Student Journal of Business and Management (SJBM) e-ISSN : 3026-6165 is an open access journal that publishes the results of writing scientific papers, as a forum for research publications and academic review results in the field of Management and Business. Editors invite writers and experts to publish and share their ideas through scientific and empirical research in the field of Management and Business. The main aim of this publication is to enhance theory, concepts and practice in management and business. Research dissemination will enable young researchers, and practitioners to present and share their empirical scientific findings. We will be a bridge between theory and practice in management and business. This journal is intended for researchers, lecturers, undergraduate and graduate students, and practitioners. Prepare your articles, SJBM editors will immediately accept articles for the next issue of the journal.

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Yth : 

Reader and Writer of Student Journal of Business and Management

Mr and Mrs readers are informed that the Student Journal of Business and Management has started to publish Vol 1 No 1 2018 in print media, but currently it is only published online starting Vol 4 N0 1 2021. That's all and Thank you

Vol. 7 No. 2 (2024)

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