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This research aimed to examine the effect of Terminalia catappa extract in drinking water on Crossbred-native chicken's performance and carcass production. The research was arranged in a completely randomized design with five treatments and 5 replications (8 birds each). The samples in the present study were two hundred crossbred native chickens with an average body weight of 120.58±12.60 g. The treatments were as follows: drinking water without Terminalia catappa extract (T0); Drinking water with 1% of fresh Terminalia catappa leaf extract ten ml/1 l water (T1); Drinking water with 2% of fresh Terminalia catappa leaf extract 20 ml/1 l water (T2); Drinking water with 3% of fresh Terminalia catappa leaf extract 30 ml/1 l water (T3); Drinking water with 4% of fresh Terminalia catappa leaf extract 40 ml/1 l water (T4). Parameters observed were drinking water consumption, feed consumption, body weight gain, feed conversion ratio, and carcass production. Results show that Terminalia catappa extract in drinking water significantly affects drinking water consumption but has no effect on other parameters. Fresh Terminalia catappa leaf extract can be used in drinking water until 4%.


Terminalia catappa Crossbred Native Chicken Performance Carcass Production

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Author Biographies

B. Marifah, Fakultas Peternakan dan Pertanian, Universitas Diponegoro

Animal Science Department

E. Suprijatna, Fakultas Peternakan dan Pertanian, Universitas Diponegoro

Animal Science Department
How to Cite
Marifah, B., Suprijatna, E., Mahfudz, L. D., Sunarti, D., Kismiati, S., Sarjana, T. A., & Muryani, R. (2022). Effect of Terminalia catappa Leaf Extract in Drinking Water on Performance and Carcass Production of Crossbred Native Chicken. Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia, 17(2), 87–90. Retrieved from


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