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This study evaluated the physical quality of complete rabbit feed containing different legumes. The study design was an experimental method using a Completely Randomized Design with four treatments and five replications. The treatments were as follows: P1 =complete feed without legume;P2 = complete feed with 10% moringa leaves meal; P3 = complete feed with 10% Leucaena leaves meal; P4 = complete feed with 10% turi leaves meal. Parameters measured were hardness, durability, density and specific gravity of rabbit pellet complete feed. Data analysis uses analysis of variance and if there is a treatment with a significant effect, then it is continued with Duncan's multiple distance test. The results showed that legumes had no significant effect on impact resistance, friction resistance, pile density, and specific gravity of the rabbit pellets produced. It was concluded that the use of legumes, namely Moringa, lamtoro and turi did not reduce the physical quality of the pellets.
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Dozier, W. A., K. C. Behnke, C. K. Gehring, and S. L. Branton,. 2010. Effects of feed form on growth performance and processing yields of broiler chickens during a 42-day production period 1. J. Appl. Poult Res., 19, 219–226.
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Gohl, B. 1981. Tropical Feeds. Rome: FAO of United Nations.
Jaelani, A., S. Dharmawati, dan Wacahyono. 2016. Pengaruh tumpukan dan lama masa simpan pakan pelet terhadap kualitas fisik. Ziraa’ah, 41 (2), 261–268.
Kastalani. 2015. Pengaruh Pemberian Rumput Lapangan (Paspalum conjugatum) dan Daun Lamtoro Gung (Leucaena leocochepala) Terhadap Bobot Karkas Kelinci Lokal Jantan (Orictolagus cuniculus). Jurnal Ilmu Hewan Tropika, 4(2), 32–34.
Krisnan, R., dan S. P. Ginting,. 2009. Penggunaan solid ex-decanter sebagai perekat pembuatan pakan komplit berbentuk pelet : evaluasi fisik pakan komplit berbentuk pelet. In Seminar Nasional Teknologi Peternakan dan Veteriner (pp. 480–486).
Marhaeniyanto, E., S. Rusmiwari, dan S. Susanti. 2015. Pemanfaatan daun kelor untuk meningkatkan produksi ternak kelinci New Zealand White. Buana Sains, 15 (2), 119–126.
McNitt, J. I., N. M. Patton, P. R. Cheeke, and S. D. Lukefahrl. 2011. Rabbit Production (8th ed.). Oxfordshire UK: CAB International.
Nurhayatin, T., and M. Puspitasari. 2017. The effect of processing method of arrowroot tuber (Maranta arundinacea) as binder and length of storage time on physical quality pellet feed for chicken broiler. JANHUS Journal of Animal Husbandry Science, 2 (1), 32–40.
Retnani, Y., E. D. Putra, dan L. Herawati,. 2011. Pengaruh Taraf Penyemprotan Air dan Lama Penyimpanan Terhadap Daya Tahan Ransum Broiler Finisher Berbentuk Pellet. Agripet, 11(1), 10–14.
Retnani, Y., R. S. Rachman, dan H.A. Sukria. 2010. Pengaruh Pengurangan Jagung Sebagai Sumber Pati terhadap Laju Alir Pellet Pada Proses Produksi Berkesinambungan. Agripet, 10 (2), 16–20.
Sjofjan, O. 2008. Efek penggunaan tepung daun kelor (Moringa oleifera) dalam pakan terhadap penampilan produksi ayam pedaging. In Seminar Nasional Teknologi Peternakan dan Veteriner 2008 (pp. 649–656).
Utami, I. K., K. Haetami, dan Rosidah. 2012. Pengaruh penggunaan tepung daun turi hasil fermentasi dalam pakan buatan terhadap pertumbuhan benih bawal air tawar (Colossomamacropomum cuvier). Jurnal Perikanan Dan Kelautan, 3(4), 191–199.
Yurmiaty, H., dan K. Suradi. 2007. Penggunaan Daun Lamtoro (Leucaena leucocephala) dalam Ransum terhadap Produksi Pelt dan Kerontokan Bulu Kelinci. Jurnal Ilmu Ternak, 7(1), 73–77.