaten Gianyar the Profile of Small Pig Farms At Puhu Village District.” Majalah Ilmiah Pertenakan 20 (2): 79–83.
- Dewantari, M, I KW Parimartha, and DANIW Sukanata. n.d. “Profil Usaha Peternakan Babi Skala Kecil Di Desa Puhu Kecamatan Payangan Kabupaten Gianyar,” 79–83.
- Domínguez, P. L., and J. Ly. 1997. “An Approach to the Nutritional Value for Pigs of Sweet Potato Vines (Ipomoea Batatas (l.) Lam).” Livestock Research for Rural Development 9 (2): 1–10.
- Elisabeth Yuliana Devota Hombahomba, Purwanta Purwanta, and Gallusia Marhaeny Nur Isty. 2023. “Peningkatan Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Peternak Babi Terhadap Penyakit African Swine Fever (ASF) Di Kampung Meyes Distrik Manokwari Utara.” Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pembangunan Dan Pendidikan Vokasi Pertanian 4 (1): 92–104.
- Gelolodo, Maria Aega, Yohanes T R M R Simarmata, Tri Utami, Tarsisius Considus Tophianong, Frans Umbu Datta, Yeremia Y Sitompul, Cynthia Dewi Gaina, et al. 2023. “Diagnosa Penyakit Hewan Dengan Teknik Polymerase Chain Reaction Di Lingkungan Universitas Nusa Cendana.” International Journal of Community Service Learning 7 (2): 160–67.
- Iyai, D. A., O. Marani, T. Marjen, and L. Usior. 2013. “Pig Farming Performances of Three Papuan Tribes: Case Study of Byak, Onate and Arfak Tribes in Papua Barat.” Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 38 (1): 55–64.
- Iyai, D. A., B. W.I. Rahayu, I. Sumpe, and D. Saragih. 2011. “Analysis of Pig Profiles on Small-Scale Pig Farmers in Manokwari-West Papua.” Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 36 (3): 190–97.
- Iyai, D A, B Gobay, and A Yaku. 2015. “Understanding the Objectives of Pigs Farming Development in Arfak Tribe Farmers, West Papua.” International Journal of Agriculture … 3 (2): 179–91.
- Iyai, D A, D Saragih, and M Kayadoe. 2013. “Quantifying Feeding Regimes on Weaned Sows under Tropical Papua Pig Keeping Systems.” Animal Production 15 (2): 106–18.
- Iyai, DA, D Nurhayati, M Arim, D Saragih, M Orisu, M Djunaedi, SY Randa, et al. 2021. “Analyses of Interlinked Actors in Determining the Potential Business Beneficiaries of Small-Scale Pig Farming Systems in West Papua, Indonesia.” Heliyon 7 (2).
- Iyai, Deny A. 2011. “Comparing Characteristics of Various Agro-Ecological Zones of Pig Farming Systems ; Case Study of Islands, Coastal and Lowland Pig Farming Systems in Papua and West Papua.” Geography 9 (September): 88–99.
- Karabozhilova, I., B. Wieland, S. Alonso, L. Salonen, and B. Häsler. 2012. “Backyard Chicken Keeping in the Greater London Urban Area: Welfare Status, Biosecurity and Disease Control Issues.” British Poultry Science 53 (4): 421–30.
- Karimuna, Siti Rahmah, Sri Bananiek, Syafiuddin Syafiuddin, and Waode Al Jumiati. 2020. “Potensi Pengembangan Komoditas Peternakan Di Sulawesi Tenggara.” Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis. Universitas Halu Oleo.
- Lase, J. A., Surya, and M. A. Da Costa. 2024. “Germplasm of Indonesia Local Pig: Potential, Threat of Extinction, and Conservation Strategy.” IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1292 (1).
- Leslie, Edwina E.C., Maria Geong, Muktasam Abdurrahman, Michael P. Ward, and Jenny Ann L.M.L. Toribio. 2015. “A Description of Smallholder Pig Production Systems in Eastern Indonesia.” Preventive Veterinary Medicine 118 (4): 319–27.
