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Sugarcane bagasse is one of the potential biomass as raw material for bioethanol production. This study aims to determine the effect of  concentration and type of yeast on the characteristics of bioethanol produced from bagasse bagel delignified with a mixture of NH4OH-NaOH in a ratio of 1:20. This study uses a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 2 factors: yeast concentration (0.4%, 0.6% and 0.8%) and the type of yeast (tape yeast and bread yeast). The results of this study indicate that Bioethanol levels increase with increasing yeast concentration. The highest levels of bioethanol were obtainedat  the use of  0.8% bread yeast, ie 14.16%

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Author Biography

Devi Silsia, Dept of Agricultural Technology, Faculty of Agricultural, University of Bengkulu

assistant professor
How to Cite
Maryana, T., Silsia, D., & Budiyanto, B. (2020). EFFECT OF YEAST CONCENTRATION AND TYPE ON BIOETHANOL PRODUCTION FROM SUGARCANE BAGASSE. Jurnal Agroindustri, 10(1), 47–56.


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