JOALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literature)
JOALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literature) is a double-blind peer-reviewed international journal with an editorial board of scholars mainly in applied linguistics, literature, and English language teaching (ELT). Published biannually by UNIB Press, Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia... -
Jurnal Agroindustri
Jurnal Agroindustri is a journal (scientific publication) made available by the Department of Agricultural Technology, Faculty of Agricultural, University of Bengkulu with p-ISSN 2088-5369 (Printed) and e-ISSN 2613-9952 (Online) . It is jointly published with the Publication Board of... -
Jurnal AGRISEP: Kajian Masalah Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis
Jurnal AGRISEP: Kajian Masalah Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis is a scientific communication media which is issued by Department Socio-EconomicOf Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Bengkulu University in collaborations with Associations Agribisnis Indonesia (AAI) . It's the... -
Journal of English Education and Teaching
Journal of English Education and Teaching (JEET) with print ISSN 2685-743x and online ISSN 2622-5867 is open access journal which published four times in a year in March, June, September and December. The aim is to publish conceptual and research articles that explore the application of... -
Diksa : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
ISSN: 2460-9145 (online) ISSN: 2460-8734 (print) DOI: 10.33369/diksa URL: https://ejournal.unib.ac.id/index.php/jurnaldiksa -
Jurnal Ilmiah Potensia
Jurnal Ilmiah Potensia publishes reports field studies, research articles, and the best practices and policies of early childhood learning on the national and international stage. Jurnal Ilmiah Potensia publishes original manuscripts, reviews, and information about association activities. Its... -
Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia
Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia (JSPI) pISSN 1978-3000 and eISSN 2528-7109 is the official scientific journal published by Badan Penerbitan Fakultas Pertanian (BPFP), Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Bengkulu (Publishing House of Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bengkulu),... -
Diklabio: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Biologi
Diklabio: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Biologi, is a open access journal in biology education and learning that publishes research results in the field of biology education and learning at the secondary school and higher education levels. Diklabio’s first edition was published in 2017. The... -
Jurnal Kumparan Fisika
Jurnal Kumparan Fisika is an open access and double blind peer-reviewed journal that contains articles on the results of research on teaching physics, learning physics, physics theory, and applied physics. Jurnal Kumparan Fisika is managed by the Physics Education Study Program of the Teaching... -
Kinestetik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani
Kinestetik: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani by the Program Study of Physical Education FKIP University of Bengkulu . This scientific journal received writings that had never been published elsewhere. and receive writings on the subject of physical education, sports, health, recreation... -
Jurnal Enggano Jurnal Enggano p-ISSN: 2615-5958 and e-ISSN: 2527-5186 is the official scientific journal published by Badan Penerbitan Fakultas Pertanian (BPFP) , Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Bengkulu ( Publishing House of Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bengkulu ). Jurnal... -
Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia
Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia (JIPI) is a scientific journal that publishes research results related to resource issues and agricultural productivity widely, including Agroecotechnology, Plant Breeding, Soil Science, Plant Protection, and Agricultural Ecology. The editor receives a... -
Akta Agrosia
Akta Agrosia is dedicated to researchers or academics who intent on publishing research, scientific thinking, or other scientific ideas. The articles published in the Akta Agrosia are the author’s original works covering on Crop Production, Crop Physiology, Pest and Disease, Soil Science,... -
Konservasi Hayati
Konservasi Hayati (KH) is a biology journal that manage by Biology Department, Faculty Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Bengkulu. KH ( p-ISSN 0216-9487 and e-ISSN 2722-1113 ) is the official scientific magazine issued by UNIB Press , University of Bengkulu, as its... -
Jurnal Vokasi Keperawatan (JVK)
Jurnal Vokasi Keperawatan (JVK) includes the publication of lecturer and student research results related to nursing and health sciences. The fields of nursing include surgical Medical Nursing, Maternity Nursing, Child Nursing, Mental Nursing, Family Nursing, Gerontik Nursing, Nursing... -
Jurnal Inovasi Pengabdian Masyarakat Pendidikan
