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This study aimed to detect single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in intron-2 on growth hormone receptor (GHR) gene in Papua local chickens using the PCR-RFLP method to study its relationship with growth characteristics. Data on the bodyweight of 49 chickens aged 1, 2, 3, and 4 months (22 males, 27 females) and DNA samples were used for this study. The DNA fragment of size 718 bp in intron-2 of the GHR gene from the study chicken was successfully amplified using a pair of specific primers. The PCR-RFLP/HindIII analysis results found this locus's two genotypes (HindIII++ and HindIII--). HindIII+ and HindIII- alleles were 0.02 and 0.98, respectively.


polymorphism GHR gene PCR-RFLP HindIII Papua local chickens.

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How to Cite
Mu’in, M. A., & Murwanto, A. G. (2021). GHR/HindIII Locus Polymorphisms in Intron-2 GHR Gene of Papua Local Chicken. Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia, 16(4), 315–321.


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