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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh penggunaan karbohidrat mudah larut sebagai aditif terhadap kandungan tanin, bahan kering protein kasar dan lemak kasar silase kulit pisang. Metode eksperimen digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan rancangan acak lengkap dengan tiga perlakuan dan lima ulangan. Tiga perlakuan adalah (P0) silase kulit pisang tanpa aditif; (P1) silase kulit pisang dengan penambahan bekatul 5%; (P2) silase kulit pisang dengan penambahan tapioka 5%. Parameter yang diukur adalah tanin, bahan kering, dan kadar protein kasar. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis ragam dan jika berpengaruh nyata maka dilanjutkan dengan uji jarak berganda Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan dedak padi 5% dan tapioka 5% menurunkan tanin masing-masing 41% dan 43% tanin bila dibandingkan dengan silase tanpa aditif,
peningkatan kandungan protein sebesar 19,7% dan 46,4% dan peningkatan kadar lemak kasar sebesar 6,95% dan 33,3% bila dibandingkan dengan silase tanpa aditif.
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- Adegbehingbe, K.T., F C. Adetuyi, and F.A. Akinyosoye. 2014. Effect of Fermentation on Nutrient and Anti- Nutrient Contents of Ground-Cooked Lima Bean (Phaseolus Lunatus) Seeds Using Bacillus Subtilis and Bacillus Pumilus. British Microbiology Research Journal 4 (11): 1285–98.
- Anas, M.A., dan Syahrir. 2017. Pengaruh Penggunaan Jenis Aditif Sebagai Sumber Karbohidrat Terhadap Komposisi Kimia Silase Rumput Mulato. Jurnal Agrisains 18 (1): 13–22.
- AOAC. 2005. Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 18th ed. Washington, DC.: Association of Official Analytical Chemist.
- Badan Pusat Statistik. 2018. Statistika Pertanian NTT.
- Burns, R. E. 1971. Method for Estimation of Tannin Tin Grain Sorghum.Agronomy Journal 63: 511–12.
- Dei, H K, S P Rose, and A M Mackenzie. 2008. Effects of Fungal (Aspergillus niger or Ceriporiopsis subvermispora ) Fermentation on the Nutritive Value of Shea Nut (Vitellaria Paradoxa) Meal for Broiler Chicks. British Poultry Science 49: 360–67.
- Fitroh, B.A., Wihandoyo, and Supadmo. 2018. The Use 3 of Banana Peel Meal (Musa Paradisiaca) as Substitution of Corn in the Diets on Performance and Carcass Production of Hybrid Ducks. Buletin Peternakan 42 (3): 222–31.
- Handayani, S, A E Harahap, dan E Saleh. 2018. Kandungan Fraksi Serat Silase Kulit Pisang Kepok (Musa Paradisiaca) Dengan Penambahan Level Dedak Dan Lama Pemeraman Yang Berbeda. Jurnal Peternakan 15 (1): 1–8.
- Henderson, N.. 1993. Silage Additives. Animal Feed Science and Technolgy 45: 35–56.
- Hudiansyah, P., D. Sunarti, and B.Sukamto. 2015. Effect of Fermented Banana Peels in the Diet on Energy Availability of Broiler. Agromedia 33 (2): 1–9.
- Koni, T. N. I.. 2013. Effect of Fermented Banana Peel on Broiler Carcass. Jurnal Ilmu Ternak Dan Veteriner 18 (2): 153–57.
- Koni, T. N.I., J. Bale-Therik, and P.R. Kale. 2013. Utilizing of Fermented Banana Peels by Rhyzopus Oligosporus in Ration on Growth of Broiler. Jurnal Veteriner 14 (3): 365–70.
- Larangahen, A., B Bagau, M R Imbar, dan H Liwe. 2017. Pengaruh Penambahan Molases Terhadap Kualitas Fisik Dan Kimia Silase Kulit Pisang Sepatu (Mussa Paradisiaca Formatypica). Jurnal Zootek 37 (1): 156–66.
- Mendoza, N.S., M. Arai, T Kawaguchi, F.S. Cubol, E.G. Panerio, T Yoshida, and L.M Johson. 1994. Isolation of Mannan Utilizing Bacteria and the Culture Condition for Mannanase Production. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnologi 10 (1): 51–54.
