Published: June 28, 2019
University of Bengkulu Law Journal aims to provide a venue for academicians, researchers and practitioners for publishing the original research articles or review articles. The scope of the articles published in this journal deal with a broad range of topics in the fields of Criminal Law, Civil Law, Constitutional Law, International Law, Administrative Law, Islamic Law, Medical Law, Environmental Law and another section related contemporary issues in law.
The research article submitted to this online journal will be peer-reviewed at least by two independent reviewers with double blind peer review type. The final decision of the acceptance or rejection of the article is made by Editor-in-Chief based on the comments given by the reviewers. Screening of plagiarism will be done by utilizing Google Scholar and/or Viper. The accepted research articles will be available online following the journal peer-reviewing process.
April and October
University of Bengkulu Law Journal provides open access directly to content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports global exchanges that are greater than knowledge. Users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, link to the full text of this article, or use it for other legitimate purposes under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
University of Bengkulu
UBELAJ (University of Bengkulu Law Journal) is a legal scientific journal, published by the Faculty of Law, University of Bengkulu. UBELAJ is a forum to publish the results of research conducted by researchers specifically in the fields of law, namely civil law, civil law, constitutional law, international law, legal administration, Islamic law, health law, environmental law, and all legal issues. UBELAJ is published twice a year in April and October. Articles that have been received will be published online and printed.
UBELAJ was published since 2016 by the University of Bengkulu Faculty of Law which is located at JL. WR. Supratman, Kandang Limun Bengkulu. UBELAJ is registered with P-ISSN Number 2541-1926 and E-ISSN 2528-7656.
Articles submitted to UBELAJ will go through a blind reviewer in accordance with their scientific competencies. UBELAJ in 2019 became a member of CROSSREFF, therefore every article issued will have a DOI number. UBELAJ in 2019 enrolled ARJUNA and conducted a self evaluation. UBELAJ will make a National Accreditation submission and in the near future try to be accredited to SINTA.
Board Editor
Published: June 28, 2019