- Focus and Scope
- Section Policies
- Peer Review Process
- Publication Frequency
- Open Access Policy
- Archiving
- Author Fees
- Publication Ethics
- Indexing And Abstracting
- F.A.Q
- Screening For Plagiarisme
- Journal License
Focus and Scope
Jurnal Sosiologi Nusantara (JSN) is a scientific journal published by Sociology department, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia. Jurnal Sosiologi Nusantara has an open access and has been integrated to ISSN Print (24609099) and ISSN online (2629617). This journal accept scientific article consist of research result and analysis study about :
1. Civilization;
2. Gender;
3. Society Empowerment;
4. Multiculture;
5. Culture Studies;
6. Demography;
7. Social Movement;
7. Coastal Community Studies;
8. Forest Edge Community Studies;
9. Tourism Studies
10. Social issue which relevant to social and humanity studies;
Section Policies
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Peer Review Process
All articles sent by author will be read by editorial team to be reviewed based on the criteria regulated by Jurnal Sosiologi Nusantara. The criteria is that the format of writing should be in accordance with scientific article writing and refer to the scope and focus of studies in this journal. The articles considered interesting for reader will be reviewed through double blind reviewer. It means that the reviewer doesn’t know the authors of article to be reviewed, and vice versa. This method aims that the assessment of reviewer can be objective and without intervention from any party. The reviewer of this journal is the expert from his/her field. After being reviewed the decision is in the hand of editors. Eventually the editor will decide based on the recommendation of reviewer. The decision consists of several possibilities, such as: the text is rejected, the text needs major revision, the text need minor revision or the text is accepted.
Publication Frequency
Jurnal Sosiologi Nusantara (JSN) publishes articles in printed version and online version twice in a year, in June and December.
Open Access Policy
Jurnal Sosiologi Nusantara, can be accessed publicly, to be a source of knowledge for the sake of development and betterment.
This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...
Publication Ethics
Publication Ethics
Authors obligation
1. Article writing standard
The study presented has to be a valid research. The article has to be supported by the evidence and decent reference. Doing fraud by submitting inaccurate data is an unethical act.
2. Data access
The author is asked to provide primer data and document for the purpose of editorial, can show and save the data after the article is published.
3. Originality and plagiarism
The author has to be able to ensure that the article is original, and properly cite the reference.
4. Double publication
The author is not allowed to republish an article which presents the same study, at the same time to other journal publishers. Submitting the same article to more than one journal publisher is unethical act.
5. Source testimony
The author has to admit and put out the reference and quote from properly published journal.
6. Contributor in article
All parties who have given significant contribution in the study report has to be listed as author of the articles. All author has seen and approved the final text from the article, in addition the authors have to approved the submission for publication.
7.The disclosure and conflict of interest
All of the authors have to declare the perspective which could affect the result of the interpretation.
8. Basic fault in journal publication
When one author finds a significant mistake or inaccuracy in his/her published text, author’s obligation is to confirm it to the journal editor or publisher and cooperate to take back the article and revise it.
Editor Obligation
1.Non Discriminative
Anytime editors evaluate journal to be published, editors have obligation not to consider race, gender, sexual orientation, religion and believe, ethnicity, nationality or political ideology of the authors
2. Keeping it confidentiality
Editors and its staff have obligation not to reveal any information about the article to anyone, except to author, reviewer, publisher and all parties who have authority during the publication process of article.
3.Have to conflict of interest
The unpublished journal content submitted to editor is not allowed to be used by other parties without written approval from the main author.
4.Publication decision
Editor board has responsibility to decide which articles will be published. After article validation process. Editing team can be guided by existing policy and restricted to the law related to defamation, copy right and plagiarism. All editors can discuss in determining this decision.
5. Article text review
Editors have obligation to evaluate the originality of the article. Editors manage and do peer review fairly and wisely. Editors have obligation to clearly explain peer review process conducted by reviewers to the authors. Editors have obligation to use proper peer reviewer to each article submitted. The next step is to give the article to the expert by considering the expertise of the reviewer in order to avoid conflict of interest.
Q : how to submit article to jurnal Sosiologi Nusantara ?
A : you have to register first and login to online submission,
and follow the instruction. Youcan open the link below :
Q : how to find out the status of the scientific article sent?
A : to find out the status of your submitted article, please
login and see the status of the article
For other question , you can contact our admin through
email : jurnalsn@unib.ac.id or call/WA : +62 821-3549-
8020/+62 0838-0397-5091
Screening For Plagiarisme
Plagiarism is a serious problem and is very easy to avoid. Articles indicated that plagiarism is not permitted to be published in the Jurnal Sosiologi Nusatara. Editor use the Plagiarism Checker software for early detection of possible plagiarism. But still if there are articles found plagiarized later, the right action will be taken in accordance with the publisher's guidelines on plagiarism. The Editor will review articles that are suspected / claimed not to be in accordance with the publication ethics of Jurnal Sosiologi Nusantara publishers and that article may be withdrawn.
Journal License
Jurnal Sosiologi Nusantara (JSN) publishes articles in printed version and online version twice in a year, in June and December, it has open access, download and reuse under the License Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). Articles received will soon be published online when they are ready to be published.