- Focus and Scope
- Section Policies
- Peer Review Process
- Publication Frequency
- Open Access Policy
- Archiving
- Publication Ethics
Focus and Scope
Journal Amplifier: scientific Journal of Technic Electric and Computer is a scientific communication media which is issued by Study Programme of Electrical Technic, Faculty of Technic, the University of Bengkulu. p-ISSN 2089-2020 and e-ISSN 2089-2020 in a year published twice (Mei and November).
Articles can be the results of research, scientific studies, and the analysis and solving issues relevant to the field of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, and has never been published in other scientific journals.
This topic includes parts :
- Signal, System and Electronics
- Digital Signal Processing
- Robotic Systems
- Image Processing
- Biomedical Instrumentation
- Micro Electronics
- Embedded Systems includes parts is Communication Systems
- Management and Protocol Network
- Telecommunication
- Wireless Communications
- Opto Electronics
- Fuzzy Sensor and Network
This journal collaborates with FORTEI (Forum Pendidikan Tinggi Teknik Elektro Indonesia).
Section Policies
Amplifier November 2018 Vol 8 no 2
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Amplifier Mei 2019 Vol 9 No 1
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Amplifier November 2019 Vol 9 no 2
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Amplifier Mei 2020 Vol 10 No 1
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Amplifier November 2020 Vol 10 No 2
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Amplifier Mei 2021 Vol 11 No 1
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Amplifier November 2021 Vol 11 no 2
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Amplifier Vol 12 N0 1 Mei 2022
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Peer Review Process
Publication of articles in Jurnal Amplifier is dependent solely on scientific validity and coherence as judged by our editors and/or peer, reviewers, who will also assess whether the writing is comprehensible and whether the work represents a useful contribution to the field. Jurnal Amplifier acknowledged the effort and suggestions made by its reviewers.
Initial evaluation of manuscripts
The Editor will first evaluate all manuscripts submitted. Although rare, yet it is entirely feasible for an exceptional manuscript to be accepted at this stage. Those rejected at this stage are insufficiently original, have serious scientific flaws, or are outside the aims and scope of the Jurnal Amplifier. Those that meet the minimum criteria are passed on to experts for review.
Type of peer review
Submitted manuscripts will generally be reviewed by two to three experts who will be asked to evaluate whether the manuscript is scientifically sound and coherent, whether it duplicates the already published works, and whether or not the manuscript is sufficiently clear for publication. The method is a double-blind review
Review reports
Reviewers are asked to evaluate whether the manuscript:
- Is original by stating the objectives and gap clearly
- Is methodologically sound
- Follows appropriate ethical guidelines
- Has results/findings which are clearly presented and support the conclusions
- Correctly references previous relevant work
- Reviewers are not expected to correct or copyedit manuscripts. Language correction is not part of the peer review process.
Reviewers advise the editor, who is responsible for the final decision to accept or reject the article. The Editors will reach a decision based on these reports and, where necessary, they will consult with members of the Editorial Board. Editor’s decision is final.
Becoming a Reviewer
If you are not currently a reviewer for Jurnal Amplifier but would like to be added to the list of reviewers, please contact us. The benefits of reviewing for Jurnal Amplifier include the opportunity to see and evaluate the latest work in the related research area at an early stage, and to be acknowledged in our list of reviewers. You may also be able to cite your work for Jurnal Amplifier as part of your professional development requirements. Jurnal Amplifier reviewers are volunteers who contribute their expertise to the science, thus no financial payments are made.
Publication Frequency
Mei dan November
Open Access Policy
Jurnal Ampifier provides open access directly to content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports global exchanges that are greater than knowledge. Users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, link to the full text of this article, or use it for other legitimate purposes under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...
Publication Ethics
Journal Amplifier: scientific Journal of Technic Electric and Computer is a scientific communication medium published by the Electrical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, University of Bengkulu. Each published article focuses on applied engineering and technology implemented in society. The articles are written by competent authors in their respective fields and are based on research/study results. Each article's content features elements of novelty, originality, and utility. To enhance the quality of the journal and the professionalism of authors, editors, reviewers, and journal managers, the "Amplifier Scientific Publication Ethics" has been established. This ethics guideline aims to prevent malpractice in journal publication and copyright violations such as duplication, fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism. It refers to the "Peraturan Kepala LIPI Nomor 5 Tahun 2014 tentang Kode Etika Publikasi Ilmiah". They are expected to be implemented by the authors, editors, reviewers, and journal managers.
- Publish Clear Instructions : Journals should publish clear instructions regarding submission procedures and expectations for authors.
