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Author Guidelines



Buletin Peternakan Tropis is a journal that publishes scientific articles based on double blind peer-review which aims to disseminate all information that contributes to the understanding and development of animal husbandry in tropical areas by publishing original research papers and literature review articles. This journal covers all aspects related to Animal Husbandry and Veterinary in tropical areas.

A. Contribution Type

Buletin Peternakan Tropis publishes original research papers and literature reviews. Articles submitted to this journal have not been previously published or are not being considered for publication elsewhere. Once the article is accepted, the author will be asked to transfer the copyright of the article.

B. Manuscript Preparation and Submission

B.1. General roles

a. Manuscripts can be written in Indonesian or English. Submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the journal with a nominal fee charged to the author.

b. Manuscripts must be typed on one side of the paper and in 1-column format with double spacing.

c. All pages must be numbered in the left margin, starting with number 1 (one) at the top of the first page. A4 paper size and 3.0 cm page margins are desired. Use 12 pt "Times New Roman" font.

d. Articles should not be more than 8 pages long on a journal sheet (14-18 article pages).

e. All tables and figures should be typed on separate pages and numbered according to their order in the text.

f. Standard International (SI) units must be used. Weights and measures should be expressed in the metric system and temperatures in the Celsius scale.

g. The file must be saved in the word processing software format "word for windows" or "open text document"

h. Authors must submit a declaration form. Fill out the form and upload the signed form as an additional file.

i. Manuscripts that do not meet the requirements will not be processed further

 B.2. Manuscript Structure

Manuscripts should generally be arranged in the following order: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments (optional) and References. These main headings should be typed in capital letters and centered on the page. Manuscripts must be written according to this template. 

TITLE. The title of the paper consists of no more than 20 words. Abbreviations are not permitted in titles. The title is followed by the author's name and complete institutional address. When an article has several authors from different institutions, author contacts should be provided.

ABSTRACT. Abstracts are written in Indonesian and English. The abstract consists of no more than 250 words. It begins with a clear statement of the purpose of the experiment followed by materials and methods, results and important conclusions. References are never cited in the abstract. Abbreviations that appear in the abstract must be defined when first used. At the end of the abstract, list up to 5 (five) keywords in alphabetical order that best describe the nature of the research. 

INTRODUCTION.The introduction should provide the information the reader needs to understand the research presented in the paper. Previous research on the topic should be summarized and the research objectives should be clearly stated. 

MATERIALS AND METHODS. The materials and methods section should include a discussion of statistical analysis methods, and determine the source of the equipment. All method modifications should be explained. 

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. The results and discussion sections are combined. The discussion should interpret the results clearly. 

CONCLUSION. The conclusion must be written in a maximum of 100 words. Recommendations can be added. 

REFFERENCES. All publications cited in the text should be presented in the reference list in chronological order. Terms of writing a bibliography based on the library source. The name of the journal is written in its official abbreviation. The second line and so on are written indented by 5 strokes of the space bar. It is recommended that you write the DOI. Writing a bibliography is as follows: 

  1. Journals

Article titles are written in lowercase except for the first letter of the first word of the title. Between authors are separated by a "comma". Example:

Al-Saeedi, A.H., M.A. Hossain. 2015. Total phenols, total flavonoids contents and free radical scavenging activity of seeds crude extracts of pigeon pea traditionally used in Oman for the treatment of several chronic diseases. Asian Pac. J. Trop. Dis., 5(4): 316-321. DOI: 10.1016/S2222-1808(14)60790-8.

Parthasarathy, D., N. Bryan.  2014. Curing/physiology of nitric oxide. In: Encyclopedia of Meat Sciences, C. Devine (Ed.). Academic Press, Oxford, pp. 436-441.

Suryati, T., M. Astawan, H.N. Lioe, T. Wresdiyati, S. Usmiati. 2014. Nitrite residue and malonaldehyde reduction in dendeng — Indonesian dried meat — influenced by spices, curing methods and precooking preparation. Meat Sci., 96(3): 1403–1408. DOI: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2013.11.023

2. Books

Book titles are written with capital letters for the first letter of each word except conjunctions. If the author is the name of the organization, the author's name is the acronym/abbreviation of that organization. Example:

AOAC. 2005. Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. Official methods of analysis of AOAC International (18th ed.). AOAC, Maryland.

