Published: December 4, 2024

Determination of Emotional Quotient (EQ) in Pencak Silat Athletes

738-748 Manggar Mega Tri Kencana, Wiga Nurlatifa Romadhoni

The Effect Of Manual Therapy On Myofascial Trigger Point Syndrome Upper Trapezius

749-759 Yosa Endrika Wiyono Putra, Totok Budi Santoso

High Intensity Interval Training: Enhancing Health Outcomes for Individuals with Coronary Artery Disease

760-769 Ruslan Ruslan, Rusli Rusli , Sarifin G, Andi Sri Dewi Anggraeni. M

Development Of Fitness Test Results Measurement For Karate Sports Based On Application

770-779 Maryani Maryani, Hartati

Development Of Volleyball Learning Media Through Video Animation In Palembang Junior High School

780-793 Dimas Koeswara, Meirizal Usra, Herri Yusfi

The Effect Of 8 Repetition Badminton Footwork Training In Increasing Leg Muscle Flexibility And Endurance

794-805 I Putu Astrawan, I Made Dhita Prianthara, Komang Tri Adi Suparwati, Made Ganggas Dwiatmaja Empuaji

The Impact of Socioeconomic Conditions and Residential Areas on the Development of Gross Motor Skills in Elementary School Age Children

806-817 Imam Hariadi, Mashuri Eko Winarno, Nurrul Riyad Fadhli, Dona Sandy Yudasmara; Taufik, Galih Purnomo Aji

Differences with Problem based Learning Models, Project based Learning Models And Interest in Learning Material Junior High 36 Football Terrain

818-825 Ariansyah Panggabean, Agung Sunarno, Ardi Nusri

The Effect of Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise on the Results of Increasing the Endurance of Tanah Laut Football Players

826-832 Ramadhan Arifin, Abd. Hamid , Nurdiansyah Hamid , Birrul Hasani , Windi Yanur , Muhammad Ridayd Firdaus

Volleyball Serving Ability Training Model for Adolescents in Jayapura City

833-841 Rio Islam

Effectiveness of Ball Standing Throw Training on Heading Ability in Football Games

842-853 Jud, Marsuna, Sariul, La Ode Rusdin, Astia Febriani Asrin

The Relationship between Arm Muscle Strength and Togok Flexibility with Butterfly Swimming Speed

854-864 Sariul Sariul, Jud, Suhartiwi, Marsuna, Mastang

Analysis of Limb Muscle Power of Male and Female Basketball Athletes KONI Madiun City Year 2024

867-877 Ardyansyah Arief Budi Utomo Ardyansyah, Titin Kuntum Mandalawati Titin, Agung Dwi Darmawan Agung

Analysis of Children's Interest in Following Football Education at PSB BONANSA UNS SOLO

878-887 Agung alfarisi, Muhad Fatoni, Pungki Indarto

Development of Augmented Reality based Power Spin Learning Media Assemblr 3D PJBL model for Reaction and Timing Pattern Problems

888-898 Rohmad Apriyanto, Hilmy Aliriad, Mohamad Da’i, Adi S; Suningsih Suningsih, Aris Wiji

Level of Sports Development Assessed Through the Sport Development Index in Deli Serdang Regency

899-907 Dewi Endriani, Syamsul Gultom, Indah Verawati, Muhammad Reza Destya

Implementation of the Philanesia Football Curriculum in View from the Medan City SSB ASKOT PSSI Training Phase

908-915 Taufik Hidayat Nasution, Ardi Nusri, Novita Novita

Development of Fitness Education Model Based on FITT Method in Electronic Book Physical Education Learners In Schools Intermediate First

916-927 aep guntur, Resty Gustiawati, Febi Kurniawan

Optimizing Pencak Silat Learning with a Digital Audio Approach

928-935 novial azhar novial azhar, Resty Gustuawati, Ruslan Abdul Gani

Initial Level of Locomotor Ability Student Class III At Harapan Jaya Beach State Elementary School 04

936-941 angga fermana kautsar, Ruslan Abdul Gani, Febi Kurniawan, Ega Trisna Rahayu

Comparison Of Stretching And Cold Water Immersion With Stretching And Water Contracts In Reducing Athletic Pain

942-954 Ainul Ghurri Ainul Ghurri, Danuditya Purna Atmaja, Hafizah Sururul Nur Rakhmawati, Ifa Gerhanawati

Development of Small Sided Games Training Variations in the Game of Hockey

955-964 Fadly Subraza Adrian, Nurhayati Simatupang, Suprayitno Suprayitno

Analysis of the Arrangement and Distribution of PJOK Teachers in Tarutung District North Tapanuli Regency

965-976 Lora Aritonang, Imran Akhmad, Ibrahim Ibrahim

Effects Of High Intensity Interval Training On The Body

977-986 Yona Bayu Prasetyo, Saddan Pramana Putra, Titin Kuntum Mandalawati