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First language acquisition has an essential role in children's development. This paper aimed to know the use of language acquisition by a Youtube video. Descriptive  qualitative methods have been used to carry out this research. It used five procedures of collecting the data are taking the data from a Youtube video, transcribing the video, classifying, identifying, observing, and analyzing the data. Findings revealed from a child named Mateo that the speech contained phonological, morphological, and syntactical acquisition that showing the development of children in early acquisition. There were 37 words produced with all initial /b/. /d/, /h/, /m/, /n/. /p/. /m/ and /p/ from initial sounds. Then, in syntax acquisition, the researcher found 2 commands. Thus, Mateo’s language acquisition has revealed morphological, phonological, and syntactical acquisition.


language-acquisition morphology phonology syntax

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Author Biography

Ahmad Zamzam, Universitas Mataram



How to Cite
Loviyani, N. P. A. N., Padmadewi, N. N., Budiarta, L. G. R., & Zamzam, A. (2022). First Language Acquisition Analysis Of A One Year Five Month Child “Mateo”. Jurnal Ilmiah Potensia, 7(2), 202–206.


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