- Losada, H, M Neale, J Vieyra, R Soriano, J Rivera, J Cortes, and D Grande. 1995. “The Potential of Traditional Systems of Pig Production in the Temperate Region of Xochimilco.” Livestock Research for Rural Development 7 (1): Article 7.
- Mahlobo, Busie Truetia. 2016. “Multi – Criteria Livestock Assessment for Sustainability of Smallholder Farms in Kwa-Zulu Natal,” no. March.
- McCarron, Margaret, Peninah Munyua, Po-Yung Cheng, Thomas Manga, Cathryn Wanjohi, Ann Moen, Anthony Mounts, and Mark A. Katz. 2015. “Understanding the Poultry Trade Network in Kenya: Implications for Regional Disease Prevention and Control.” Preventive Veterinary Medicine 120 (3–4): 321–27.
- Nabikyu, J., and D. R. Kugonza. 2016. “Profitability Analysis of Selected Piggery Businesses in Peri-Urban Communities of Kampala Uganda.” Livestock Research for Rural Development 28 (5): 2016.
- Ouma, E.A., M.M. Dione, Peter Lule, Kristina Roesel, L. Mayega, D. Kiryabwire, G. Nadiope, and Danilo Pezo. 2013. “Characterization of Smallholder Pig Production Systems in Uganda.” Livestock Research for Rural Development 26 (3): 2014.
- Phiri, R. E. 2012. “Determination of Piggery Business Profitability in Balaka District in Malawi.” Livestock Research for Rural Development 24 (8): 202006.
- Plaza-Bonilla, Daniel, Carlos Cantero-Martínez, Javier Bareche, Jose Luis Arrúe, Jorge Lampurlanés, and Jorge Álvaro-Fuentes. 2017. “Do No-till and Pig Slurry Application Improve Barley Yield and Water and Nitrogen Use Efficiencies in Rainfed Mediterranean Conditions?” Field Crops Research 203: 74–85.
- Primatika, Roza Azizah, Etih Sudarnika, Bambang Sumiarto, and Chaerul Basri. 2022. “Estimation of the Probability Risks of African Swine Fever Outbreaks Using the Maximum Entropy Method in North Sumatra Province, Indonesia.” Veterinary World 15 (7): 1814–20.
- Putut, Putut Isworo Arimurti, Chaerul Basri, and Denny Widaya Lukman. 2021. “Deteksi Virus African Swine Fever Dari Sampah Makanan Kapal Laut Internasional Di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok.” Acta VETERINARIA Indonesiana 9 (2): 112–19.
- Sayori, A, TW Widayati, A Supriyantono, SY Randa, and DA Iyai. 2022. “Pig Farming System in West Papua : A Case Study of Three Districts.” Annals of Agriculture Science and Research 1 (1): 1–10.
- Schivera, Diane. 1955. “Raising Organic Pigs,” 16–18.
- Sendow, Indrawati, Atik Ratnawati, NLP I Dharmayanti, and Muharam Saepulloh. 2020. “African Swine Fever: Penyakit Emerging Yang Mengancam Peternakan Babi Di Dunia.” Indonesian Bulletin of Animal and Veterinary Sciences 30 (1): 15.
- Sorokowski, Piotr, Agnieszka Sorokowska, and Dariusz P. Danel. 2013. “Why Pigs Are Important in Papua? Wealth, Height and Reproductive Success among the Yali Tribe of West Papua.” Economics and Human Biology 11 (3): 382–90.
- Toansiba, Merry, Els Tieneke Rieke Katmo, Krisnawati Krisnawati, and Yustina Linda Dina Wambrauw. 2021. “Pengelolaan Tanah Dalam Pengetahuan Lokal Dan Praktik Pertanian Berkelanjutan Pada Masyarakat Arfak, Papua Barat.” Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia 26 (3): 370–78.
- Tolera, Adugna, and Aster Abebe. 2007. “Livestock Production in Pastoral and Agro-Pastoral Production Systems of Southern Ethiopia.” Livestock Research for Rural Development 19 (12): 2007.
- Trisiwi Wahyu Widayati, Bernadeta Wahyuni Irianti Rahayu, Dwi Djoko Rahardjo, and Marlyn Nelce Lekitoo. 2019. “Feeding Effect of Different Levels of Agricultural and Food Waste on Growth Performance and Economics in Pig Production.” Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A 9 (4): 240–47.
