Published: February 23, 2025

Growth Responses of Superior Varieties of Rice in South Coast of Kebumen Regency

1-7 Umi Barokah, Endang Mulyani, Rahmat Joko Nugroho, Trias Sitaresmi

The Inhibitory Properties of the Single-Chain 2S Albumin Seed Storage Protein from Theobroma cacao

8-14 Norzulaiha Abd. Karim, Cahyo Budiman, Azwan Awang, Kenneth F. Rodrigues

Correlation and Path Analysis for Grain Yield and Its Components of Lowland Rice Grown under Coastland Agroecosystem

15-23 Rika Aprillia, Gigih Ibnu Prayoga, Eries Dyah Mustikarini