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This study aims to improve the cognitive skill in problem solving aspect by the application of the cooperative learning method in the type looking for a partner (make a match). The method used was classroom action research with two cycles, each cycle consist of three meetings. Subjects in this research were children of group A at PAUD Haqiqi Bengkulu City which  numbering 12 children consisted of 6 boys and 6 girls. Data collected through observation. Analysis of data using average test and t-test. Results of this study demonstrate that through the application of the cooperative learning method can improve the cognitive skill in problem solving aspect significantly as evidenced by the results of t-test analysis, in the first cycle and the second cycle with tarithmetic 7,36 ? ttable (1% = 3,11 and 5% = 2,20). From the results ofthis study can be recommended toteachers, to improve the cognitive skill in the aspect ofproblem solving can be done by applying the application ofthe cooperative learning method on the type of finding a partner (make a match).

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How to Cite
Ningsih, S., Kurniah, N., & Delrefi, D. (2018). PENERAPAN METODE COOPERATIVE LEARNING UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN KOGNITIF. Jurnal Ilmiah Potensia, 1(2), 100–106.


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