- Warastuti, DF. 2001. “Sistim Pemeliharaan Ternak Babi Di Pesisir Teluk Doreri Kabupaten Manokwari.” Universitas Papua.
- Widayati, TW, BW Rahayu, DD Rahardjo, and B Santoso. 2018. “The Utilization of Agricultural and Food Industry Wastes as Feed of Grower Pigs in Manokwari Regency West Papua.” Animal Production 20 (3): 165.
Angi, Andrijanto Hauferson, and Defrys R. Tulle. 2022. “Identifikasi Faktor Resiko Yang Berperan Sebagai Sumber Penularan Penyakit African Swine Fever Di Kota Dan Kabupaten Kupang.” Partner 27 (2): 1939.
Arias, Marisa, Ana de la Torre, Linda Dixon, Carmina Gallardo, Ferran Jori, Alberto Laddomada, Carlos Martins, et al. 2017. “Approaches and Perspectives for Development of African Swine Fever Virus Vaccines.” Vaccines 5 (4): 1–20.
Azizah Primatika, Roza, Etih Sudarnika, Bambang Sumiarto, Chaerul Basri, Program Studi Kesehatan Masyarakat Veteriner, Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Jawa Barat, Departemen Kesehatan Masyarakat Veteriner, and Universitas Gadjah Mada. 2021. “Tantangan Dan Kendala Pengendalian African Swine Fever (ASF) Challenges and Barriers to African Swine Fever (ASF) Control.” Jurnal Sain Veteriner 39 (1): 62–72.
Berihu, Mulugeta, and Berhan Tamir. 2015. “Characterization of Feed Resources and Body Condition Scores of Pigs under Small Scale Intensive Production in East Shewa , Ethiopia Department of Animal Science , College of Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture ,” 4 (3): 106–12.
Boogaard, B. K., S. J. Oosting, B. B. Bock, and J. S.C. Wiskerke. 2011. “The Sociocultural Sustainability of Livestock Farming: An Inquiry into Social Perceptions of Dairy Farming.” Animal 5 (9): 1458–66.
Chauhan, Anuj, B H M Patel, Rajveer Maurya, Sushil Kumar, Sanjeev Shukla, and Subodh Kumar. 2016. “Pig Production System As a Source of Livelihood in Indian Scenario: An Overview.” International Journal of Science Technology 5 (4): 2278–3687.
Cishesa, Thierry Heri, Anicet Bahati Kavange, Justin Zigashane Kulimushi, Dieudonné Cigajir’Omwirhwe Rugendabanga, Crispin Ndagano Kamole K’Eka, Rosine Lufungulo Rosine, Charles Bahavu Hangi, Nshokano Baharanyi Josué, and Patient M. Zamukulu. 2022. “Traditional Livestock System and Pathologies Risk in the Small-Scale Pig Farming in Kamituga Sub County, Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.” OALib 09 (04): 1–13.
Correia-Gomes, Carla, Madeleine K. Henry, Harriet K. Auty, and George J. Gunn. 2017. “Exploring the Role of Small-Scale Livestock Keepers for National Biosecurity—The Pig Case.” Preventive Veterinary Medicine 145: 7–15.
Deb, S M. 2019. “Traditional Livestock Production and Growth Opportunities in India.”
Dewantari, M, I K W Parimartha, and D A N I W Sukanata. 2017. “Profile Usaha Peternakan Babi Skala Kecil Di Desa Puhu Kecamatan Payangan Kabupaten Gianyar the Profile of Small Pig Farms At Puhu Village District.” Majalah Ilmiah Pertenakan 20 (2): 79–83.
Dewantari, M, I KW Parimartha, and DANIW Sukanata. n.d. “Profil Usaha Peternakan Babi Skala Kecil Di Desa Puhu Kecamatan Payangan Kabupaten Gianyar,” 79–83.
Domínguez, P. L., and J. Ly. 1997. “An Approach to the Nutritional Value for Pigs of Sweet Potato Vines (Ipomoea Batatas (l.) Lam).” Livestock Research for Rural Development 9 (2): 1–10.
