Published: December 4, 2022

Combining extensive reading while listening (ERWL) with cooperative learning

125-145 Kaoru Tsuda, Noriko Muramatsu, Willy A Renandya, George M Jacobs

Students’ understanding, attitude and experience on dishonesty and plagiarism: How undergraduate and postgraduate students of English Education resemble and/or differ

1-18 Safnil Arsyad, Azwandi, Alamsyah Harahap

Getting published in international journals: Perception of Indonesian scholars in linguistics and language education on the issues they face

19-40 Zifirdaus Adnan, Bambang Kaswanti Purwo

Engaging students to write procedure texts through the culturally-relevant activity of bark painting

41-58 Wigati Yektiningtyas, Ruth Naomi Nancy Wompere, Niko Kobepa, Tri Apniani Sunarsih

English as medium of instruction (MOI) in classroom activities: Teachers’ perceptions from eastern Indonesia

59-74 Sahril Nur, Auliyanti Sahril Nurfadhilah, Eva Meizara Puspita Dewi, Jamilah

Psychosocial impact of COVID-19 on achievement of adolescents with hearing impairment in English language

75-88 Samuel Olufemi Adeniyi, Olaotan Oladele Kuku

Sound stress patterns of nouns ending in -ion produced by English education students

89-100 Syafrizal Sabaruddin, Sufiyandi, Muhammad Fadhli, Zul Amri

Successful Indonesian startups’ product blogs: A digital genre analysis and its pedagogical implications

101-124 Nugrahaningtyas Fatma Anyassari, Novitasari, Tri Astuti Handayani, Cita Nuary Ishak, Nafisya Alfiani Aisyah

Exploring lecturers and administrative staffs’ strategies to hone EFL students’ digital literacy

151-172 Febriyantina Istiara, Tommy Hastomo

The hybridity of Indies culture in Indonesian novel translation into French

173-194 Arwatrisi Ediani, Sajarwa

Developing interactive materials of writing non-literary texts based on flipbooks for secondary school students

195-212 Yuni Hajar, Elly Prihasti Wuriyani, Muhammad Joharis Lubis

Time management and translation method in translating a scientific article: A case study on a professional translator

213-226 Amsaldi Wahyu Kristian Sinulingga, Rudy Sofyan, Umar Mono