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The heterosis and heterobeltiosis values are genetic parameters that can be used to determine superior hybrid candidates. The heterosis value is calculated by comparing the F1 hybrid with mid parent heterosis and best parent heterosis. This study aimed to determine the heterosis and heterobeltiosis values of 29 melon genotypes. The genetic material used in the research was 29 melon genotypes. The research used a single factor Complete Randomized Block Design with three replications. The characters observed were stem diameter, leaf length, harvest age, fruit length, fruit diameter, fruit weight, fruit flesh thickness, and fruit sweetness level. Genotypes that produced high heterosis and heterobeltiosis values were G29xG4 for fruit length, fruit diameter and fruit weight, G9xG4 for fruit length, fruit diameter and fruit flesh thickness, G29xG9 and G38xG4 for fruit length and fruit sweetness, G4xG38 for fruit fruit length and flesh thickness, G29xG40 for fruit weight and fruit flesh thickness, and also G40xG4 and G38xG40 for fruit weight.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Wiwit Puspitasari, Edi Susilo, Eny Rolenti Togatorop
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Abdelaziz, S. M., El-Eslamboly, A. A. S. A., Diab, A. N. H. (2020). A study of the genetic behaviour of some genotypes of melon (Cucumis melo L.). Plant Archives, 20(2), 5381-5387.
Abdullah, J. A., Suwarno, W. B., Kusumo, Y. W. E. (2023). Evaluasi genotipe melon (Cucumis melo L.) untuk perakitan varietas hibrida baru. Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia, 14(1), 56-62.
Amzeri, A., Badami, K., Khoiri, S., Umam, A. S., Wahid, N., Nurlaella, S. (2020). Karakter morfologi, heritabilitas, dan indeks seleksi terboboti beberapa generasi f1 melon (Cucumis melo L.). Jurnal Agro, 7(1), 1-10.
Anggara, H., Suwarno, W. B., Saptomo, S. K., Gunawan, E., Huda, A. N., Setiawan, B. I. (2020). Keragaan lima varietas melon (Cucumis melo L.) dengan perlakuan irigasi cincin di rumah kaca. Indonesian Journal of Agronomy, 48(3), 307-313.
Badami, K., Daryono, B. S., Amzeri, A., Khoiri, S. (2020). Combining ability and heterotic studies on hybrid melon (Cucumis melo L.) populations for fruit yield and quality traits. SABRAO Journal of Breeding and Genetics, 52(4), 402-417.
Bazaz, H. A., Armita, D. (2022). Pengaruh penjarangan buah dan pemupukan kalium terhadap pertumbuhan, hasil, dan kualitas buah melon (Cucumis melo L.). Jurnal Produksi Tanaman, 10(7), 388-394.
Christy, J. (2020). Peningkatan produksi buah tanaman melon (Cucumis melo L.) secara hidroponik. AGRIUM: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian, 22(3), 150-156.
Handayani, D. R., Ashari, S., Adiredjo, A. L., Ardiarini, N. R., Roviq, M. (2022). Heterosis and combining ability of melon genotypes (Cucumis melo L.) for yield characters in full diallel crosses. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 28(5), 810-821.
Hidzroh, F., Daryono, B. S. (2021). Keseragaman dan kestabilan karakter tanaman melon (Cucumis melo L.‘Tacapa Gold’) berdasarkan karakter fenotip dan inter-simple sequence repeat. Biospecies, 14(2), 11-19.
Napolitano, M., Terzaroli, N., Kashyap, S., Russi, L., Jones-Evans, E., Albertini, E. (2020). Exploring heterosis in melon (Cucumis melo L.). Plants, 9(2), 1-19.
Omprasad, J., Madhumathi, C., Sadarunnisa, S., Priya, B. T., Jayaprada, M., & Arunodhayam, K. (2021). Heterosis for growth, yield and quality characters in muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.). The Pharma Innovation Journal, 10(8), 1056-1063.
Salamah, U., Saputra, H. E., & Herman, W. (2021). Karakterisasi buah dua puluh enam genotipe melon pada media pasir sistem hidroponik. PENDIPA Journal of Science Education, 5(2), 195-203.
Syukur, M., Sujiprihati, S., & Yunianti, R. (2012). Teknik Pemuliaan Tanaman. Penebar Swadaya Grup.
Wiguna, G., dan Sumpena, U. (2015). Evaluasi nilai heterosis dan heterobeltiosis beberapa persilangan mentimun (Cucumis Sativus L.) pada berbagai altitud. Jurnal Hortikultura, 26(1), 1-8.
Zulfikri, Z., Hayati, E., dan Nasir, M. (2015). Penampilan fenotipik, parameter genetik karakter hasil dan komponen hasil tanaman melon (Cucumis melo). Jurnal Floratek, 10(2), 1-11.