Jurnal Inovasi Pengabdian Masyarakat Pendidikan is an open access community service journal with online ISSN or E-ISSN (2774-3667) and P-ISSN (2774-6194) which published twice in a year in May and November. The aim of this journal is to publish community service articles that explore the... -
Jurnal PGSD: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar
Jurnal PGSD: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar by Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Bengkulu publishes research articles and literature reviews that discuss learning in PGSD (Learning in higher education in the... -
Convergence: The Journal of Economic Development
Convergence: The Journal of Economic Development is focused on publishing research articles in the field of economics, both theoretically and empirically covering development economics, macroeconomics, microeconomics, industrial economics, public economics, monetary economics, natural... -
Newton-Maxwell Journal of Physics
Newton-Maxwell Journal of Physics is a scientific journal published by UNIB Press and managed by the Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Bengkulu, with ISSN Number: 2775-5894 . This journal is published twice a year, in April and October, as a... -
Jurnal Akuntansi
Jurnal Akuntansi is published by UNIB Press and collaborated with the Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Bengkulu. This journal contains are accounting research that includes Financial Accounting, Public Sector Accounting, Management Accounting, Economy,... -
Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Raflesia
Judul Jurnal : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Raflesia ISSN : 2548-4435 (cetak) | 2615-8752 (online) Prefiks DOI : Prefiks 10.33369 oleh... -
Supremasi Hukum : Jurnal Penelitian Hukum
Supremasi Hukum : Jurnal Penelitian Hukum [e-ISSN 2579-4663 dan p-ISSN 1693-766X ] adalah nama baru sebagai pengganti "Jurnal Penelitian Hukum yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Hukum Universitas Bengkulu sejak Tahun 1995. Jurnal "Supremasi Hukum: Jurnal Penelitian Hukum" merupakan jurnal... -
AGRITROPICA : Journal of Agricultural Sciences
AGRITROPICA is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access journal, published by Badan Penerbitan Fakultas Pertanian (BPFP), Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Bengkulu (Publishing House of Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bengkulu) . International Standard Serial Number... -
Buletin Peternakan Tropis
Buletin Peternakan Tropis (Bulletin of Tropical Animal Science) is a scientific journal published in collaboration with Badan Penerbitan Fakultas Pertanian (BPFP), University of Bengkulu and Himpunan Ilmuwan Peternakan Indonesia (HILPI) . This bulletin is an open access journal so... -
Journal of Agri Socio Economics and Business
Journal of Agri Socio Economics and Business was first published by the Department of Agricultural Socio Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, the University of Bengkulu in 2019. Journal of Agricultural Socio Economics and Business has a p-ISSN number of 2685-7243 and e-ISSN number of... -
Welcome to the Journal Alotrop, an Open-Acces, and peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish scientific articles related to chemistry and education: i.e. an interaction between natural sciences, educational sciences, technologies, and management for both education and sciences and wise use of... -
International Journal of Educational Review
International Journal of Educational Review is published on 22 August 2019 with E-ISSN 2685-709X and P-ISSN 2685-905X by Study Program Doctor of Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Bengkulu, which disseminates the latest research findings from educational scientists... -
Jurnal Ilmiah KORPUS
Jurnal Ilmiah Korpus is a journal managed by the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Bengkulu. This journal contains and disseminates the results of scientific studies and research results of selected... -
Jurnal Sosiologi Nusantara
Jurnal Sosiologi Nusantara (JSN) is a scientific journal published by Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Bengkulu. Jurnal Sosiologi Nusantara is registered with ISSN Print ( 2460-9099 ) and ISSN Online ( 2622-9617 ). This journal accept scientific... -
PENDIPA Journal of Science Education
PENDIPA : Jurnal Pendidikan Sains - Universitas Bengkulu or PENDIPA Journal of Science Education is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal covering all aspects of science and science education. PENDIPA journal welcomes the submission of scientific articles related to mathematics, physics,... -
Bengkoelen Justice : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum
Bengkoelen Justice : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum is a peer-reviewed professional journal with the editorial board of scholars mainly in applied law. It is published by the Postgraduate Program of Law, Universitas Bengkulu , Indonesia with the ISSN (Online) : 2686-2867 and ISSN (print): 2088-3412... -
TERRA : Journal of Land Restoration
