Published: September 29, 2022

Estimation of Genetic Superiority and Reproductive Performance of Dairy Cows at different rearing locations

134-141 Y. W. Setyorini, E. Kurnianto, S. Sutopo, S. Sutiyono

Impact of Glutathione Administration on Antioxidant Levels and Ileum Histologic of Growth Phase of Cihateup Duck in Extensively Maintained

142-148 A. Mushawwir, N. Suwarno, H.N. Aritonang

Estimation of Repeatability and Most Probable Producing Ability (MPPA) of Sapudi Sheep Based on Daily Body Weight Gain of Lambs from Birth to Pre-weaning and Weaning

149-154 M. Mudawamah, M. Z. Anwar, S. Sumartono

The Potency of Ammonia from Broiler’s Manure Based on Age Phase of Ration Administration on Closed House and Open House

155-158 M. Anggraini, I. Badarina, B. Brata

Relationship between Scrotal Circumference and Quality of Semen Production in Bulls: A Meta-Analysis Review

159-169 I. Wahyudi, M. Qalfin, R. Susanti, T. Widiatningrum

Polymorphism of Prolactin Gene (PRL/PstI) In Sikumbang Jonti Duck Using PCR-RFLP Methods

170-174 T. Rafian, Y. Yurnalis, Y. Fenita, R. Iskandarsyah

Marketing of Moa buffalo at farm level in Maluku Province, Indonesia

175-181 J. M. Tatipikalawan, F. T. Haryadi, E. Sulastri, T.S.M. Widi

Farmer Share and Efficiency of Breeding Cow Marketing Channels in Bali

182-188 N. M. A. G. R. Astiti, I G. A. D. S. Rejeki, M. Ngongo