BSN. 2015. Standar Nasional Indonesia: Sosis Daging. Badan Standardisasi Nasional, Jakarta.

Directive. 2006. Directive 2006/52/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 July 2006 amending Directive 95/2/EC on food additives other than colours and sweeteners and Directive 95/35/EC on sweeteners for use in foodstuffs. O.J. L204 of 26.7.2006.

Soeparno. 2005. Ilmu dan Teknologi Daging. Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

Tiwari, R.P., G.S. Hoondal, R. Tewari. 2009. Laboratory Techniques in Microbiology and Biotechnology. Abhishek, Chandigarh India.

3. Chapter titles in a book with an editor:

Skibted, L.H. 2010. Understanding oxidation processes in foods. In: Oxidation in Foods and Beverages and Antioxidant Application, E.D. Decker, R.J. Elias, D.J. McClaments (Eds). Woodhead Publishing, Oxford.

3. Proceeding

The title of the article is written in lower case except for the first letter of the first word of the article title, then the name of the seminar/conference/symposium/other name, the name of the organizer, the name of the city where it will be held, and the page number of the article are written. For example:

Suharyanto, O. Mega, I. Badarina. 2015. Skim milk powder substitution with soymilk powder could improve physical properties of beef surimi-based sausage. Proceeding. The Third International Seminar on Animal Industry. Faculty of Animal Science, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, pp. 317-320.

4. Thesis/Disertation

The first letter of each word in the title is capitalized. Followed by the words Thesis or dissertation, publisher (Faculty and College, city where the college is located). Example:

Amrullah, A.H.K. 2017. Prediksi Umur Pubertas dan Laju Pertumbuhan Sapi Brahman dan Peranakan Ongole Menggunakan Model Matematik Non-Linier. Tesis, Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.


C. Linguistic Aspect

C. 1. General roles

            Penulisan menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia harus mengikuti kaidah Bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar. Acuan penulisannya adalah Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) edisi terbaru (sekarang adalah edisi V), Pedoman Umum Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia (PUEBI) yang dahulunya merupakan Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan (EYD) dan buku-buku atau pedoman-pedoman tentang tata bahasa baku Bahasa Indonesia. KBBI dan PUEBI tersedia dalam bentuk layanan aplikasi daring dan luring sehingga dapat diunduh dan dipasang di telepon pintar berbasis Android.

C. 2. Number

The numbers used are Arabic numerals (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9) and Roman numerals (I, V X, L, C, D, and M). The conditions for writing numbers are as follows.
1. The decimal sign uses a comma (,), unless English texts use a period (.).
2. Numbers should not be written at the beginning of a sentence, for example "25 g of sample was taken aseptically", it must be written: "A total of 25 g of sample was taken aseptically".
3. Writing range numbers in text can use the words "up to" or "until". For example: "The shelf life of sausages in cold storage is 3 to 5 days", or "The shelf life of sausages in cold storage is 3 to 5 days"  Another way can be expressed with "between ... and ...": "The shelf life of sausages in cold storage is between 3 and 5 days”. Writing this in the table can use dashes: “3 – 5 days”, NOT “3–5 days”, “3-5 days”, or “3 - 5 days”.
4. Decimal numbers written consecutively are separated by a semicolon (;), for example: 2.5; 4.3; 7.2; 1.1 mL). If the manuscript is written in English then the separator is a comma (,) and the decimal sign is a period (.).
5. Fractional numbers can be expressed in words, decimals or per. Examples: two-thirds, 0.67, or 2/3.
6. The level numbers can be written as follows: second stage, 2nd stage, or stage II.
7. Numbers that indicate thousand, million, and so on can be written in words, for example: one thousand rupiah, 75 thousand rupiah, and 135 million rupiah.
8. The number starting with the rupiah currency is written: Rp. 75,000.00 (seventy-five thousand rupiah). 9. The number followed by the unit of writing is spaced one tap on the space bar, for example: 10 g NOT 10g.
10. Numbers followed by the degree symbol (°) which indicate the size of the angle are written without separating them with spaces, for example: angle 45°, NOT angle 45 °.
11. Numbers followed by the degree symbol (°) which indicate the magnitude of a temperature are written separated by a space, for example: temperature 45°C, NOT temperature 45 °C.
12. Numbers followed by the percent symbol (%) are not written separated by spaces, for example: 45% is NOT 45 %.

