Published: June 5, 2023

The Effect of Circuit Training Exercises and Set Systems on Learning Motivation Towards Discus Throw Results of Students of SMP Negeri 2 Pendalian IV Koto

265-275 Fery Ferdian, Umar, Sayuti Syahara, Didin Tohidin, Yovhandra Ockta

Sports Coaching and Koni Bali's Leading Sports

276-284 I Putu Darmayasa, Suratmin Suratmin

The Role of Sports Teachers and Parents in Adaptive Physical Education Learning in Children with Special Needs: Case Study

285-292 Raga Kusuma Atmaja, Nurhidayat

Development of Test and Measurement Tools Standing Stork Test Android Based

293-304 Andika Putranto Hutagalung, Imran Akhmad, M. Irfan

Tracer Study of Outstanding Athletes

305-310 Irpani, Albadi Sinulingga, Suryadi Damanik, Rafika Ardilla

Thematic Based PJOK Module Development

311-317 Zuraidah Nurhadi, Budi Valianto, Eva Faridah, Indra Kasih

Integrating Life Skills into Volleyball Training for Positive Youth Development (PYD)

318-325 Juhrodin, Yudha Munajat Saputra, Amung Mamun , Yunyun Yudiana

Emotional Intelligence Positively Affects Student's Social Skills in Physical Education

326-333 Dicky Tri Juniar, Adang Suherman, Beltasar Tarigan, Agus Mahendra

Contribution of the Learning Model as a Provision for the Introduction of the School Field (PLP) to Optimize the Learning Process

334-342 I Bagus Endrawan, Hilmy Aliriad , Martinus

Policy Analysis for Development and Development of Sports Education: Perspective of Regional Regulation Number 11 of 2017 Concerning the Implementation of Sports

343-352 Anshori Nuzul, Yudha Munajat Saputra, Amung Ma’mun, Boyke Mulyana

Development of WEB Based Police Member Proficiency Test Application

353-362 Putra Satria Harahap, Rahma Dewi, Nurkadri

Development of a High Jump Apparatus in High School

363-368 Rhoni Adi Arthama Hutagalung, Hari Adi, Rahma Dewi

Efforts to Improve Long Jump Skills in Squat Style Through a Play-Based Approach on 11th Grade Science Students at Teladan High School in Sei Rampah

369-379 Muhammad Syahri, Albadi Sinulingga, Nurkadri

Different Effects of Bench Dip and Wheelbarrow Training on Swimming Speed in 25 Meters Freestyle KU IV Gading Swimming Club in 2022

380-385 Mahmuddin, Lutfia Novtriana Pasaribu

Optimization of the Web based Learning Management System (LMS) Application for PJOK Learning at SMA/SMK Equivalent Level in North Sumatra

386-395 Rini Andriani, Bayu Hardiyono , Amir Supriadi, Afri Tantri, Abdul hakim Siregar

The Influence of the Visual Auditory Kinesthetic Model (VAK) as an Alternative to Improve Basic Basketball Passing Techniques

396-404 Muhammad Noer Fadlan, Wariyati, Dina Hidayati

PON XXI Survey in North Sumatra on High School Students

405-411 Timbul Mugabe Siregar, Samsuddin Siregar, Amir Supriadi, Rafika Ardilla

A Comparison of Tactic and Technical Approaches to Student Basketball Skills

412-420 Sucipto, Agus Gumilar, Alpi Pebria Lestari, Burhan Hambali

Akidah Based Teaching Methods (Analytical, Creative, Innovative, Demonstrative, Active, Humanist) In Elementary Schools: A Literature Review

421-426 Pungki Indarto, Gatot Jariono, Rahma Tulloh, Haris Nugroho, Andi Ihsan, Uzizatun Maslikah

Effectiveness of Training Methods on Shot Put Athletic Learning Results

427-433 Andi Muhammad Fadlih, Juhanis, Sudirman, Hasyim, M. Said Zainuddin

Strategies to Improve Children's Motor Skills with Special Needs Through Circuit Method Based Inclusion Education

434-440 Gatot Jariono, Nurhidayat, Prita Yunita, Satria Yudi Gontara, Haris Nugroho, Uzizatun Maslikah

Development of Science and Technology in Sports Through Test and Measurement Tools Shoulder and Wrist Android Based

441-450 Ilmi Arifin, Amir Supriadi, Ibrahim Sembiring

Development of a Swimming Learning Model With a Play Approach to Elementary School Students

451-457 Nurdiansyah, Ramadhan Arifin, Abdul Hakim Siregar, Hasyim, Ramadhani

Increasing Physical Fitness in Gender in Wetland Areas Negara Hulu Sungai Selatan District

458-464 Abd Hamid, Muhammad Mulhim, M. Rasidy , Budiannor

The Influence of Creative Gymnastics Exercise on Improving Physical Fitness In Women In Coastal Area Jorong Tanah Laut District

465-471 Mita Erliana, Perdinanto, Yanda Hartati, Rabiatul Mirati

Development of Interactive Learning Multimedia to Improve the Result of Underhand Passing and Underserving Skill in Volleyball Games of IV Grade in SD Negeri 106790 Sei Mencirim

472-483 Ari Mecky Prawira Ketaren, Agung Sunarno, Nimrot Manalu

Effectiveness of D-Mat on Improving Basic Jumping Motions in Early Children in Palembang

484-490 Dewi Septaliza, Noviria Sukmawati, Selvi Melianty, Selvi Atesya Kesumawati

Traditional Borneo Game in Improving Student Character : Changes in Social Behavior

491-500 Muhammad Ramli Buhari, Hamdiana, Muhammad Rifai, Hendry Ismawan

Development of a Game Based Volleyball Learning Model at Sungai Kakap 21 State Elementary School

501-507 Sulistya Megawati, Muhammad Suhairi, Suriani Sari

Natural Tourism Potential for Sport Tourism Activities in the Bengkayang Regency Area

508-515 Syahadatina, Zusyah Porja Daryanto, Nevi Hardika

Relationship Between Teacher Competence and Motivation With Student Learning Outcomes in Subjects Elementary School People in Tujuh Belas Sub District

516-525 Tarlina, Ashadi Cahyadi, Suriani Sari

The Impact of Training Methods and Leg Muscle Strength to the Long Jumping Squat Style Skills of SMA Pesantren Pancasila Bengkulu

526-533 Defliyanto, Moch. Asmawi, Hernawan Hernawan

Indonesian Climbing Coach Careers From A Gender Perspective

534-545 Mela Aryani , Berliana Rahely , Komarudin Komarudin, Dede Rohmat Nurjaya