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Chocolate derivatives, such as beverage, is popularly developed with various flavor enrichment. It is experiencing growth in the market, including bottled ready-to-drink chocolate beverage, chocolate powder drink, and chocolate beverage that is widely available at chocolate cafés or stalls. Health benefits of various spices have been well investigated, but not have been widely used in the development of chocolate beverage. Therefore, the functional properties of spicy chocolate prepared with the addition of spices, garam masala is one of the spices, needed to be investigated.  The objectives of the study were to evaluate the effects of garam masala addition on chocolate beverage to antimicrobial activity, antioxidant activity, and total phenolic content. Various formulas of garam masala addition (0.01-0.10%) were evaluated the functional properties to ensure the benefits of chocolate beverage enhanced with garam masala. The result showed that the addition of garam masala in chocolate beverage could increase the antimicrobial activity especially to inhibit negative gram bacteria (Salmonella thypii and Eschericia coli) with minimum concentration at 0.08%. Furthermore, garam masala addition increased antioxidant activity and total phenolic content with minimum concentration at 0.04%.

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