Published: December 17, 2023

The Effect of Eco Enzyme from Pineapple (Ananas comosus) Peel Waste on Soil pH, P Availability, Growth and Yield of Shallots (Allium cepa) in Ultisols

51-56 Nadya Angelina Tampubolon, Zainal Muktamar, M. Faiz Barchia

Growth and Yield of Corn Plants Against Vermicompost Dosage in Degraded Ultisols

57-64 Ahmad Zikri, Widodo Widodo, Kartika Utami, Septiana Anggraini, Eko Suprijono

Mapping the Distribution of Water Retention and Other Physical Properties of Soil on Intensive Agriculture Land in the Village Sumber Urip, Selupu Rejang District, Rejang Lebong Regency

65-72 Nathasya Vira Permata, Bandi Hermawan, Herry Gusmara

Enhancing Entisols Physical Properties and Sweet Corn Agronomic Performances with Liquid Organic Fertilizer and Cow Manure

73-80 Eliza Rahma Dwipa, Hasanudin Hasanudin, Heru Widiyono, Bambang Gonggo Murcitro, Masdar Masdar

Optimizing Onion Growth on Coastal Land: Evaluating Various Manure Types and Dosages

81-88 Ayu Mia, Sumardi Sumardi, Hesti Pujiwati

Enhancing Leaf Potassium and Corn Yield in Degraded Ultisols with Vermicompost Fertilizer

89-93 Rina Sanjaya, Riwandi Riwandi, Hasanudin Hasanudin

Efficiency of Inorganic Fertilizer Utilization with Biofertilizer on the Growth and Production of Soybeans (Glycine max (L). Merrill.)

94-99 Erlina Rahmayuni, Mayangsari Mayangsari, Welly Herman, Elfarisna Elfarisna, Elsa Lolita Putri