TERRA is a scientific journal that publishes research results related to resource issues and agricultural productivity widely, soil science, plant science, forest science and social economic study for land restoration, The editor receives a manuscript in English complete with abstracts and... -
Pseudocode is a scientific journal in the information science family that contains the results of informatics research, scientific literature on informatics, and reviews of the development of theories, methods, and applications of informatics engineering science. Pseudocode is published by... -
Managament Insight: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen
Managament Insight: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen is an online journal that is published two times a year. It publishes research papers that give rigorous theoretical and practical insight of business and managament. Managament Insight aims to provide a forum for the dissemination of theory... -
Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran Matematika Sekolah (JP2MS)
Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran Matematika Sekolah (JP2MS) contains the results of scientific research related to efforts to improve the quality of mathematics learning at the elementary and secondary school levels, as well as analysis of difficulties and abilities in learning school mathematics.... -
Journal Of Lifelong Learning
Journal of Lifelong Learning (JOLL) is a journal published by the Nonformal Education Department of FKIP University of Bengkulu. Journal of Lifelong Learning is published twice a year (June & November) .This journal collaborated with the Association Academics of Non-formal & Informal... -
Dharma Raflesia : Jurnal Ilmiah Pengembangan dan Penerapan IPTEKS
Dharma Raflesia : Jurnal Ilmiah Pengembangan dan Penerapan IPTEKS by University of Bengkulu . This journal acts as a dissemination medium for the results of community service activities. Apart from being a medium for scientific communication, this journal also serves as a benchmark for... -
Journal Amplifier: Scientific Journal of Technic Electric and Computer is a scientific communication media which is issued by Study Programme of Electrical Technic, Faculty of Technic, the University of Bengkulu. p-ISSN 2089-2020 and e-ISSN 2622-2000 in a year published twice ( Mei and... -
Naturalis: Jurnal Penelitian Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan
Naturalis: Jurnal Penelitian Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan Naturalis: Jurnal Penelitian Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan E-ISSN 2654 - 7732 and P-ISSN 2302 - 6715 is the official scientific journal published by Badan Penerbitan Fakultas Pertanian (BPFP) ,... -
Wacana: Jurnal Penelitian Bahasa, Sastra dan Pengajaran
It is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal on Indonesian language and literary studies worldwide. The journal is managed by the Department of Languages and Arts, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia. Editors welcome scholars, researchers and practitioners of... -
University Of Bengkulu Law Journal
University of Bengkulu Law Journal (UBELAJ) aims to provide a venue for academicians, researchers and practitioners for publishing the original research articles or review articles. The scope of the articles published in this journal deal with a broad range of topics in the fields of Criminal... -
DIKSAINS : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Sains
DIKSAINS is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal covering all aspect of science and science education (physics, physics education, chemistry, chemistry education, biology, biology education, computer science, environment science, nutrition and health science). We encourage scientist, lecturer,... -
Inersia: Jurnal Teknik Sipil
Inersia is a scientific journal for civil engineering researches published by Faculty of Engineering, University of Bengkulu. Each volume contains two editions. The first edtion is published in April and the second one in October. This journal accomodates the research result in the area of... -
Jurnal Pembelajaran dan Pengajaran Pendidikan Dasar
Jurnal Pembelajaran dan Pengajaran Pendidikan Dasar (JP3D) adalah jurnal yang berkenaan dengan permasalahan di bidang pendidikan dasar, baik yang berkaitan dengan Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD) maupun pendidikan di sekolah dasar. Diterbitkan dua kali setahun oleh UNIB Press, Universitas... -
International Journal of Innovation and Education Research
International Journal of Innovation and Education Research is an open-access research journal with E-ISSN (2774-8251) and P-ISSN (2774-9088) which is published twice a year in June and November. This journal aims to publish research articles that explore the application of any field in... -
SPORT GYMNASTICS : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani
SPORT GYMNASTICS : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Jasmani , It is a place for the dissemination and publication of research results from undergraduate theses or final assignments for Undergraduate Study Program Physical Education which is the duty of every student to upload scientific work as a... -
