Journal Description
Dharma Raflesia : Jurnal Ilmiah Pengembangan dan Penerapan IPTEKS by
University of Bengkulu. This journal has the function of disseminating the results of community service. Apart from being a medium for scientific communication, this journal also serves as a benchmark for various community service activities and results. Dharma Raflesia is published regularly, containing articles on the theme of Appropriate Technology, Cultivation in Agriculture, Agro-Industry, Animal Husbandry, Counseling and Training, Learning Methods, and other topics. Articles that enter the editor are chosen first. Therefore, not all articles sent are published in this journal. Dharma Raflesia: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengembangan dan Penerapan IPTEKS with
ISSN 1693-8046 (printed) and
ISSN 2615-4544 (online) has been
accredited by Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture decision
Number 148/M/KPT/2020 which is valid for five years since enacted on 3 August 2020. Furthermore, starting from 14 July 2020, the journal has been indexed by
- Journal Title : Dharma Raflesia : Jurnal Ilmiah Pengembangan dan Penerapan IPTEKS
- ISSN : 1693-8046 (printed) and 2615-4544 (online)
- DOI : 10.33369/dr
- Chief Editor : Mimi Sutrawati
- Frequency : (June and December)
- Publisher : UNIB Press
- Email :