About the Journal

Dharmakayana: Journal of scientists, engineers, educators and scientific activists who care about society. In accordance with the name Dharmakayana, consisting of two words (Dharma, in its original meaning, namely universal natural law and its derivatives that apply to/are applied to anything and anyone; Kayana means generous, kind, and noble), Dharma kayana takes on the mission of being a messenger to the world through articles containing science, research, design, reports, proposals or short communications about What is done/happens (On What Societies Do) and about how it is done (On How Societies Do What They Do). The first: On What Societies Do, related to educational innovation (engineering), promotion of diversity (gender), interdisciplinary activities, development of concern, and others. The second: On How Societies Do What They Do contains issues, problems, obstacles faced and overcome, either through cooperation between communities, university-community, academy-industry, community-informal education, or individuals, related to strategies to increase the number of female students in engineering, enriching craftsmen (engineering) with tools and work aids, e-learning, learning workshops (engineering), development of work and safety modules, simulations, and others. The article above is expected to be related to one, two or more of the seventeen issues in the Sustainable Development Goals, namely (1) No Poverty; (2) Zero Hunger; (3) Healthy and Prosperous Lives; (4) Quality Education; (5) Gender Equality; (6) Clean Water and Adequate Sanitation; (7) Affordable and Clean Energy; (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth; (9) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure; (10) Reduced Inequality; (11) Sustainable Cities and Settlements. (12) Responsible Consumption and Production; (13) Addressing Climate Change; (14) Marine Ecosystems; (15) Land Ecosystems; (16) Peace, Justice and Resilient Institutions; (17) Partnerships to explain the Objectives.

Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): November : Dharmakayana: Journal of scientists, engineers, educators and scientific activists related to society development
					View Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): November : Dharmakayana: Journal of scientists, engineers, educators and scientific activists related to society development

This journal contains six articles that are the result of contributions from various universities and educational institutions in Indonesia, especially in the Bengkulu region. The articles come from seven institutions, namely the University of Bengkulu, Dehasen University of Bengkulu, Raflesia Polytechnic Curup, and SMA Negeri 8 Bengkulu City. Each article reflects the commitment and real contribution of academics and education practitioners in carrying out community service through research, development, and implementation of innovative solutions. This journal aims to provide a forum for the results of thoughts and studies that are useful for the advancement of education and community empowerment in the region. With an interdisciplinary perspective, each article offers a practical approach that can be applied to address various social, economic, and educational challenges that exist in society.

Published: 18-12-2024


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The Editorial Team of the Community Service Journal affiliated with the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Bengkulu, invites you to submit papers for our forthcoming journal edition. This journal purports to offer reports on community service activities oriented toward solving societal problems using technical applications, engineering innovations, and scientific-based solutions in engineering and science.

Scopes of the submission of the article include, among others, the following:

1. Developing and applying technology to develop the capacity and power of communities.
2. Application of engineering innovation in solving particular problems at the local level.
3. Application of scientific knowledge in some community service-oriented initiative on sustainability.
4. Multi-disciplinary collaboration in some community-oriented engineering engagement activities.

The article should be submitted no later than the indicated deadline, 1st Oct 2024. Articles can be submitted through submission or by e-mail to dharmakayana@unib.ac.id. To access author guidelines and article templates, download from the "information for author" section. Every paper received will be subjected to a properly conducted peer-review procedure by specialists in areas relevant to the subject under discussion.

Your participation and contribution towards the success of this magazine are highly solicited. Please do not hesitate to contact us in case you have any more questions or require any further details. We appreciate your attention and cooperation.