Amplitudo : Jurnal Ilmu dan Pembelajaran Fisika
Amplitudo: Jurnal Ilmu dan Pembelajaran Fisika is the name of the new journal for the physics learning journal (Jurnal Pembelajaran Fisika-JPF), which was published once in 2017. Due to some reasons, JPF will not be published again until 2020. Name change for the e-ISSN submission process and... -
TRIBUTE: JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY SERVICE is a journal for publication of community service activities focusing on student community service (KKN) with the following topics such as training, marketing, appropriate technology, design, education for sustainable development, disaster management,... -
Diadik: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Pendidikan
Diadik : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Pendidikan adalah jurnal ilmiah yang dikelola oleh Program Studi Magister Teknologi Pendidikan, FKIP Universitas Bengkulu. Jurnal ini memuat hasil penelitian maupun kajian yang berkaitan dengan perkembangan teknologi pendidikan. p-ISSN 2089-483x e-ISSN... -
Jurnal Kedokteran Raflesia
JKR (Jurnal Kedokteran Raflesia) is a peer-reviewed professional journal with the editorial board of scholars mainly in medicine, biomedic and health sciences. It is published by UNIB Press, Universitas Bengkulu , Indonesia with the ISSN (online): 2622-8343; and ISSN (print): 2477-3778.... -
Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan Dasar
Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan Dasar (KAPEDAS) menerima artikel/tulisan yang belum pernah diterbitkan dalam media lain. Fokus kajian berkenaan dengan paradigma umum di bidang pendidikan dasar, menegah, atas, dan tinggi. Berorientasi pada permasalahan dinamika sistem dan pengembangan pembelajaran,... -
Diophantine Journal of Mathematics and Its Applications
The DJMA is published twice a year in June and December. This journal is managed by the Mathematics Department of Bengkulu University. The scope of this journal includes the fields of: 1. Mathematics 2. Applied Mathematics 3. Statistics 4. Applied Statistics 5. Computer Science. -
Kreativasi : Journal of Community Empowerment
Kreativasi : Journal of Community Empowerment merupakan jurnal yang fokus pada publikasi penelitian bidang pengabdian dan pemberdayaan pada masyarakat . Ruang lingkup bidang kajian terdiri dari pengabdian masyarakat bidang ekonomi (pengembangan ekonomi desa dan pesisir, kewirausahaan,... -
Jurnal Ilmiah Kutei
Jurnal Ilmiah Kutei (P-ISSN: 1412-9639/ E-ISSN: 2962-9683) diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Hukum Universitas Bengkulu sejak Tahun 2001. Kata Kutei berasal dari bahasa Rejang yang artinya lembaga adat. Nama ini dipilih untuk menandakan keunikan dari jurnal Kutei. Jurnal Ilmiah Kutei merupakan... -
Indonesian Journal of Community Empowerment and Service (ICOMES)
Indonesian Journal of Community Empowerment and Service (ICOMES) is a journal managed by the Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Bengkulu. Published biannually by UNIB Press, Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia, with the ISSN (online): 2809-9869; and... -
About the Journal ISSN: 2798-8635 (Online) Frequency: 2 issues per year (May and November) DOI : https://doi.org/10.33369 Editor in Chief: Arif Rahman Azis Accreditation: Url : https://ejournal.unib.ac.id/labsaintek E-mail : jurnal.pelastek@unib.ac.id Publisher : Bengkulu of... -
Andromeda: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Rafflesia
Andromeda adalah jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat yang digunakan sebagai sarana publikasi kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat dalam cakupan ranah ilmu pengetahuan, rekayasa, sains terapan, teknologi, sosial budaya (ipteksosbud)serta ranah ilmu lain yang didasarkan dari hasil-hasil pengabdian... -
Journal Title : ABDI PAUD ISSN Online : 2775-7366 ISSN Cetak : 2775-569X Frequency : Juny and Desember -
Jurnal Fairness (JF) merupakan jurnal yang memiliki ISSN: 2303-0372 (Online) 2303-0348 (Print) merupakan peer-reviewed journal yang mempublikasikan artikel-artikel ilmiah dalam bidang Akuntansi. Artikel-artikel yang dipublikasikan di JF meliputi hasil penelitian ilmiah asli (prioritas... -
Manajer Pendidikan: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Pendidikan Program Pascasarjana
Manajer Pendidikan is managed and published by Magister of Educational Administration, Universitas Bengkulu. Manajer Pendidikan is published 3 times per year (January, August and December) with E-ISSN 2623-0208 and P-ISSN: 1979-732X. Manajer Pendidikan is open access, peer-reviewed, and... -
PENA PAUD: A multidisciplinary early childhood education research journal published in December 2020 by the Early Childhood Teacher Education Program of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Bengkulu. JOURNAL PENA PAUD is published twice a year (June and December). The... -
Bencoolen Journal of Pharmacy accepts original research papers in the field of Pharmacy and Health. The field of Pharmacy includes Science Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacy and Community. In the field of pharmaceutical science, the research articles received include Pharmaceutical Biology and... -
