JURNAL PENA PAUD is a professional publication of original peer-reviewed articles that reflect exemplary practices in the field of contemporary early childhood education. Articles cover the social, physical, emotional, and intellectual development of children aged birth through 8, analyzing issues, trends, and practices from an educational perspective. The purpose of this journal is to facilitate scientific publications that are the result of research conducted by students, teachers, academics, and researchers. JURNAL PENA PAUD contains multidisciplinary early childhood education, especially in the scope of child development, early childhood education learning, early childhood education policy, early childhood problems, health in early childhood education, early childhood nutrition for care, and education.
Areas of Emphasis:
International studies;
Educational programs in diverse settings;
Early learning across multiple domains;
Projects demonstrating inter-professional collaboration;
Qualitative and quantitative research and case studies;
Best practices in early childhood teacher education;
Theory, research, and practice relating to professional development;
Family, school, and community relationships;
Investigations related to curriculum and instruction;
Articles that link theory and best practices;
Reviews of research with well-articulated connections to the field;
Early childhood health education
Early childhood nutritional health
Early childhood growth and development
JURNAL PENA PAUD is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Jl. WR. Supratman, Kandang Limun Bengkulu 38371 A Telp/Fax (0736) 21170
Phone: 085268096889
Email: penapaud@unib.ac.id