Published: March 31, 2023

Physical and Chemical Quality of Cow Feces Organic Fertilizer Produced by the Addition of Different Starters

1-7 Viagian Pastawan, Endang Baliarti, Hamdani Maulana, Nanung Agus Fitriyanto

Fish Meal Substitution with Black Soldier Fly Larva on Growth Performance of Female Grower Quail

8-14 Mulyono Mulyono, Widiyanto Widiyanto, Istna Mangisah, Lilik Krismiyanto, Vitus Dwi Yunianto Budi Ismadi, Dwi Sunarti, Nyoman Suthama

Performance Analysis in Quantitative Traits of Local Chickens (Gallus gallus sp.) In Kediri Regency East Java

15-19 Eka Nurwahyuni, Ardyah Ramadhina Irsanti Putri, Nanang Febrianto, Muhamad Aufal Marom, Rafif Fadhilah Azhar

The Effects of Water-Based Coconut Extenders on Semen Preservation : A review

20-26 Patricia Mae S. Odrada, Listya Purnamasari, Joseph F. Dela Cruz

Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activity of Protein Hydrolysate Extracted from different Indonesian Avian Egg White

27-33 Ari Surya Sukarno, Nurliyani, Yuny Erwanto, Satyaguna Rakhmatulloh, Rifqi

Supplementation of Sakura Block Plus on Palm Frond-Based Rations on the Production Efficiency of Kaur Cattle

34-39 Jarmuji, Lili Warly, Mardiati Zain, Khasrad

Utilization of Indigofera Leaf Flour (Indigofera zollingeriana Miq) as Feed to Increase the Production and Internal Quality of KUB Chicken Eggs

40-47 Usman, Suharno, Lisye I. Zebua, Puguh Sujarta

Physical Quality of Quail Eggs That are Feed with the Addition of Snail Flour

48-56 Muh Akramullah, R. R. Depawole; N. A. D. Tiya

Fluctuations and Movement Patterns of Race Chicken Egg Prices in Bengkulu Province

57-63 Selmi, Arma Putra, Nadia Putri Khairunnisa, Putri Suci Asriani

The Potential Used of Humic Substance As Natural Organic Additives For Ruminants: A Review

64-70 Tatik Suteky, Dwatmadji, Edi Soetrisno