- Mullik, Y M, M Ridla, I Prihantoro, and Mullik ML. 2016. Anaerobic Fermentation Effectively Reduces Concentration of Total Tannins in Chromolaena Odorata. JITV 21 (1): 19–25.
- Murwan, K S E, and Abd-alraheem A Ali. 2011. Effect of Fermentation Period on the Chemical Composition, in-Vitro Protein Digestibility and Tannin Content in Two Sorghum Cultivars ( Dabar and Tabat ) in Sudan. J. Appl. Biosci 39: 2602–6.
- Nurmi, A., M.A. Santi, N. Harahap, dan M.F. Harahap. 2018. Percentage of Carcass and Mortality of Broiler and Native Chicken Fed with Unferment-Ed and Fermented Arenga Waste. Jurnal Ilmiah Peternakan Terpadu 6 (3): 134–39.
- Ohmomo, S., O. Tanaka, Kitamoto H.K., and Y Cai. 2002. Silage and Microbial Performance, Old Story but New Problems. JARQ 36 (2): 59–71.
- Olagunju, A.I, and B.O. T. Ifesan. 2013.Changes in Nutrient and Antinutritional Contents of Sesame Seeds during Fermentation. Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences 2 (6): 2407–10.
- Oluwamiyi, O., and IO Bazambo. 2016. Nutritional and Amino Acid Analysis of Raw, Partially Fermented and Completely Fermented Locust Bean (Parkia Biglobosa) Seeds. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development 16 (2): 10866–83.
- Parakkasi, A. 1983. Ilmu Gizi Dan Makanan Ternak Monogastrik. Bandung: Angkasa.
- Ridla, M., Mullik YM, I. Prihantoro, and Mullik ML. 2016. Penurunan Total Tanin Silase Semak Bunga Putih . Buletin Peternakan 40 (3): 165–69.
- Shang, Ya-fang, H. Cao, Yi-long Ma, C. Zhang, F. Ma, and C. Wang. 2019. Effect of Lactic Acid Bacteria Fermentation on Tannins Removal in Xuan Mugua Fruits. Food Chemistry 274: 118–22.
- Unaya, S., S Tantolo, and Liman. 2015. Efek Suplementasi Berbagai Akselerator Terhadap Kualitas Nutrisi Silase Limbah Tanaman Singkong. Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan Terpadu 3 (2): 1–5.
- Wadhwa, and P.S. Bakshi. 2013. Utilization of Fruit and Vegetable Wastes as Livestock Feed and as Substrates for Generation of Other Value Added Products. Journal of Neurochemistry. 105 (2) : 369-379.
- Wahju, J. 2015. Ilmu Nutrisi Unggas. 6th ed. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.
Adegbehingbe, K.T., F C. Adetuyi, and F.A. Akinyosoye. 2014. Effect of Fermentation on Nutrient and Anti- Nutrient Contents of Ground-Cooked Lima Bean (Phaseolus Lunatus) Seeds Using Bacillus Subtilis and Bacillus Pumilus. British Microbiology Research Journal 4 (11): 1285–98.
Anas, M.A., dan Syahrir. 2017. Pengaruh Penggunaan Jenis Aditif Sebagai Sumber Karbohidrat Terhadap Komposisi Kimia Silase Rumput Mulato. Jurnal Agrisains 18 (1): 13–22.
AOAC. 2005. Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 18th ed. Washington, DC.: Association of Official Analytical Chemist.
Badan Pusat Statistik. 2018. Statistika Pertanian NTT.
Burns, R. E. 1971. Method for Estimation of Tannin Tin Grain Sorghum.Agronomy Journal 63: 511–12.
Dei, H K, S P Rose, and A M Mackenzie. 2008. Effects of Fungal (Aspergillus niger or Ceriporiopsis subvermispora ) Fermentation on the Nutritive Value of Shea Nut (Vitellaria Paradoxa) Meal for Broiler Chicks. British Poultry Science 49: 360–67.
Fitroh, B.A., Wihandoyo, and Supadmo. 2018. The Use 3 of Banana Peel Meal (Musa Paradisiaca) as Substitution of Corn in the Diets on Performance and Carcass Production of Hybrid Ducks. Buletin Peternakan 42 (3): 222–31.
