Journal Description

Buletin Peternakan Tropis (Bulletin of Tropical Animal Science) is a scientific journal published in collaboration with Badan Penerbitan Fakultas Pertanian (BPFP), University of Bengkulu and Himpunan Ilmuwan Peternakan Indonesia (HILPI). This bulletin is an open access journal so readers can access articles for free. This bulletin publishes scientific articles based on double blind peer-reviews with the aim of disseminating all information that contributes to the understanding and development of animal science and veterinary medicine in the tropics.  All published articles have been checked for plagiarism with a maximum similarity index of 25%. This bulletin publishes original research articles, literature review articles. field cases, original ideas or other scholarly articles. Buletin Peternakan Tropis is published twice a year, namely in May and November. Buletin Peternakan Tropis is accredited by Sinta 4 based on the Decree of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology number 204/E/KPT/2022 dated October 3, 2022 valid from Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020) to Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024). e-ISSN; 2722-0788; p-ISSN: 2722-1733.


Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024)

Published: November 30, 2024

The Effect of Diet Consisting of Grass and Tofu By Product Supplemented Soybean Hulls on Its Digestibilities and Milk Production of Anglo Nubian Does

Pengaruh Penambahan Kleci pada Campuran Pakan Rumput dan Ampas Tahu terhadap Kecernaan dan Produksi Susu Kambing Anglo Nubian

114-123 Tris Akbarillah, Hidayat Hidayat, L. Pratiwi, D. Purnamasari, E. Y. Utama, S. Nurzaman

Effect of shrimp paste rice bran on fat deposition in broiler chickens

Pengaruh Terasi Dedak terhadap Deposisi Lemak pada Ayam Broiler

124-129 Rohfiko Pajri Pratama, Urip Santoso, Desia Kaharuddin

Fermented Extract of Senduduk Leaf as Herbal Additive to Reduce Escherichia coli Population in Broiler Cecum

Ekstrak Fermentasi Daun Senduduk Sebagai Aditif Herbal Untuk Menurunkan Populasi Escherichia coli Pada Sekum Broiler

130-138 Nurul Farhana, Eva Yulia, Nelzi Fati, Ramaiyulis Ramaiyulis

Literature Review: Demographic Parameters as One of The Determinants of The Preservation of The Kalimantan Orangutan (Pongo Pygmaeus)

Literature Review: Parameter Demografi Sebagai Penentu Kelestarian Orangutan Kalimantan (Pongo Pygmaeus)

139-149 Sahat Raja Marigo Girsang, Sutan Sahala Muda Marpaung, Dini Hardiani Has

Total VFA value, NH3 and Invitro Digestibility of Cabbage and Mustard Vegetable Waste Distilled with Various Carbohydrate Sources

Nilai VFA Total, NH3 dan Kecernaan Invitro Limbah Sayur Kol dan Sawi yang Disilase dengan Berbagai Sumber Karbohidrat

150-157 Triani Adelina, Eniza Saleh, Anwar Efendi Harahap, Muhammad Ridwan Hidayat

Bodyweight Estimation of Anglo Nubian Dairy Goats at Lobi Farm, Pondok Kubang, Central Bengkulu

Estimasi Bobot Badan Kambing Perah Anglo Nubian di Peternakan Lobi Farm, Pondok Kubang, Bengkulu Tengah

158-163 Woki Bilyaro, Endang Sulistyowati, Muhammad dani, Arif Rahman Azis

Microbiological and Physicochemical Properties of Beef Patties Added with Senduduk (Melastoma malabathricum L.) Leaf Powder at Different Levels

Sifat Mikrobiologi dan Fisikokimia Beef Patty yang Ditambahkan Bubuk Daun Senduduk (Melastoma malabathricum) dengan Level yang Berbeda

164-171 Suharyanto Suharyanto, Viona Apriyanti Sagala, Edi Soetrisno, Warnoto Warnoto, Hajrawati Hajrawati

Effect of Feeding Isotoma longiflora Leaf Extract with Ethanol Solvent on Performance and Small Intestine Histomorphology of Broiler

Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Daun Kitolod (Isotoma longiflora) dengan Pelarut Etanol terhadap Peforma dan Histomorfologi Usus Halus Broiler

172-177 Muhammad Dani, Kususiyah, Purnama Sari Kebat, Refi Marlita, Woki Bilyaro, Arif Rahman Azis

Characteristics and Performance of Hens from Red Jungle Fowl Offspring in the Community in Bengkulu City

Karakteristik dan Performa Induk Ayam Keturunan Ayam Hutan Merah Pada Masyarakat di Kota Bengkulu

178-186 Sutriyono Sutriyono, Urip Santoso, Bieng Brata, Dadang Suherman

Food and Livestock Sustainability in the Modern Era

Ketahanan Pangan dan Keberlanjutan Peternakan di Era Modern

187-195 Arif Rahman Azis, Hamka, Woki Bilyaro, Muhammad Dani

The Effect of Dietary Protein Levels and Lysine Supplementation on Femur Strength in 12-Week-Old Indonesian Indigenous Chickens

196-204 Akhmat Rizkuna, Novemia Fatmarischa, I Putu Gede Didik Widiarta, Amani Aldiyanti

Effect of Addition of Pandan Leaf Infusa (Pandanus amaryllifous, R) on Carcass Weight, Carcass Percentage and Abdominal Fat of Broilers

Pengaruh Penambahan Infusa Daun Pandan (Pandanus amaryllifous, R) terhadap Bobot Karkas, Persentase Karkas dan Lemak Abdominal Broiler

205-213 Chairani Mukherji Sikumbang, Nilawati Nilawati, Toni Malvin, Nelzi Fati

The Effect of Moringa Leaf Supplementation on Lemongrass Waste-Based Rations on Crude Fiber, Crude Fat, and Nitrogen-free Extract

Evaluasi kandungan Serat Kasar, Lemak Kasar, dan BETN pada Ransum Berbasis Limbah Serai Wangi yang disuplementasi ekstrak Daun Kelor sebagai Antioksidan

214-220 Tri Astuti, safitri Alfajar, Syahro Ali Akbar, Fajri Basyirun, Dara Surtina

The Effect of Moringa Leaf Extract (Moringa oleifera L) as Feed Additive in Drinking Water on Growth Performance and Percentage of Broiler Internal Organs

Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Daun Kelor (Moringa oleifera L) sebagai Feed Additive dalam Air Minum terhadap Performa Pertumbuhan dan Persentase Organ dalam Broiler

221-233 Yosi Fenita, Desia Kaharuddin, Nurmeiliasari Nurmeiliasari, Arif Rahman Azis, Widia Kumalasari
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