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The objective of this research was to evaluate the antibacterial potency of ethanol extract from fruiting body of Pleurotus ostreatus and Its solid substrate made from coffee husk and sawdust on the growth of Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25922. The extract of Ganoderma lucidum fruiting body and Tetracycline antibiotic paper disk 30µg/disk were used as control. The samples were extracted by using maceration method in 30% ethanol solution. The extracts were diluted with sterile distilled water to concentration 500, 1000, and 5000ppm. The result showed that the ethanol extracts from fruiting body of Pleurotus ostreatus and Ganoderma lucidum and the extracts of coffee husk and sawdust substrate fermented by Pleurotus ostreatus could inhibit the growth of bacteria for all the concentration. There was a significant difference in diameter of cleared zones between Tetracycline antibiotic disc 30?g and the ethanol extracts of the samples (p<0.01). The diameter of cleared zones among the sample extracts and each dilution concentrations were not a significant difference (p>0.05). Tetracycline was sensitive to S.aureus ATCC25922, while all the extracts were resistant. This study confirmed that there were the antibacterial potency of mushroom extracts from the fruiting body and also its solid substrates.
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Badarina, I., D. Evvyernie, T. Toharmat, E.N. Herliyana, & L.K. Darusman. 2013. Nutritive value of coffee husk fermented with Pleurotus ostreatus as ruminant feed. Media Peternakan. 36(1): 58-63. DOI; 10.5398/medpet.2013.36.1.58
Barlett, P. C., G. Y. Miller, C. R. Anderson, & J. H. Kirk. 1990. Milk production and somatic cell count in Michigan Dairy Herds. J. Dairy Sci. 73: 2794-2800.
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Charles, B.G., & B.D. Rawal. 1977. Action of caffeine and theophylline on Staphylococcal penicillinase synthesis. Chemotherapy 23: 452-457.
Contreras, A, D. Sierra, A. S´anchez , J.C. Corrales, J.C. Marco, M.J. Paape, & C. Gonzalo. 2007. Mastitis in small ruminants. Small Rum. Res. 68:145-153.
Cowan & Steel. 1989. Manual for the Identification of Medical Bacteria 2nd Ed. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, london, New Rochelle.
Cowan, M.M. 1999. Plant products as antimicrobial agents. Clinical Microbiologicy Reviews. 12 (4): 564-582.
Fan, L., A. Pandey, R. Mohan, & C. R. Soccol. 2000. Use of various coffee industry residues for the production of Pleurotus ostreatus in solid state fermentation. Acta Biotechnol. 20(1): 41-52.
Harborne, J. B. 1989. General procedures and measurement of total phenolics. In J. B.Harborne (Ed.). Methods in plant biochemistry: Volume 1 Plant Phenolics (pp. 1–28). London:Academic Press.
Harmon, R. J. 1994. Physiology of mastitis and factors affecting somatic cell counts. J. Dairy Sci. 77:2103-2112.
Hosseinzadeh, H., B. Sedigheh, F. Bazzaz, M.M. Sadati. 2006. In vitro evaluation of methylxanthines and some antibiotics: Interaction against Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Iranian Biomedical Journal. 10:163-167.
Ijeh, I. I., A. I. Okwujiako, C. P. Nwosu, & H. I. Nnodim. 2009. Phytochemical composition of Pleurotus tuber regium and effect of its dietary incorporation on body/organ weights and serum triacylglycerols in albino mice. J. Med. Plant. Res. 3:939-943.
Kalyoncu, F., M. Oskay, H. Sa?lam, T.F. Erdo?an, & A.U. Tamer. 2010. Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of mycelia of 10 wild mushroom species. J. of Med. Food. 13 (2): 415-419.
Karaman, M., E. Jovin, R. Malbaša, M. Matavuly, & M. Popovi?. 2010. Medicinal and edible lignicolous fungi as natural sources of antioxidative and antibacterial agents. Phytotherapy Research. 24 (10) : 1473-1481.
Karaman, M., Mimica-Duki?, N., Kneževi?, P., Svir?ev, Z., Matavulj, M. 2009. Antibacterial properties of selected lignicolous mushrooms and fungi from northern Serbia. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms. 11(3): 269-279.
Lindequist, U., Niedermeyer, T. H. J. & Julich, W. D. 2005. The Pharmacological potential of mushroom. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative 2(3); 285-299.
Martins, S., S.L. Mussatto, G.Martinez-Avilla, J.Montanez-Saenz, C.N.Aguillar, & J.A. Teixeira. 2011. Bioactive phenolic compounds: Production and extraction by solid-state fermentation. A review. Biotechnology Advances. 29: 365-373. doi: 10.1016/j.biotechadv.2011.01.008.
Nolan, L. 2001. The world’s favorite beverage coffee and health. Journal of Herbs, Spices&Medicinal Plant. 8:119-159.
Patel, Y., R. Naraian, & V. K. Singh. 2012. Medicinal properties of Pleurotus species (oyster mushroom): A Review. World Journal of Fungal and Plant Biology 3: 01-12.
Sharif, A., & G. Muhammad. 2008. Somatic cell count as an indicator of udder health status under modern dairy production: A review. Pakistan Vet. J. 28(4):194-200.
Sharma, N., N.K.Singh, & M.S. Bhadwall. 2011. Relationship of somatic cell count and mastitis: An overview. 24(3):429-438.
Sharma, S.G., M. Fatma, & V.K. Singh. 1996. Biochemical changes during solid substrate fermentation of water hyacinth with Pleurotus sajorcaju. Mush. Res. 5: 89.
Stadtler, M. & Sterner, O. 1998. Production of bioactive secondary metabolites in the fruit bodies of macrofungi as a response to injury. Phytochemistry. 49 (4) :1013-1019.
Steel, R. G. D. & J. H. Torrie. 2003. Principles and Procedures of Statistics. 2 ed. Mc. Graw-Hill Book Co. Inc., New York.
Tilton, R.C., A. Vaheri, & A. Balows. 1989. Rapid methods and automation in microbiology and imunology. Raven Press, New York.
Wasser, S.P. 2002. Medicinal mushrooms as a source of antitumor and immunomodulating polysaccharides (minireview). Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 60: 258-274.