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This study was conducted to estimate the repeatability and MPPA values of Sapudi ewe based on birth weight and weaning weight. Samples used 93 Sapudi lambs from 26 ewes that lambed three times, and the observed variables were lambing weight and weaning weight. Collected data were analyzed quantitatively. Estimating repeatability by analyzing the variance of the relationship between sibling and the parental rank was based on the relative MPPA formula..  The results showed that the average lambing and weaning weights were 2.789±0.206 kg and 10.058±1.470 kg. The repeatability of lambing and weaning weight were 0.108±0.119, and 0.565±0.104 belonged to the low and high categories. The average MPPA of lambing and weaning weight were 0.001 and 0.087. MPPA values of lambing and weaning weight range from -0.087 to 0.075 and -1.721 to 2.713. The highest ranking of the Sapudi ewe in lambing and weaning weight is ear tag 103 and ear tag 27 with MPPA 0.075 and 2.713. It can be concluded that there were 11 ewes with MPPA lambing and weaning weight above the average MPPA population that should be maintained in the population.  


Ewe genetic parameter quantitative traits

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Author Biography

Mudawamah Mudawamah, Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Islam Malang

Universitas Islam Malang rangking pertama untuk perguruan tinggi NU Se Indonesia, rangking 9 se PTN dan PTS di Jatim, rangking 40 se PTN dan PTS di Indonesia. 



How to Cite
Mirella, A. A., Mudawamah, M., & Sumartono, S. (2022). Estimation of Repeatability and the Most Probable Producing Ability (MPPA) Based on Birth Weight and Weaning Weight for Ranking of Sapudi Sheep. Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia, 17(2), 82–86. Retrieved from


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