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The purpose of this research to describing about the planning, implementation, and evaluation of School Public Relation in ‘Autis Center’ Special School. The method is using qualitative descriptive research. The technique of collecting data through interviews, observation, and documentation. Data were analyzed by using an interactive model by Miles and Huberman, the examination of the validity of data through triangulation of sources and techniques. The results showed that School Public Relation plan includes a build the partnership with the school committee, related institutions, another special school’s in the province of Bengkulu, the Bengkulu City  Department of Education, residents around the school, child activities report plan to the parents verbally, dissemination to the public, the action plan for World Autism and Down Syndrome day, then the comparative studies with other schools. The implementation includes various meetings, built in cooperation with the Bengkulu city Department of Education, built in cooperation with the residents around the school in security maintaining, delivering the learning outcomes of children to parents verbally, distribution of brochures to the public, promotion through the mass media, then  activities at World Autism and Down Syndrome Day. The evaluation performed on the activity program, the process and collecting the opinions from the public

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How to Cite
Sitanggang, Y., Kurniah, N., & Sumarsih, S. (2018). MANAJEMEN HUBUNGAN SEKOLAH DENGAN MASYARAKAT (HUSEMAS) DI SEKOLAH LUAR BIASA NEGERI (SLBN) ‘AUTIS CENTER’. Jurnal Ilmiah Potensia, 1(2), 113–120.


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