- Provide Authorship Guidance : Provide clear guidance on criteria for authorship and who should be listed as a contributor to ensure transparency and fairness.
- Regularly Review Author Instructions : Regularly review and update author instructions, and provide links to relevant guidelines (e.g., ICMJE, COPE) to keep authors informed of best practices.
- Disclosure of Competing Interests : Require all contributors to disclose relevant competing interests and publish corrections if competing interests are revealed after publication.
- Select Appropriate Reviewers : Ensure that appropriate reviewers are selected for submissions—those who can objectively assess the work and are free from disqualifying competing interests.
- Respect Reviewer Requests : Respect well-reasoned requests from authors to exclude specific individuals from reviewing their submission.
- Follow COPE Guidelines for Misconduct : Follow COPE flowcharts in cases of suspected misconduct or disputed authorship to guide decision-making.
- Publish Misconduct Handling Procedures : Publish details on how cases of suspected misconduct are handled, including links to COPE flowcharts for transparency.
- Identify Qualified Editorial Board Members : Editors should ensure that editorial board members are suitably qualified and can actively contribute to the development and effective management of the journal.
- Appoint Editorial Board Members for a Fixed Term : Editorial board members should be appointed for a fixed term, such as three years, to ensure continuity and stability in journal management.
- Provide Clear Guidance on Duties and Expectations : Editors must provide clear guidance to editorial board members about their expected functions and duties, which may include:
- Acting as ambassadors for the journal
- Supporting and promoting the journal
- Seeking out high-quality authors and work (e.g., from conference abstracts) and actively encouraging submissions
- Reviewing submissions to the journal
- Accepting commissions to write editorials, reviews, and commentaries on papers within their area of expertise
- Attending and contributing to editorial board meetings
- Consult with Editorial Board Members Regularly : Editors should consult with editorial board members regularly (at least once a year) to gather their opinions on journal operations, inform them of any changes in journal policies, and identify future challenges.
- Provide Clear Guidance to Reviewers : Editors should offer straightforward and regularly updated advice to reviewers regarding their roles and responsibilities.
- Require Disclosure of Competing Interests : Reviewers must disclose any potential competing interests before agreeing to review a submission.
- Encourage Comments on Ethical Issues : Reviewers should be encouraged to comment on ethical questions and possible research misconduct raised by submissions, such as unethical research design, insufficient details on patient consent, or the protection of research subjects, including animals.
- Ensure Originality and Detect Misconduct : Reviewers should be encouraged to ensure the originality of submissions and be vigilant for signs of redundant publication and plagiarism.
- Provide Tools for Detecting Related Publications : Consider providing reviewers with tools to detect related publications, such as links to cited references and bibliographic searches.
- Acknowledge Reviewer Contributions : Editors should seek to acknowledge the contributions of reviewers to the journal.
- Encourage Institutional Recognition : Encourage academic institutions to recognize peer-review activities as part of the scholarly process.
- Monitor Reviewer Performance : Editors should monitor the performance of peer reviewers and take steps to ensure that it remains of high quality.
- Maintain and Update a Reviewer Database : Develop and maintain a database of suitable reviewers and update it based on reviewer performance
- Remove Poor Performers from the Database : Remove reviewers from the journal’s database who consistently produce discourteous, poor-quality, or late reviews.
- Add New Reviewers to the Database : Seek to add new reviewers to the database to replace those who have been removed due to poor performance or other reasons.
- Ensure Diversity in the Reviewer Database : Ensure that the reviewer database reflects the diversity of the academic community relevant to the journal by auditing factors such as reviewer age, gender, and location.
- Use a Wide Range of Sources for Reviewer Identification : Use a broad range of sources, not just personal contacts, to identify potential new reviewers, including author suggestions and bibliographic databases.
- Follow COPE Guidelines for Suspected Reviewer Misconduct : Adhere to the COPE flowchart in cases of suspected reviewer misconduct.
Subscribe Policy
Sosdict : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat is an open access journal so that it is free of charge for readers, writers, and anyone accessing full-text articles in this journal site [see Open Access Policy]
Indexing and Abstracting
Sosdict : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat has been indexed and abstracted in
Google Scholar
Garba Rujukan Digital (GARUDA)
Crossref (USA)
WorldCat (World Catalog, Canada)
Indonesia One Search (IOS, Perpusnas RI)
Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE, Germany)
ROAD (Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources)
International Journal Impact Factor (IJI)
Index Copernicus International (ICI, Poland)
Harvard Library
The University of Sheffield