Published: June 24, 2023

Socio-economic Characteristics and Their Effect on Smallholder Farmers’ Decisions to Participate in a Communal Land Restoration Project in Central Ethiopia

1-11 Omer Hinde, Gizachew Beyera, Hiwot Hailu, Beliyu Limenih , Alemayehu N. Ayana

Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Growth and Yield as Respons by Dolomite and Potassium Application on Peat Soil

12-18 Agri Andi Saputra Padang, Reny Herawati, M. Faiz Barchia, Heru Widiyono, Bilman W. Simanihuruk

Growth and Yield Responses of Three Soybean (Glycine max L.) Varieties to Different Dolomite Dosages on Saturated Soil Culture

19-26 Bima Asmara, Hesti Pujiwati, Widodo Widodo, Septiana Anggraini, Anandyawati Anandyawati

The Effects of Vermicompost on Carbon and Nitrogen Availability, C/N ratio and Corn Production Planted in Entisol Coastal Areas

27-32 Eksa Tri Rezeki, Yudhy Harini Bertham, Hasanudin Hasanudin, Riwandi, Kartika Utami

Soil Moisture Differences Between Continues Measurements of Three Crop Managements

33-39 Elsa Lolita Putri, Bandi Hermawan, Indra Agustian, Hasanudin

Effect of Slope and Distance from Oil Palm Stands on Soil Water Content

40-45 Naomi Yulia Siringoringo, Herry Gusmara, Priyono Prawito, Prasetyo Prasetyo, Kartika Utami

Effect of Vermicompost Chicken, Goat and Cow Manure on Growth Response and Yield of Brassica juncea L. on Ultisols

46-50 Anandyawati Anandyawati, Bambang Gonggo Murcitro, Welly Herman, Wuri Prameswari