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This study aimed to analyze the effect of adding a Salvinia molesta D.S Mitchell, sardinela longecips oil, and palm oil to profile fatty acid compotition of quail egg. This study used a complete randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 replications. The ration contains 21% crude protein and 3000 kcal/kg metabolic energy. The treatment rations used consisted of control rations (without using Kayambang flour (P0) and treatment rations using 2%, 4% and 6% Kayambang meal on rations based on 4% lemuru fish oil and 2% palm oil (P2, P4 and P6) The results showed that the use of Kayambang leaf meal at levels of 2%, 4% and 6% in a ration containing 4% lemuru fish oil and 2% palm oil increased total n-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA in egg yolks ( P<0.05). Egg yolk cholesterol tends to decrease with the use of Kayambang meals. It can be concluded that the use of 2% and 4% Kayambang meal resulted in the ratio of n- 6 and n- 3 in egg yolks of 6.74:1 and 7.48: 1.
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- Mancini A, Imperlini E, Nigro E, Montagnese C, Daniele A, Orru S, Buono P. 2015. Biological and nutritional properties of palm oil and palmitic acid: effects on health. Molecules. 20(1): 17339-17361.
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- Nithya TG, jayanthi J, Ragunathan MG. 2016. Antioxidant activity , total phenol, alkaloid, tannin, and saponin contents of leaf extracts of Salvinia molesta D.S. Mitchell (1972). Asian Journal of pharmaceutical and clinical research. 9 (1) : 200-203
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- Rymer C and Lan Givens DL. 2010. Effects of vitamin E and fish oil inclusion in broiler diets on meat fatty acid composition and on the flavour of a composite sample of breast meat. J Sci Food Agric 90 (10):1628-33. doi: 10.1002/jsfa.3991.
- Liang K, Zu H, Wang X..2020.Effect of storage on n-3 PUFA-enriched eggs CYTA–Journal of Food. 18 (1) : 102–107
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- Suci DM, Zahera R, Sari M, Hermana, W. 2020. Penggunaan tepung kulit pisang dalam ransum terhadap kadar kolesterol, vitamin A dan profil asam lemak ayam arab. JINTP 18 (1) : 11-18
- Suci DM, Fitri R, Mutia R. 2017. Meat fatty ccid and cholesterol content of native Indonesian muscovy duck fed with rice bran in traditional farm . Animal Production. 19(1):37-45
- Suseno SH, Saraswati, Hayati S, Izaki AF. 2014. Fatty acid compotition of some potential fish oil from production centers in Indonesia. Orient. J. Chem. 30(3): 975-980.
- Van Elswyk ME. 1997. Nutritional physiological effects of flax seed in diets for laying fowl. World Poultry Sci. J. 53 : 253-264.
Akhadiarto S. 2010. Pemnafaatan tanaman gulma kayambang (Salvinia molesta) sebagai bahan pakan ayam buras melalui energy metabolisnya. JRL 6 (1) : 63-69
Atmasier S. 2006. Prinsip Dasar Ilmu Gizi. Jakarta (ID): PT Gramedia.
Anderson, K. E., Lowman Z, Stomp AM., Chang J. 2011. Duckweed as a feed ingredient in laying
hen diets and its effect on egg production and composition. Int. J. of Poult. Sci.10 (1):4--7.
Bachaki Acc, Herpandi, anggraini A. 2018 .Aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak tumbuhan perairan kiambang Salvinia molesta. Jurnal sains dan Teknologi 10(2) 125-133
Bambang. 2003. Efek kolesterolemix berbagai telur. Jurnal Media Gizi dan Keluarga 27 Hal 58 – 65.
Das UN. 2006. Essential fatty acid: biochemistry, physiology and pathology. Biotech. J. 1:420-439
Fanani, AH. Fajrih N, Salido W L. 2018. Penggunaan minyak ikan dalam ransum ayam kampung terhadap profil lemak darah. Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis 6(1): 14-19
Fraeye, I., Bruneel, C., Lemahieu, C., Buyse, J., Muylaert, K., & Foubert, I. (2012). Dietary enrichment of eggs with omega-3 fatty acids: A review. Food Research International, 48(2), 961–969. doi:10.1016/j.
Griel AE and Etherton PMK. 2006. Beyond Saturated Fat: The Importance of The Dietary Fatty Profile on Cardiovascular Disease. Nutrition Reviews. ProQuest Medical Library. 64(5):252-257.
Grigorova S , Nikolova M , Penkov D Gerzilov V. 2014. Egg yolk lipids change in Japanese quail given Tribulus terrestris extract. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 20: 1472-1476.