Elisabeth Yuliana Devota Hombahomba, Purwanta Purwanta, and Gallusia Marhaeny Nur Isty. 2023. “Peningkatan Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Peternak Babi Terhadap Penyakit African Swine Fever (ASF) Di Kampung Meyes Distrik Manokwari Utara.” Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pembangunan Dan Pendidikan Vokasi Pertanian 4 (1): 92–104.
Gelolodo, Maria Aega, Yohanes T R M R Simarmata, Tri Utami, Tarsisius Considus Tophianong, Frans Umbu Datta, Yeremia Y Sitompul, Cynthia Dewi Gaina, et al. 2023. “Diagnosa Penyakit Hewan Dengan Teknik Polymerase Chain Reaction Di Lingkungan Universitas Nusa Cendana.” International Journal of Community Service Learning 7 (2): 160–67.
Iyai, D. A., O. Marani, T. Marjen, and L. Usior. 2013. “Pig Farming Performances of Three Papuan Tribes: Case Study of Byak, Onate and Arfak Tribes in Papua Barat.” Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 38 (1): 55–64.
Iyai, D. A., B. W.I. Rahayu, I. Sumpe, and D. Saragih. 2011. “Analysis of Pig Profiles on Small-Scale Pig Farmers in Manokwari-West Papua.” Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 36 (3): 190–97.
Iyai, D A, B Gobay, and A Yaku. 2015. “Understanding the Objectives of Pigs Farming Development in Arfak Tribe Farmers, West Papua.” International Journal of Agriculture … 3 (2): 179–91.
Iyai, D A, D Saragih, and M Kayadoe. 2013. “Quantifying Feeding Regimes on Weaned Sows under Tropical Papua Pig Keeping Systems.” Animal Production 15 (2): 106–18.
Iyai, DA, D Nurhayati, M Arim, D Saragih, M Orisu, M Djunaedi, SY Randa, et al. 2021. “Analyses of Interlinked Actors in Determining the Potential Business Beneficiaries of Small-Scale Pig Farming Systems in West Papua, Indonesia.” Heliyon 7 (2).
Iyai, Deny A. 2011. “Comparing Characteristics of Various Agro-Ecological Zones of Pig Farming Systems ; Case Study of Islands, Coastal and Lowland Pig Farming Systems in Papua and West Papua.” Geography 9 (September): 88–99.
Karabozhilova, I., B. Wieland, S. Alonso, L. Salonen, and B. Häsler. 2012. “Backyard Chicken Keeping in the Greater London Urban Area: Welfare Status, Biosecurity and Disease Control Issues.” British Poultry Science 53 (4): 421–30.
Karimuna, Siti Rahmah, Sri Bananiek, Syafiuddin Syafiuddin, and Waode Al Jumiati. 2020. “Potensi Pengembangan Komoditas Peternakan Di Sulawesi Tenggara.” Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis. Universitas Halu Oleo.
Lase, J. A., Surya, and M. A. Da Costa. 2024. “Germplasm of Indonesia Local Pig: Potential, Threat of Extinction, and Conservation Strategy.” IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1292 (1).
Leslie, Edwina E.C., Maria Geong, Muktasam Abdurrahman, Michael P. Ward, and Jenny Ann L.M.L. Toribio. 2015. “A Description of Smallholder Pig Production Systems in Eastern Indonesia.” Preventive Veterinary Medicine 118 (4): 319–27.
Losada, H, M Neale, J Vieyra, R Soriano, J Rivera, J Cortes, and D Grande. 1995. “The Potential of Traditional Systems of Pig Production in the Temperate Region of Xochimilco.” Livestock Research for Rural Development 7 (1): Article 7.
Mahlobo, Busie Truetia. 2016. “Multi – Criteria Livestock Assessment for Sustainability of Smallholder Farms in Kwa-Zulu Natal,” no. March.
McCarron, Margaret, Peninah Munyua, Po-Yung Cheng, Thomas Manga, Cathryn Wanjohi, Ann Moen, Anthony Mounts, and Mark A. Katz. 2015. “Understanding the Poultry Trade Network in Kenya: Implications for Regional Disease Prevention and Control.” Preventive Veterinary Medicine 120 (3–4): 321–27.
