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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

 Author Guidelines

1. Author has to register before online submission

2. The article written  in accordance with the focus and scope of the Jurnal

    Sosiologi Nusantara

3. The article written has to be in accordance with the writing guidelines

    provided from Jurnal Sosiologi Nusantara.

4. The text of article is written in Ms.Word form with the guidelines as follow:

    written on A4 paper with the margin of:  Left (4 cm), Right (3 cm),Top (3

    cm), Bottom (3 cm), the length of the article was 8-25 pages.

5. The article has to be written in accordance with the guidelines as follow:


The title contains no more than 16 words. The title is in Bahasa Indonesia and in English. Written in format of : Font 12 and Bold,  Times New Roman, Bold and Italic for title in English)


Information about author’s complete name written without degree, and attached with author’s email address and author’s affiliation. It is written with the format of   : Font 11, Cambria)


The abstract consist of 150-250 words consist of English and Bahasa Indonesia. Along with the 3-5 keywords and in alphabetic order. Abstract contains main object of study, Method, result and conclusion. It is written in a format of  : Font 12, Times New Roman, space 1)

 d. Introduction

Consist of background, problem formulation and supporting data which become the base of the researcher to determine the topic of study. In this part it is written in the format of Font 12, Times New Roman, space 1,5)

 e. Research method

It consist of the approach of the research and the analysis study, data collecting method, population and sample and data analysis method. This part is written in a format of:  Font 12, Times New Roman, space 1,5)


It consists of the result of the study and the analysis of research result with the perspective of relevant social theory to be used as analysis tool. Table and figure can be attached as supporting data. It was given the number and title to show the content of the table or figure. This part is written in the format of Font 12, Times New Roman, space 1.


It consists of the answer of all purpose and problem in the study. It was arranged in a form of paragraph not in number. The written in the format font 12, Times New Roman, space 1)


Reference and literature used can be from scientific journal, article and book. It is prioritized from scientific journal and minimally form 7 (seven) most recent scientific article. The reference is managed alphabetic order without number. The written of reference refer to   American Sociological Association (ASA) style. To ease the set reference, the author can use Mendeley application.  It written in a format of    Font 12, Times New Roman, space 1).

6. The authors who submit the article to Jurnal Sosiologi Nusanatra are expected to obey Publication Ethics.