Grune T, Klamer K, Hoppe PP, Siems W. 2001. Enrichment of egg with n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid: effect of vitamin E supplement. LIPID 36 (8) : 833-838 doi: 10.1007/s11745-001-0792-7.
Health and Welfare Canada 1990.Nutrition Recommendation.The Report of the Scientific Review Committee, Ministry of Supply and Service, Canada.
Kleiner IS, LV Dotti. 1958. Laboratory Instruction in Biochemistry.New York: Mosby.
Kurniawan M, Izzati M, Nurchayati Y. 2010. Kandungan klorofil, karotenoid, dan vitamin C pada beberapa spesies tumbuhan akuatik. Buletin Anatomi dan Fisiologi. 18(1):28-40.
Koreleski, J and Swiatkiewics, S. 2005. Effect of fish oil and Vitamin E in the diet on the Fatty Acid Composition of breast meat in Broiler Chickens. Journal of Animal Feed Science 14 (supple 1) : 459-462
Kouba, M, Mourot J. 2011. A review of nutritional effect of fat composition of animal products with special emphasis on n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid. Biochimie 93 (1) : 13-17
Mancini A, Imperlini E, Nigro E, Montagnese C, Daniele A, Orru S, Buono P. 2015. Biological and nutritional properties of palm oil and palmitic acid: effects on health. Molecules. 20(1): 17339-17361.
Maulana IT, Sukraso, Damayanti S. 2014. Kandungan asam lemak dalam minyak ikan Indonesia. J Ilmu Tek Kelautan Trop. 6(1):121-130.
Meliandasari D, Dwiloka B, Suprijatna E. 2015. Daun kayambang (Salvinia molesta) untuk penurunan kolesterol daging dan peningkatan kualitas asam lemak esensial.Jurnal Aplikasi Teknologi Pangan. 4(1):22-27.
Montesqrit, Adrizal. 2009. Optimasi produksi mikrokapsul minyak ikan sebagai feed aditif untuk menghasilkan produk unggas kaya asam lemak ?-3 dan rendah kolesterol. Padang (ID): Universitas Andalas.
Murray RK, DK Ganner, PA Mayes, VWRodwell. 1995. Biokimia Harper. Jakarta(ID): EGC.
Nithya TG, jayanthi J, Ragunathan MG. 2016. Antioxidant activity , total phenol, alkaloid, tannin, and saponin contents of leaf extracts of Salvinia molesta D.S. Mitchell (1972). Asian Journal of pharmaceutical and clinical research. 9 (1) : 200-203
Oo KC, The SK, Khor HT, Augustine SH. 1985. Fatty acid synthesis in the oil palm (Elaeis guineensis): Incorporation of acetate by tissue slices of the developing fruit. Lipids 20(4): 205-210.
Rusmana, 2008.Minyak ikan lemuru sebagai imunomodulator dan penambahan vitamin E untukmeningkatkan kekebalan tubuh ayam broiler[disertasi]. Bogor (ID) : Program Pascasarjana IPB.
Rusmana D. 2007. Pengaruh Substitusi minyak sawit oleh minyak lemuru dan suplemenatsi vitamin E dalam ransum ayam broiler terhadap performans. Jurnal Ilmu Ternak 7 (2) ; 101-106
Rymer C and Lan Givens DL. 2010. Effects of vitamin E and fish oil inclusion in broiler diets on meat fatty acid composition and on the flavour of a composite sample of breast meat. J Sci Food Agric 90 (10):1628-33. doi: 10.1002/jsfa.3991.
Liang K, Zu H, Wang X..2020.Effect of storage on n-3 PUFA-enriched eggs CYTA–Journal of Food. 18 (1) : 102–107
Sani, SW, Heswantari SR, Sudibya, Purnomo SH, Hanifa A. 2015. Pengaruh suplementasi minyak ikan dan L-karnitin dalam pakan jagung kuning terfermentasi terhadap kecernaan pakan dan performa puyuh (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Buletin Peternakan 39 (1) : 31-41
Suci DM, Zahera R, Sari M, Hermana, W. 2020. Penggunaan tepung kulit pisang dalam ransum terhadap kadar kolesterol, vitamin A dan profil asam lemak ayam arab. JINTP 18 (1) : 11-18
Suci DM, Fitri R, Mutia R. 2017. Meat fatty ccid and cholesterol content of native Indonesian muscovy duck fed with rice bran in traditional farm . Animal Production. 19(1):37-45
Suseno SH, Saraswati, Hayati S, Izaki AF. 2014. Fatty acid compotition of some potential fish oil from production centers in Indonesia. Orient. J. Chem. 30(3): 975-980.
Van Elswyk ME. 1997. Nutritional physiological effects of flax seed in diets for laying fowl. World Poultry Sci. J. 53 : 253-264.