Nabikyu, J., and D. R. Kugonza. 2016. “Profitability Analysis of Selected Piggery Businesses in Peri-Urban Communities of Kampala Uganda.” Livestock Research for Rural Development 28 (5): 2016.
Ouma, E.A., M.M. Dione, Peter Lule, Kristina Roesel, L. Mayega, D. Kiryabwire, G. Nadiope, and Danilo Pezo. 2013. “Characterization of Smallholder Pig Production Systems in Uganda.” Livestock Research for Rural Development 26 (3): 2014.
Phiri, R. E. 2012. “Determination of Piggery Business Profitability in Balaka District in Malawi.” Livestock Research for Rural Development 24 (8): 202006.
Plaza-Bonilla, Daniel, Carlos Cantero-Martínez, Javier Bareche, Jose Luis Arrúe, Jorge Lampurlanés, and Jorge Álvaro-Fuentes. 2017. “Do No-till and Pig Slurry Application Improve Barley Yield and Water and Nitrogen Use Efficiencies in Rainfed Mediterranean Conditions?” Field Crops Research 203: 74–85.
Primatika, Roza Azizah, Etih Sudarnika, Bambang Sumiarto, and Chaerul Basri. 2022. “Estimation of the Probability Risks of African Swine Fever Outbreaks Using the Maximum Entropy Method in North Sumatra Province, Indonesia.” Veterinary World 15 (7): 1814–20.
Putut, Putut Isworo Arimurti, Chaerul Basri, and Denny Widaya Lukman. 2021. “Deteksi Virus African Swine Fever Dari Sampah Makanan Kapal Laut Internasional Di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok.” Acta VETERINARIA Indonesiana 9 (2): 112–19.
Sayori, A, TW Widayati, A Supriyantono, SY Randa, and DA Iyai. 2022. “Pig Farming System in West Papua : A Case Study of Three Districts.” Annals of Agriculture Science and Research 1 (1): 1–10.
Schivera, Diane. 1955. “Raising Organic Pigs,” 16–18.
Sendow, Indrawati, Atik Ratnawati, NLP I Dharmayanti, and Muharam Saepulloh. 2020. “African Swine Fever: Penyakit Emerging Yang Mengancam Peternakan Babi Di Dunia.” Indonesian Bulletin of Animal and Veterinary Sciences 30 (1): 15.
Sorokowski, Piotr, Agnieszka Sorokowska, and Dariusz P. Danel. 2013. “Why Pigs Are Important in Papua? Wealth, Height and Reproductive Success among the Yali Tribe of West Papua.” Economics and Human Biology 11 (3): 382–90.
Toansiba, Merry, Els Tieneke Rieke Katmo, Krisnawati Krisnawati, and Yustina Linda Dina Wambrauw. 2021. “Pengelolaan Tanah Dalam Pengetahuan Lokal Dan Praktik Pertanian Berkelanjutan Pada Masyarakat Arfak, Papua Barat.” Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia 26 (3): 370–78.
Tolera, Adugna, and Aster Abebe. 2007. “Livestock Production in Pastoral and Agro-Pastoral Production Systems of Southern Ethiopia.” Livestock Research for Rural Development 19 (12): 2007.
Trisiwi Wahyu Widayati, Bernadeta Wahyuni Irianti Rahayu, Dwi Djoko Rahardjo, and Marlyn Nelce Lekitoo. 2019. “Feeding Effect of Different Levels of Agricultural and Food Waste on Growth Performance and Economics in Pig Production.” Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A 9 (4): 240–47.
Warastuti, DF. 2001. “Sistim Pemeliharaan Ternak Babi Di Pesisir Teluk Doreri Kabupaten Manokwari.” Universitas Papua.
Widayati, TW, BW Rahayu, DD Rahardjo, and B Santoso. 2018. “The Utilization of Agricultural and Food Industry Wastes as Feed of Grower Pigs in Manokwari Regency West Papua.” Animal Production 20 (3): 165.