Handayani, S, A E Harahap, dan E Saleh. 2018. Kandungan Fraksi Serat Silase Kulit Pisang Kepok (Musa Paradisiaca) Dengan Penambahan Level Dedak Dan Lama Pemeraman Yang Berbeda. Jurnal Peternakan 15 (1): 1–8.
Henderson, N.. 1993. Silage Additives. Animal Feed Science and Technolgy 45: 35–56.
Hudiansyah, P., D. Sunarti, and B.Sukamto. 2015. Effect of Fermented Banana Peels in the Diet on Energy Availability of Broiler. Agromedia 33 (2): 1–9.
Koni, T. N. I.. 2013. Effect of Fermented Banana Peel on Broiler Carcass. Jurnal Ilmu Ternak Dan Veteriner 18 (2): 153–57.
Koni, T. N.I., J. Bale-Therik, and P.R. Kale. 2013. Utilizing of Fermented Banana Peels by Rhyzopus Oligosporus in Ration on Growth of Broiler. Jurnal Veteriner 14 (3): 365–70.
Larangahen, A., B Bagau, M R Imbar, dan H Liwe. 2017. Pengaruh Penambahan Molases Terhadap Kualitas Fisik Dan Kimia Silase Kulit Pisang Sepatu (Mussa Paradisiaca Formatypica). Jurnal Zootek 37 (1): 156–66.
Mendoza, N.S., M. Arai, T Kawaguchi, F.S. Cubol, E.G. Panerio, T Yoshida, and L.M Johson. 1994. Isolation of Mannan Utilizing Bacteria and the Culture Condition for Mannanase Production. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnologi 10 (1): 51–54.
Mullik, Y M, M Ridla, I Prihantoro, and Mullik ML. 2016. Anaerobic Fermentation Effectively Reduces Concentration of Total Tannins in Chromolaena Odorata. JITV 21 (1): 19–25.
Murwan, K S E, and Abd-alraheem A Ali. 2011. Effect of Fermentation Period on the Chemical Composition, in-Vitro Protein Digestibility and Tannin Content in Two Sorghum Cultivars ( Dabar and Tabat ) in Sudan. J. Appl. Biosci 39: 2602–6.
Nurmi, A., M.A. Santi, N. Harahap, dan M.F. Harahap. 2018. Percentage of Carcass and Mortality of Broiler and Native Chicken Fed with Unferment-Ed and Fermented Arenga Waste. Jurnal Ilmiah Peternakan Terpadu 6 (3): 134–39.
Ohmomo, S., O. Tanaka, Kitamoto H.K., and Y Cai. 2002. Silage and Microbial Performance, Old Story but New Problems. JARQ 36 (2): 59–71.
Olagunju, A.I, and B.O. T. Ifesan. 2013.Changes in Nutrient and Antinutritional Contents of Sesame Seeds during Fermentation. Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences 2 (6): 2407–10.
Oluwamiyi, O., and IO Bazambo. 2016. Nutritional and Amino Acid Analysis of Raw, Partially Fermented and Completely Fermented Locust Bean (Parkia Biglobosa) Seeds. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development 16 (2): 10866–83.
Parakkasi, A. 1983. Ilmu Gizi Dan Makanan Ternak Monogastrik. Bandung: Angkasa.
Ridla, M., Mullik YM, I. Prihantoro, and Mullik ML. 2016. Penurunan Total Tanin Silase Semak Bunga Putih . Buletin Peternakan 40 (3): 165–69.
Shang, Ya-fang, H. Cao, Yi-long Ma, C. Zhang, F. Ma, and C. Wang. 2019. Effect of Lactic Acid Bacteria Fermentation on Tannins Removal in Xuan Mugua Fruits. Food Chemistry 274: 118–22.
Unaya, S., S Tantolo, and Liman. 2015. Efek Suplementasi Berbagai Akselerator Terhadap Kualitas Nutrisi Silase Limbah Tanaman Singkong. Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan Terpadu 3 (2): 1–5.
Wadhwa, and P.S. Bakshi. 2013. Utilization of Fruit and Vegetable Wastes as Livestock Feed and as Substrates for Generation of Other Value Added Products. Journal of Neurochemistry. 105 (2) : 369-379.
Wahju, J. 2015. Ilmu Nutrisi Unggas. 6th ed. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.