Published: June 28, 2024

Annual Flood Phenomenon and Fertility Status of Rice Soil in The Coastal Area of Bengkulu

1-7 Dio Rizki Ade Putra, Bambang Sulistyo, Muhammad Faiz Barchia, Kartika Utami, Abdul Rauf

Co-application of Arbuscular Mycorrhizae via Seed Coating and Phosphorus Fertilizer for Enhancing Growth, Yield, and Nutrient Uptake in Ultisols for Maize

8-13 Marwanto Marwanto, Hendri Bustamam, Merakati Handajaningsih, Septiana Anggraini

The Effect of Foliar Application of Azolla Liquid Organic Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Rice in Swampy Soil

14-22 Mei Rohayani, Widodo Widodo, Masdar Masdar, Herry Gusmara

The Potential for Cultivating Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt) in Rimbo Pengadang and Topos Districts of Lebong Regency

23-32 Reni Nabella, Kanang Setyo Hindarto, M. Faiz Barchia, Heru Widiyono, Supanjani Supanjani

Growth and Yield Response of Detam 4 Soybean Variety on Single P Fertilizer and Vermicompost Application in Coastal Land

33-41 Robi Cahyadi, Hesti Pujiwati, Bambang Gonggo Murcitro, Eko Suprijono, Wuri Prameswarri

Evaluation of the Fertility Status of Rice Fields in Giri Jaya Village, Nagrak District, Sukabumi Regency

42-47 Erlina Rahmayuni, Elfarisna, Welly Herman, Elsa Lolita Putri, Kurniati

Growth, Yield and Uptake of P Four Variety Soybeans on Biocomposted Coastal Lands

48-52 Dewi Septi Yani, Yudhi Harini Bertham, Zainal Arifin