Published: September 21, 2023

Coaching and Development of Pencak Silat Sports Based on Living Respect Values in Positive Youth Development

566-576 Jeki Purnama Putra, Nurlan Kusmaidi, Mulyana, Amung Ma’mun

Contribution of Outbound Activities to the Soft Skills of Management Osis and MPK at SMAN 3 Kupang City

577-588 Maria Andriani Barek Ladjar, Veramyta Maria Martha Flora Babang , Jurdan Martin Siahaan

Development of Contextual based Monopoly Media Branches – Traditional Sports of the Archipelago in Elementary School Students

589-597 Alfiah Aulia Putri, Khavisa Pranata

Analysis of Physical Literacy Measurement in Physical Education for Early Childhood

598-607 Feida Noorliala Istiadah, Rahmat Permana

Effectiveness of Digital Table Tennis Teaching Materials in Improving Students' Cognitive Ability

608-618 Samsuddin Siregar, Rosmaini Hasibuan, Mahmuddin

The Interest of the People of South Kalimantan in Practicing and Developing Pickleball

619-628 Ma’ruful Kahri Kahri, Lazuardy Akbar Fauzan, Sofyan, Nadia Salasabila, Muhammad Faisal

Development of a Digital Based Sit and Reach Test and Measurement Tool

629-641 Abdi Korintinus Simangungsong, Nurkadri, Sabaruddin Yunis Bangun

Web Based Petanque Sports Match Statistics

642-648 Aidilla Pratiwi Siregar, Ibrahim Sembiring, Albadi Sinulingga

Application of Augmented Reality Based Freestyle Swimming Material Learning Media for Junior High School Students

649-659 Feri Apriani, Rahma Devi, Nurkadri

Push Up Exercise Against 50 Meter Swimming Speed Breaststroke

660-672 Nikmatun Nazilah, Silvi Aryanti, Ahmad Richard Victorian

Literature Review: Physical Activity In Elementary School Students' Outdoor Educational Learning

673-681 Hernawan Hernawan

Utilization of WEB based Technology Through the Sepak Takraw Sports Match Administration System Application

682-695 Akram Muhibulloh Bangko, Amir Supriadi, Budi Valianto

Analysis of Sport Massage and Personal Trainers New Economic Opportunities

696-706 Khaerul Anam, Muhammad Riyan Hidayatulloh, Lalu Moh Yuda Isnaini, Lalu Mardani Arinaza

Development of Teaching Materials with Thunkable Applications to Support Blended Learning in Tennis

707-715 Septian Raibowo, Dian Pujianto

Model of Basic Locomotor Movement with Balance for 1st Grade Elementary School Children

716-726 Bonggo Pribadi, Yasep Setiakarnawijaya, Mansur Jauhari

The Effect of Cooperative Learning Approach, Competitive and Physical Fitness on Basketball Dribble Skills

727-736 I Ketut Hendry Wijaya Kusuma

The Effectiveness of Instruments and Norms of Physical Ability Tests for Athletes Aged 13-18 Years in East Nusa Tenggara Province

737-747 Ronald Dwi Ardian Fufu, Lukas Maria Boleng, Michael Johannes Hadiwijaya Louk, Al Ihzan Tajuddin, Salmon Runesi, Fera Ratna Dewi Siagian

Comparison of Vertical Jump Test Measuring Instruments with Choronojump on the Explosive Power of Leg Muscles of Indonesian Badminton Elite Athletes

748-755 Iwan Hermawan, Fahmy Fachrezzy, Shela Ginanjar, Dena Widyawan, Fachri Husaini, Uzizatun Maslikah

Analysis of Limb Explosive Performance of Elite Water Ski and Wakeboard Athletes: A Comparative Study

756-763 Uzizatun Maslikah, Fahmy Fachrezzy, Mansur Jauhari, Arga Nurcahya, Haris Nugroho

The Influence of Nutritional Status, Physical Fitness, and Learning Motivation on Learning Outcomes in Physical Education, Sport and Health

764-777 Icuk Sugiarto, Tjung Hauw sin, Gusril, Aldo Naza Putra

Implementation of the Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition Learning Model to Increase The Interest in Reading of Physical Education Students

778-787 Ari Sutisyana, Yahya Eko Nopiyanto, Arwin Arwin

The Effectiveness of Student Gymnastics in 2022 on Improving Physical Fitness

788-796 Noviria Sukmawati, Selvi Melianty, Selvi Atesya Kesumawati, Fanni Nur Rahma

Implementation of the Jigsaw Learning Model with the Assistance of E-Books and Audiovisual Media to Improve Sports Massage Learning Outcomes

797-804 Dian Pujianto, Bayu Insanistyo, Mas'ullah Andriyani

Design Electric Bells to Improve Kinesthetic Intelligence for the View Image in the Library and Archive Department of Bengkulu Province

805-812 Haris Farhan, Fransiska Timoria Samosir, Aang Gunaidi

Improving Football Dribbling Skill Through the Play Method at SSB Harapan Bangsa Central Bengkulu Regency Aged 10-12 Years

813-823 Oddie Barnanda Rizky, Yarmani, Tono Sugihartono, Andes Permadi, Andika Prabowo

Table Tennis Forehand Drive Learning Model for Application based Elementary School Students

824-832 Agus Kurniadi, Hernawan Hernawan, Sri Nuraini

Development of Futsal Learning Media Based on Augmented Reality 3D Visualization to Improve Physical Education Students Practicum Learning Results

833-842 Bogy Restu Ilahi, Syafrial, Fina Hiasa

The Effect of Hadang Game on Dribbling Agility in Futsal Extracurricular Activity at the SDN 81 Rejang Lebong

The Effect of Hadang Game on Dribbling Agility in Futsal Extracurricular Activity at the SDN 81 Rejang Lebong

843-850 Defliyanto Defliyanto, Frengki Fransisco, Bojan Bjelica

Survey of Lecturers' Understanding of Sports Massage Clinic Services at Bina Darma University

851-860 Umi Kalsum, Selvi Atesya Kesumawati , I Bagus Endrawan, Martinus Martinus

Development of Portable Massage Bed

861-868 Dhavid Ramadhan Pratama, Selvi Atesya Kesumawati, Noviria Sukmawati, Bangkit Seandi Taroreh

The Impact of Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) Learning Method on Long Jump Performance

869-877 Dewi Septaliza, Edi Sopran Lubis

A Colorful Question Game to Improve Children Motor Skills in 4th Class Elementary School

878-885 Selvi Atesya Kesumawati, Aprizal Fikri, Noviria Sukmawati, Husni Fahritsani

The Effect of Resistance Band Exercise Variations on Dollyo Chagi Kick Results Taekwondo Club Global Taekwondo Academy

886-894 I Bagus Endrawan, Martinus Martinus, Ahmad Yani, Adi S, Hilmy Aliriad

Special Technical Ability of Pontianak Takraw Athletes

895-904 Wiwik Yunitaningrum