Jurnal Pengabdian Raflesia Administrasi Publik (JUPARAP) adalah jurnal yang mencakup kajian pengembangan dan penerapan IPTEKS, maka jurnal ini ditujukan untuk mempublikasikan hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat, yang mencakup konsep, model dan implementasinya sebagai upaya peningkatan... -
Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen dan Kebijakan Publik (DMKP)
Journal of Dynamics Management and Public Policy is research-driven, and peer-reviewed publication aimed at exploring the latest developments in public administration, public policy, and management – translating theory for practice and practice into theory. Journal of Dynamics... -
Journal of Statistics and Data Science
Established in 2021, Journal of Statistics and Data Science (JSDS) publishes scientific papers in the fields of statistics, data science, and its applications. Published papers should be research-based papers on the following topics: experimental design and analysis, survey methods and... -
TRIADIK is an open-access and peer-reviewed research journal that is managed by Teacher Professional Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Bengkulu. It is providing a platform for the researchers, academicians, professionals, practitioners, and... -
Jurnal Dharma Pendidikan dan Keolahragaan
Jurnal Dharma Pendidikan dan Keolahragaan merupakan sarana bagi para guru, dosen, pelatih, praktisi olahraga, dan semua orang yang terlibat dalam pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga untuk mempublikasikan hasil pengabdian. Jurnal ini memiliki fokus utama pada pengembangan ilmu-ilmu di bidang... -
Journal of English for Specific Purposes in Indonesia
The Journal of ESP in Indonesia (JESPI) with ISSN: 2964-285X is a peer-reviewed academic journal published by the Postgraduate Program of English Education of FKIP, University of Bengkulu. Its primary objective is to disseminate scholarly information on research and development in English... -
Journal of Mathematics, Science, Technology and Education
Title : Journal of Mathematics, Science, Technology and Education (JMSTE) Description : JMSTE is an open access... -
Jurnal Abdi Pendidikan
JURNAL ABDI PENDIDIKAN merupakan jurnal yang menerbitkan artikel hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat, utamanya dalam pengabdian dalam bidang pendidikan, seperti pembelajaran, sains, matematika, PAUD, keolahragaan, matematika, bahasa, pendidikan non formal. p-ISSN 2723-391X e-ISSN... -
Journal of Global Forest and Environmental Science
Journal of Global Forest and Environmental Science (Jurnal Rimba Raya dan Ilmu Lingkungan) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal issued by Badan Penerbitan Fakultas Pertanian (BPFP) , Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Bengkulu (Publishing House of Faculty of Agriculture, University of... -
A journal TEKNOSIA, Provides a forum for publishing the original research articles, review articles from contributors, and the novel technology news related to pure and interdisciplinary of sciences and engineering. Scientific articles dealing with sciences, technology and engineering fields of... -
Asian Journal for Poverty Studies (AJPS) is a peer-reviewed international journal publishing research articles on poverty studies including, but not limited to, urban and rural poverties, gender studies on poverties, public policies on poverties, community empowerment, and technology for poverty... -
Consilia : Jurnal Ilmiah Bimbingan dan Konseling
CONSILIA is a journal published by the Guidance and Counseling Program of FKIP University of Bengkulu.This scientific journal received writings that had never been published elsewhere.Consilia is published three times a year in January, May, and September. Consilia is available in printed-out... -
Jurnal Governance dan Administrasi Publik
Journal Governance and Administrasi Publik is research-driven, and peer-reviewed publication aimed at exploring the latest developments in public administration, public policy, and management – translating theory for practice and practice into theory. Journal Governance and... -
Rekayasa Mekanika
Rekayasa Mekanika is scientific journal on mechanical sciences and engineering field, either pure or inter disciplinary works. The journal annually publishes articles series in two volumes every April and October. Authors are cordially invited to submit his/her research, review or monograph... -
International Journal of Policy and Public Administration
IJPPA is an international, research-driven, and peer-reviewed publication aimed at exploring the latest developments in public administration, public policy, and management – translating theory for practice and practice into theory. IJPPA is a truly global journal in scope, covering... -
JURIDIKDAS (Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Dasar)
JURIDIKDAS (Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Dasar) by Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Bengkulu publishes research articles from research on basic education, which are related to the learning process in elementary school,... -
Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra
Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra diadakan oleh seluruh program studi yang ada pada Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, FKIP Universitas Bengkulu. Seminar Nasional kedua pada tahun 2020 diselenggarakan oleh Program Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia yaitu Seminar Daring Nasional... -
Abdi Reksa
Abdi Reksa is an open-access community service journal with an online ISSN or E-ISSN (2745-7583) and P-ISSN (2745-7575). It serves as a platform for publishing community service activities covering branches of science, engineering, applied science, technology, socio-cultural (ipteksosbud), and... -
Rekursif: Jurnal Informatika
Rekursif (Journal of Informatics) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Department of Informatics, Faculty of Engineering, University of Bengkulu. Rekursif accepts scientific articles on the topics of Informatics, Information Systems, and Information Technology from researchers,... -
Jurnal Kaganga: Jurnal Ilmiah Sosial dan Humaniora
Jurnal Kaganga adalah Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora yang dikelola oleh Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Bengkulu. Proses telaah dalam jurnal ini menggunakan double-blind peer-reviewed dengan dewan editor yang terdiri dari para ahli di bidang ilmu sosial, komunikasi dan humaniora.... -
Rafflesia Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences (RJNAS) with e-ISSN: 2808-3806 is an open access and peer reviewed journal published by Department of Chemistry, Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia. This journal is published two times per year (April and October). RJNAS publishes research... -
Bencoolen Journal of Science Education and Technology
Bencoolen Journal of Science Education and Technology (BJSET) with ISSN: 2722-6239 is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal covering all aspects of science, science education, and technology. BJSET journal welcomes the submission of scientific articles related to sciences and technology. We... -
Journal of Educational Management and Leadership
Journal of Educational Management and Leadership (JEML) with ISSN: 2722-6220 is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal covering all aspect of educational management, administration and leadership, management planning, policy decisions, financial aspect, human resources development,... -
Journal of Community Empowerment
Journal of Community Empowerment (JCOM) is a community service journal managed by the Bachelor of Non-Formal Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Bengkulu, which contains scientific articles from various disciplines, adopted in various community... -
Jurnal Perpustakaan dan Informasi
Jurnal Perpustakaan dan Informasi (JAPRI) Perpustakaan Universitas Bengkulu merupakan jurnal yang mempublikasikan karya ilmiah bidang lingkup kajian Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Sains Informasi. Tujuannya adalah untuk memberikan ruang publikasi hasil kajian, penelitian bagi pustakawan, mahasiswa dan... -
Jurnal Abdimas Bencoolen
Jurnal Abdimas Bencoolen (JAB) a scientific multidisciplinary journal published by Mathematics Education Program, University of Bengkulu. The purpose of this journal publication is to disseminate conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the field of service to... -
JOURNAL EDUCATION FOR ALL is a journal published by Bengkulu University. Research articles submitted to this online journal will be reviewed by 2 (two) reviewers who do not know the identity of the author (double blind reviewer). Accepted research articles will be available online after the... -
Conjuncture: The Journal of Economics
Conjuncture : The Journal of Economics merupakan jurnal yang berfokus pada publikasi artikel ilmiah bidang penelitian ekonomi perencanaan pembangunan. Ruang lingkup bidang kajian terdiri dari Ekonomi Pembangunan, Ekonomi Perencanaan Pembangunan, Ekonomi Keuangan Daerah, Ekonomi Kebijakan... -
Journal Abdimas Bhakti Mulia
Jurnal Abdimas Bhakti Mulia merupakan Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat yang pertama kali publikasi tahun 2023 dengan ISSN (Elektronik) No. ....... dari Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional. Jurnal Abdimas Bhakti Mulia merupakan jurnal hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat di bidang Ekonomi,... -
JEPERTA - Jurnal Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis
JEPERTA adalah jurnal ilmiah yang berkaitan dengan topik sosial ekonomi pertanian dan agribinis. Jurnal ini merupakan media penyebaran informasi dari hasil pemikiran dan penelitian dosen, peneliti dan praktisi yang tertarik pada pengembangan sosial ekonomi pertanian dan agribisnis. Jurnal ini... -
Dharmakayana: Journal of scientists, engineers, educators and scientific activists who care about society. In accordance with the name Dharmakayana, consisting of two words (Dharma, in its original meaning, namely universal natural law and its derivatives that apply to/are applied to anything...