C. 3. Units and Simbol

The unit system used refers to the International System of Units (Système International d'Unitès, [SI]). This system uses a metric system in multiples of 10, for example the weight is in grams (g), so for multiple purposes you can use micrograms (µg), milligrams (mg), kilograms (kg) and so on. The following is a list of some writing units and their symbols.

Nama/Nama Satuan






















Celcius (20 derajat celcius)

C (20 °C, NOT 20° C)

Besaran sudut (30 derajat)

° (45° NOT 45 °)

Persen (30 persen)

% (30% NOT 30 %)


dtk atau s (sekon)















gram per minggu


miligram per kilogram


meter persegi


meter kubik


Some symbols are often written incorrectly, namely by using one of the letters on the keyboard. Some of these symbols are as follows.

1. The symbol for “derajat”.

The correct derajat symbol is °. This symbol was taken by inserting the symbol in Microsoft Word. This derajat symbol is not a superscript form of the letter O or the number 0, so it is NOT o or 0. 

2. The symbol  “kali”.

The correct symbol for "kali" is ×, not the letters x and X. The × symbol is taken by inserting the symbol in Microsoft Word.

3. The symbol  “kurang lebih”.

This symbol is often written by typing the plus symbol (+) which is underlined: +. In fact, the correct thing is to insert the symbol: ±. Note the difference between ± and +.

4. The symbol “lebih kecil atau sama dengan” atau “lebih besar atau sama dengan”.

This symbol could be taken from the symbol and insert the symbol “lebih kecil atau sama dengan” atau “lebih besar atau sama dengan”.


D. Table and Figure

D. 1. Table

         Tables are a way or form of presenting information in a more integrated, simple and clear manner. Providing tables in a piece of writing makes it easier for the writer to convey information and data to the reader and the reader feels that it is easier for the reader to have tables. The principle is as follows:

1. The table is presented in the left aligned position.

2. The table consists of the table number and table title and the table itself.

3. The table itself includes a table head (top row) and a table stump (leftmost column).

4. The table head can be divided into several sub table heads, according to needs.

5. If the table number and title are more than one line then the second line and so on are parallel to the table title.

6. The table number and title are written above the top border of the table with a distance of 3 pt in left aligned format (align left) and do not end with a dot (.).

7. Table titles are written in lower case letters except for the letter "T" in the word "Table" and the first word of the table title (using capital letters).

8. After the word "Table" is the table number and followed by a period (.). The table number in the text for the first table is Table 1, and the second table is Table 2, and so on.

9. The table is given a line at the top and bottom borders, the border between the table head and the table content rows, the border between the table head and the sub-head of the table.

10. Information can be added below the table (below the bottom line of the table) with a distance of 3 pt. 11. If the table must be cut off due to page limitations, then the continuation table on the next page is given a table number and the phrase "continued" above the top line of the table, for example "Table 3. Connection". 

6. 2. Figure

           Figures in this guide include photos, floor plans, satellite imagery, screen shots, graphs, and so on. Images are presented to convey information or data to make it easier to convey illustrations. The serving principle is as follows:

1. Figure are presented centered, unless the figure is full in the writing area.

2. The distance between the top border of the figure and the last sentence above it is 2 × 1 single space.

3. The figure number and title are written below the figure with a distance of 3 pt and the figure title does not end with a period (.).

4. The figure number and title are aligned to the left border of the figure. If the figure title has more than 1 (one) line, the second line and so on are written parallel to the figure title.

5. Figure titles are written using lowercase letters except for the letter "G" in the word "Figure" and the first word of the figure title (using capital letters). After the word "Figure" is the table number and followed by a period (.).

6. The figure number in the manuscript/paper for the first figure is Figure 1, and the second figure is Figure 2, and so on.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  6. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.