Published: September 30, 2021

Evaluation of Native Rooster Based on Breeding Value of trait of Macroscopic and Microscopic Semen Quality

228-232 Sutiyono Sutiyono, E. Kurnianto, Sutopo Sutopo, D. K. Ariyanto, D. Samsudewa

Protein Mass and Calcium Mass of Broiler Chicken with Added Nucleotides at Different Maintenance Temperatures

233-238 I. Rahmawati, L .D. Mahfudz, S. Kismiati

Weight and Lenght of Digestive Organs of Super Native Chickens Fed of Amorphophallus companulatus Tuber Flour

239-244 D. T. Tabun, T. N. I. Koni, T. A. Y. Foenay, M. D. S. Randu

Analysis of Flavonoids and Saponins of Contents in the Ration of Sheep Added with Multinutrient Block with Different Level of Papaya Leaves Flour

245-250 A. Arumsari, S. Mukodiningsih, Widiyanto Widiyanto

Analysis of the Layer Farm Business on BUMDes “Mandiri” and Breeder Partners in Babakan Bogor Village Kabawetan Subdistrict Kepahiang District

251-258 A. Martini, N. N. Arianti

pH, Total Bacteria and Total Fungi Litter Fermentation at Different Ripening Durations

259-265 C. S. Utama, B. Sulistiyanto, O. Barus

Effect of Sakura Block on Milk Production and Milk Quality of FH Cows in Late Lactation

266-272 Jarmuji Jarmuji, D. Suherman, Yanuri Yanuri, R. Afriansyah, E. Sulistyowati

Correlation of Sentul Chicken Body Weight at DOC age of 1, 2 and 3 Months

273-276 L. H. M. Gultom, Gushairiyanto Gushairiyanto, Depison Depison

Quality of Imported Beef in Indonesia

277-282 Amam Amam, Haryono Haryono

Eco-enzyme Disinfection in Pig Housing as an Effort to Suppress Esherechia coli Population

283-287 N. Ginting, Hasnudi Hasnudi, Yunilas Yunilas

Gestation Length and Litter Size of New Zealand White Grade Rabbit

288-291 A. Setiaji, D. A. Lestari, S. Sutopo, Y. S. Ondho, E. Kurnianto