Published: December 16, 2023

The Development of Physical Fitness Training Models for Prospective TNI and POLRI Students

915-922 Muh. Yasa, Widiastuti Widiastuti, Yasep Setiakarnawijaya

Enhancing Learning Outcomes Rhythmic Gymnastics Learning Model Through Teams Games Tournaments

923-930 I Bagus Endrawan, Martinus Martinus, Noviria Sukmawati, Endra Yuniarto

Influence Small Sided Games and Wall Passes Against Ability Passing Athlete Age 15-17 Years SSB Putra Sampantao

931-939 Nono Hardinoto, Elvin Harungguan Pasaribu , Mahmuddin Mahmuddin, Asep Prima

Evaluation of Mastery of Pedagogic Competence of Physical Education, Sports and Health (PJOK)

940-951 Andhika Yudisthira, Damrah Damrah, Nurul Ihsan, Ronni Yenes, Jannatul Khairoh

Physiotherapy Management for Cases of Tendinitis Bicipitalis in Indonesian Para Powerlifting Athletes: Case Report

952-959 Heru Purnomo, Suryo Saputra Perdana, Amalia Nur Azizah

Unlocking the Inner Drive: Exploring Intrinsic Motivation in Softball Across Genders

960-970 Charisma Azizah Ibrahim, Mudjihartono Mudjihartono, Asep Sumpena, Agus Gumilar, Jajat Drajat Kusumah Negara

Physiotherapy Management for Cases of Iliotibial Band Syndrome in Indonesian Para Athletics Athletes : Case Report

971-979 Farhan Sufi Hibatul Azizi, Suryo Saputra Perdana, Amalia Nur Azizah

The Potential of Diving in Teluk Dalam Banjarmasin City

980-988 Lazuardy Akbar Fauzan, Alitya Putra Maulidan, Eka Purnama Indah, Maria Agnesia Panggabean, Mutia Kastaniah, Muhammad Adlian Ashafiq

Physiotherapy Management for Cases of Achilles Tendinopathy in Indonesian Para Athletics Athletes : Case Report

989-1000 Muhammad Raihan Maulidan, Suryo Saputra Perdana, Amalia Nur Azizah

Analysis of Superior Extremity Strength on the Groundstroke Attack Skills of Tennis Athletes

1001-1008 M. Sahib Saleh, Syahruddin Syahruddin, Muhammad Syahrul Saleh

Physiotherapy Management of Low Back Pain in Indonesian Para Badminton Athlete: a Case Study

1009-1018 Rezky Guna Putra, Suryo Saputra Perdana, Amalia Nur Azizah

Coaching and Development of Volleyball Based on Social Skills for Positive Youth Development

1019-1926 Dwi Yulia Nur Mulyadi, Amung Mamun, Berliana Berliana, Tite Juliantine

Media Development Based on Equipment Modifications in Table Tennis Games for Elementary Students

Bahasa Inggris

1027-1036 Ignasius Ivan Kurnia Ndruru, Agung Sunarno, Sanusi Hasibuan

Development of Game Based basic Speed Running Movement Training for Children Age 7 - 9 Years

1037-1045 Taufik Rahmadi, Moch. Asmawi, Hidayat Humaid

Ladder Drill Training on the Agility of Beginner Badminton Athletes

1046-1053 Jodi Gandala Putra, Silvi Aryanti, Ahmad Richard Victorian

E-Book Based Hammer Throwing Training Model at the Age of 13-15 Years DKI Jakarta Province

1054-1063 Marini Marini, Yasep Setiakarnawijaya, Moch. Asmawi

The Contribution of Flexibility and Strength Training to the Results of Mawashi Geri's Kicks in Padangsidimpuan Male Athletes

1064-1071 Hendro Septiadi Sihombing, Albadi Sinulingga, Sabaruddin Yunis Bangun, Yan Indra Siregar

The Correlation of Core Stability and Muscle Imbalance to Identify Injury Risk Futsal Players Porprov Kendal

1072-1080 Galeh Purwatama, Wahyuni Wahyuni

Exploration of Philosophy in Traditional Silat Kumango West Sumatra

1081-1089 Febby Syafita Putri, Ardi Nusri, Albadi Sinulingga, Nurhayati Simatupang

The Effectiveness of Telerehabilitation on Improving Knee Function in Patients with Osteoarthritis Knee: A Systematic Review and Meta Analysis

1090-1102 Yunita Rahayu Pratiwi, Suryo Saputra Perdana

Evaluation of the Benefits of Senior High School Physical Education: Focus on the values of Friendship, Happiness, and Fitness

1103-1111 Muhammad Fajrul Auliya, Sakban Rosidi, Mukarom Mukarom, Afif Rusdiawan

Designing an Automated Badminton Shuttlecock Launcher to Enhance the Athletic Performance of Badminton Players

1112-1120 Afif Rusdiawan, Titis Yutno Isain, Muhammad Syariffuddien Zuhrie, Muhammad Labib Siena Ar Rasyid

The Relationship Between Pencak Silat Activities and Life Quality

1121-1128 Chintia Alpedia, Eka Nugraha, Agus Gumilar, Burhan Hambali

The Effect of Reciprocal and Inclusion Teaching Styles on Volleyball Underhand Pass Learning Outcomes

1129-1138 Slamet Riyadi, Dewi Susilawati, Yudha M Saputra, Herdiansyah Herdiansyah

A Systematic Review: Does Land based Exercise Improve the Quality of Life in Patient with Knee Osteoarthritis?

1139-1149 Sabina Afifatuzzahra, Suryo Saputra Perdana, Amalia Nur Azizah

The Effect of Continuous Running Training Programs and Interval Training Programs in Improving Physical Fitness

1150-1158 Asma Bara, Tatang Muhtar, Dewi Susilawati

The Influence of Block Practice and Random Practice on Mastery of a Series of Pencak Silat Team Moves

1159-1170 Yudi Rachman, Indra Safari, Adang Sudrazat, Alifya Ananda Pradana

Development of Learning Media based on Kinovea Application in Biomechanics Course

1171-1179 Andika Prabowo, Dian Pujianto, Septian Raibowo, Defliyanto Defliyanto, Yarmani Yarmani

Plan Prototype Microcontroller based 30 Meter Running Speed Test Equipment

1180-1189 Bangun Setia Hasibuan, Suharjo Suharjo, Afri Tantri, Muhammad Reza Destya

The Implementation of Collaborative Strategy in Teaching based on Virtual Instructor System to Improve Learning Outcomes in Sports Health Education

1190-1197 Bogy Restu Ilahi, Yarmani Yarmani, Andika Prabowo, Fina Hiasa

The Effect of Training using Hand Paddles on the Speed of Freestyle Swimming in Beginners at the USC Club

1198-2005 Syafrial Syafrial, Tono Sugihartono, Ari Sutisyana, Arwin Arwin, Andes Permadi, Oddie Barnanda Rizky, Iqbal Kurniawan

The Effect of Low Impact Aerobic Exercise on Static Balance Levels of Elderly Women Medan Healthy Spirit Gymnastics Club 2023

2006-2014 Yan Indra Siregar, Susi Ikesari Unedo Br.Hotang, Mahmuddin Mahmuddin

VO2Max Level of Convicted Students at Special Prisons for Child Development Institution (LPKA) Class II Bengkulu

2015-2024 Yahya Eko Nopiyanto , Diah Ayu Aguspa Dita, Dian Pujianto, Mas’ullah Andriyani, Fiona Sarah Musfita, Zahra Putri Amelia