Published: March 14, 2024

Student Perception on Initial Experience of Flipped Classroom in Sport Education Department

1-13 Zen Fadli, Heri Masmur Sembiring, M. Eko Isdianto, Widya Andayani

Survey of Volleyball Underhand Serve and Underarm of Students at SMP Negeri 1 Siak Hulu

14-21 Mimi Yulianti, Rices Jatra, Leni Apriani, Rahma Wati, Subagyo Subagyo, Sujarwo Sujarwo

Analysis of Types of Physical Activity on Active Elderly Community in Bandung City

22-29 Kamli Suwandi, Jajat Jajat, Ahmad Hamidi

Manipulative basic Movement Learning Model in Class 6 Primary School Students

30-38 Sifra Oppin Paulima sifra, Fahmy Fachrezzy, Hernawan Hernawan, Oman Uju Subandi, Muhamad Syamsul Taufik

The Relationship between Physical Activity and Social Interaction of Elementary School Students

39-46 Sindy Oktaviani, Tatang Muchtar, Dewi Susilawati

The Influence of Learning Models on Students' Floor Exercise Learning Outcomes and Body Fitness

47-56 Ni Putu Diah Yeni Rahayu, I Gusti Lanang Agung Parwata, I Ketut Iwan Swadesi

The Effect of Hand Paddle and Push Up Exercises to Increase Swimming Speed in Children Aged 11-12 Years

57-64 Rakafadni Historian, Dewi Susilawati, Respaty Mulyanto

Analysis of the Implementation of Physical Education Learning in the Independent Curriculum

65-74 Oman Unju Subandi, Fahmy Fachrezzy, Sujarwo Sujarwo, Abdul Halim

Comparison of the Quality of Physical Fitness of Elementary School Students in Cities and Villages based on Geographical Location

75-83 Gunawan Gunawan, Tatang Muhtar, Dewi Susilawati

Development of Physiotherapy Standard Operating Procedures Case of Ankle Sprain in Basketball Players

84-93 Aulia Rahmi, Totok Budi Santoso

Physical Training Profile and Training Patterns of Paragliding Athletes

94-105 Carolin Purba, Aam Ali Rahman, Ayi Suherman

Analysis of the Potential of Rafting Sports Tourism in the Parakan Kondang River Kabupaten Sumedang

106-113 Arkiman Arkiman, Dewi Susilawati, Dinar Dinangsit, Rizal Ahmad Fauzi

Shooting Profile of Female Petanque Riau Athletes Judging from Time Effectiveness

114-123 Efdi Gusdillah, M. Fransazeli Makorohim

The Effect of HIIT on Increasing VO2 Max in White Water Rafting Athletes

124-130 Hadiono Hadiono, Nuril Huda, Andes Permadi, Ajeng Nur Khoirunnisa, Mirna Larasati

Development of Sepak Takraw Model Through TGFU to Improve Basic Athlete Junior in Playing Sepak Takraw

131-138 Arizky Ramadhan, Iyakrus Iyakrus, Yahya Eko Nopiyanto

What is the Physical Fitness Level of Basketball Extracurricular Participants? Investigation of Bengkulu State Middle School 14 Students

139-145 Septian Raibowo, Vega Mareta Sceisarriya, Miftah Fajrin Rahmi, Yarmani Yarmani

The Effectiveness of Hurdle Drill and Shadow Exercises to Improve Footwork Skills in Badminton

146-153 Indra Ferdiansyah Kurniawan, Ayi Suherman, Respaty Mulyanto

The Influence of Gobak Sodor Traditional Games towards Students’ Agility and Teamwork

154-163 Ai Faridah, Dian Permana, Arief Adhitia Hamzah, Tufail Ibrahim Said

The Influence of Traditional Games on Freestyle Swimming Speed in Riau Aquatic Pekanbaru Swimming Association Athletes

164-172 Rezki Rezki, Sesi Melati, Fezyana Delsa Anugrah, Muhammad Ikhsan

A Play Sports Learning Approach can Improve Students' front Rolling Skills

173-185 Ganie Tri Lestari; Yudha Munajat Saputra; Anin Rukmana

Evaluation of the Volleyball Development Program at the Bakung Hoktong Volleyball Club

186-194 Agnes Aprilia Kimku, Dewi Septaliza

High Intensity Tabata Bodyweight Training Increasing Maximum Oxygen Volume in Students

195-202 Gigih Siantoro, Bayu Agung Pramono, Frista Anggraini, Muhammad Arodista, Musa Bagaskara, Eky Ramadhani, Tanaka Pahlevi, Sheylla Putri, Errik Firmansyah, Rifqy Sulthoni

Development of a Fundamental Movement Skill Program based on Augmented Reality Technology for Elementary School Students

203-210 Sugita Krisdian, Febi Kurniawan, Resty Gustiawati

High Intensity Circuit Training Increases Both Aerobic Capacity in Healthy Males

211-217 Slamet Raharjo

The Effect of Variations in Flexibility Training on the Service Ability of Bengkulu University Sepak Takraw Athletes

218-228 Oddie Barnanda Rizky, Defliyanto Defliyanto, Yarmani Yarmani, Ari Tri Fitrianto

The Effect of Cone Training and Backcourt Sessions on the Agility of Squash Athletes

229-235 Nugraha Pratama, Tatang Muhtar, Dinar Dinangsit

Development of Futsal Learning Media Based on VAR 3D as an Effort to Improve Student Practicum Learning Outcomes Learning Media

236-244 Bogy Restu Ilahi, Septian Raibowo, Oddie Barnanda Rizky

Analysis of Physical Education Students' Learning Obstacles in basic Research Course

245-253 Yahya Eko Nopiyanto, Yarmani, Tono Sugihartono, Arwin Arwin, Syafrial Syafrial, Ari Sutisyana, Dian Pujianto, Andika Prabowo, Ipa Sari Kardi, Ibrahim Ibrahim, Cahyo Wibowo, Arief Ibnu Haryanto, Rasyono Rasyono