Journal Description
Jurnal Agroindustri is a journal (scientific publication) made available by the Department of Agricultural Technology, Faculty of Agricultural, University of Bengkulu with p-ISSN 2088-5369 (Printed) and e-ISSN 2613-9952 (Online). It is jointly published with the Publication Board of Agriculture Faculty (BPFP) and supported by Indonesian Association of Agro-industrial Technologist (APTA). It is dedicated for students, lecturers, and researches to scientifically publish their ideas, results of research, review of literatures of agricultural industry (agroindustry). It is published twice a year; due on May and November; in the form of hardcopy (printed) and softcopy (file on the OJS web).
Since December 2022, Jurnal Agroindustri has been accredited by Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology of Republic Indonesia No. 225/E/KPT/2022 as SINTA 2.
The Editors would appreciate to all readers that positively give comment or criticism to improve the quality of the Journal. The Journal would also accept manuscript relevant; concerning or related to agroindustry; in terms of technology, system or management. Manuscript could be written in Bahasa Indonesia or in English using format provided and to be sent to the web (http://ejournal.unib.ac.id/index.php/agroindustri) or to email: j.agroindustri@unib.ac.id
Current Issue
Vol. 14 No. 2 (2024): November 2024