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The season impacts livestock productivity and cattle kept in grazing production systems in tropical conditions. This research aims to determine the effect of season on the weight changes of Bali cows and calves on oil palm plantations. This research used 20 Bali cattle kept semi-intensively in oil palm plantation areas without feed supplementation in 2016–2018. Cows and calves were weighed at calving and every month until weaning (150 days). Season grouping was based on calving time: dry season (DS) May–October and rainy season (RS) November–April. Data were analyzed by independent T-test statistics using the SPSS 20.0 application. The results of observations showed that cows' body weight decreased gradually until the fourth month of lactation in both seasons. Cows' weight changes were only significantly different in the second month, in which cows at DS were better than RS (P<0.05). The pre-weaning average daily gain (ADG) of calves each month was not significantly different between the two seasons, and they could reach a body weight of 60.60 kg (RS) and 61.47 kg (DS) at weaning. Season differences do not impact weight changes in the Bali cows and calves in the cattle-oil palm plantation production system.
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Baliarti, E., Panjono, Budisatria, I. G. S., Bintara, S., Maulana, H., Gustantio, R., Atmoko, B. A., & Sasongko, T. (2017). Behavior of Bali Cows at Different Reproduction Phase that Kept in Oil Palm Environment. The 7th International Seminar on Tropical Animal Production, 714–718.
da Silva, A. G., Paulino, M. F., Detmann, E., Fernandes, H. J., da Silva Amorim, L., Ortega, R. E. M., de Carvalho, V. V., da Costa Lima, J. A., de Moura, F. H., Monteiro, M. B., & Bitencourt, J. A. (2017). Energetic-protein supplementation in the last 60 days of gestation improves performance of beef cows grazing tropical pastures. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 8(1), 78.
Hafsah, Baco, S., & Wello, B. (2013). Pengaruh umur induk dan jenis kelamin terhadap bobot sapih sapi Bali yang dipelihara secara semi intensif. Universitas Hasanudin.
Hardiono, R., Saili, T., & Nafiu, L. O. (2016). Respon Pertumbuhan dan Mortalitas Pedet Sapi Bali dari Induk yang Diberi Pakan Tambahan dan Obat Cacing. Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis, 3(2), 39.
Houghton, P. L., Lemenager, R. P., Horstman, L. A., Hendrix, K. S., & Moss, G. E. (1990). Effects of body composition, pre- and postpartum energy level and early weaning on reproductive performance of beef cows and preweaning calf gain. Journal of Animal Science, 68(5), 1438.
Lenon Klein, J., Martinho Adams, S., Farias De Moura, A., Borchate, D., Alves Filho, D. C., Pansiera Antunes, D., Moro Maidana, F., Dos SantosCardoso, G., Brondani, I. L., & Gonçalves Gindri, R. (2022). Effects of nutrition in the final third of gestation of beef cows on progeny development. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias, 13(3), 658–673.
Mashur. (2014). Prospek Pengembangan Pusat-Pusat Pembibitan Sapi Bali di Lahan Marginal untuk Mendukung Penyediaan Sapi Bakalan di Nusa Tenggara Barat. Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi “Bioscientist,” 2(1), 19–29.
Maulana, H., Panjono, Baliarti, E., Widayati, D. T., & Budisatria, I. G. S. (2019). Seasonal effect on productivity of Bali cows in oil palm plantation in Riau Province, Indonesia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 387(1).
Maulana, H., Panjono, Budisatria, I. G. S., Yuriadi, Yulianto, D. E., Ibrahim, A., & Baliarti, E. (2018). Effect of season on feeding behavior of Bali cattle that kept in oil palm plantation with semi-intensive system. International Conference on Green Agro-Industry and Bioeconomy, 373–376.
Mee, J. F. (2023). Impacts of dairy cow nutrition precalving on calf health. JDS Communications, 4(3), 245–249.
Muhajirin, Despal, & Khalil. (2017). Nutrient sufficiencies of cows grazing in Padang Mengatas pasture. Buletin Makanan Ternak, 104(1), 9–20.
Mullik, M., & Jelantik, I. G. (2009). Strategi Peningkatan Produktivitas Sapi Bali Pada Sistem Pemeliharaan Ekstensif Di Daerah Lahan Kering: Pengalaman Nusa Tenggara Timur (Pengembangan Sapi Bali Berkelanjutan Dalam Sistem Peternakan Rakyat, 1–15.
Ni Made Ayu Gemuh Rasa Astiti. (2020). Birth Weight and Growth Weight of Bali Cattle Calf. Technium, 2(7), 436–441.
Prawiradiputra, B., Sutedi, E., Sajimin, & Fanindi, A. (2012). Hijauan Pakan Ternak Untuk Lahan Sub-Optimal. badan peneliti dan pengembangan pertanian.
Suranjaya, I. G. D. E., I Nyoman Ardika, & R. R. Indrawati. (2010). Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi produktivitas sapi bali di wilayah binaan proyek pembibitan dan pengembangan sapi bali di bali cattle development and breeding centre in Bali. Majalah Ilmiah Peternakan, 13(3), 83–87.
Talib, C. (2002). Sapi Bali di daerah sumber bibit dan peluang pengembangannya. Wartazoa, 12(3), 100–107.
Tavares, L., Baliarti, E., & Bintara, S. (2013). Pre-Weaning Growth of Bali Calves at Balai Pembibitan Ternak Unggul Sapi Bali. Buletin Peternakan, 36(3), 199.